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PolyU Design Show 2024 unveils 60-Year legacy shaping Hong Kong’s creative landscape and students’ innovative works

17 Jun 2024

PolyU Design Knowledge Transfer School of Design

PolyU Design Show 2024 opens, showcasing the creative works of young PolyU designers from now until 16 August 2024. Officiating guests at the kick-off ceremony included Dr Miranda LOU (middle), PolyU Executive Vice President; Prof. Kun-Pyo Lee (2nd from left), Dean of PolyU Design; Prof. Michael SIU (2nd from right), Associate Dean (Research) of PolyU Design; Prof. Eric YIM (1st from left), Chairman of Hong Kong Design Centre; and Ms Rennie KAN (1st from right), Senior Marketing Manager and Design Show Director of PolyU Design.「理大設計展2024」開幕,由今日起至8月16日展出理大年輕設計師的創意作品。開幕禮主禮嘉賓包括理大行政及拓展副校長盧麗華博士(中)、設計學院院長李健杓教授(左二)、副院長(研究)邵偉健教授(右二)、香港設計中心主席嚴志明教授(左一),以及理大設計學院高級市務經理兼設計展總監簡頴兒女士(右一)。

The Show this year exhibits more than 200 projects by PolyU Design students from across all levels, from capstone to interdisciplinary research, focusing on the improvement of personal lives, businesses and societies, and addressing real-world challenges through innovative solutions. 今屆展覽展出200多個不同年級學生的畢業作品、跨學科合作及前沿研究項目,圍繞改善生活、商業以及社會議題等主題,構思創意方案,以應對現實世界面對的種種挑戰。

The immersive “phygital” exhibition by Environment and Interior Design students redefines Hong Kong’s iconic landscape. 由環境及室內設計學生打造的沉浸式「實體與數碼化」展覽,以嶄新視角詮釋香港標誌性的城市景觀。

A retrospective display tracing the evolution of PolyU’s design programmes alongside a walk down the memory lane of the exhibition’s history and student works from the earlier days witnesses the growth and transformation of design education in Hong Kong. 展覽特設展區,回顧理大設計60年來的課程發展沿革,重溫歷屆展覽部分精彩作品,帶領觀眾走進歷史,一同見證香港設計教育的成長和蛻變。



(17 June 2024) The Hong Kong Polytechnic University’s School of Design (PolyU Design) is once more hosting the iconic PolyU Design Show, a highlight of its 60th anniversary celebrations, to showcase innovative works from PolyU’s young designers, from today to 16 August 2024. From immersive “phygital” experiences that reimagine Hong Kong’s cityscapes to a nostalgic journey through six decades of the Show itself, it offers visitors an unforgettable feast of visuals and ingenuity.

Prof. Kun-Pyo LEE, Dean of PolyU Design remarked,  “For 60 years, PolyU Design has been a driving force in Hong Kong’s transformation into a global design hub. This year, PolyU’s Art and Design has ranked 19th in the QS World University Rankings by Subject, a testament to the University’s international standing and its solid foundation in design education. As one of the richest in recent years, this year’s Show not only pays tribute to this annual legacy but also provides a glimpse into the development of the design industry as well as the future of design our students and alumni are forging.”

The focus of the Show’s visual theme is a diamond, symbolising how design students hone their skills, refine their thinking and polish their creations through their learning journey, in order to produce designs that contribute to the individual, society and the economy. More than 200 projects by PolyU Design students from across all levels, from capstone to interdisciplinary research are being exhibited. The works span the development of personal lives, businesses and societies and address real-world challenges through innovative solutions. Students are from PolyU Design’s undergraduate programmes in Advertising Design, Communication Design, Digital Media, Environment and Interior Design, Interactive Media, Product Design and Social Design, as well as postgraduate programmes in Innovative Business Design, Intelligent Systems Design, Multimedia and Entertainment Technology, Smart Service Design and Transitional Environments Design. 

Among the featured works are a mobile application helping children build up positive financial habits; a re-design of Hong Kong’s public transport system into a seamless and cohesive travel experience; a social design project assisting subdivided unit residents in redesigning their current living spaces; and an innovative dim sum restaurant embracing the unmanned store concept, and more. Meanwhile, the immersive “phygital” exhibition by Environment and Interior Design students redefines Hong Kong’s iconic landscape with the use of physical and virtual models, virtual reality technology and provision of interactive experiences.

In addition, a retrospective display tracing the evolution of PolyU design programmes alongside a walk down the memory lane of the exhibition’s history and student works from the earlier days witness the growth and transformation of design education in Hong Kong.

The exhibition is open to public. Advanced booking is required for visitors who need to apply for campus access. 

Exhibition Period:

17 June to 16 August 2024

Opening Hours:

Mon – Fri 11:00 – 20:00 (Closed on Public Holidays)


Jockey Club Innovation Tower, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon


Free of Charge

Book a visit and guided tour: click here

Projects and show's details:



Media contact
Ms Anita Law
Assistant Marketing Manager, PolyU Design
Tel: +852 2766 4925

Ms Jess Fung
Manager, Public Affairs
Tel: +852 2766 5197



塑造創意格局60   學生才華鋒芒初現











周一至五 11:00 – 20:00 (公眾假期休息)








電話﹕+852 2766 4925

電話﹕+852 2766 5197


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