Henry Duh
Associate Dean (Global & Industry Engagement), Professor
Programme Leader of MSc Innovative Multimedia Entertainment (MScIME), Director of PolyU-NVIDIA Joint Research Centre, Director of Research Centre for Art and Culture Technology
- V502i
- +852 2766 5449
- henry.duh@polyu.edu.hk
- Expertise: Augmented and Virtual Reality, Interaction Design, Human-Computer Interaction
Prof. Henry Duh is Associate Dean (Global & Industry Engagement) and Full Professor in School of Design at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. His training is multidisciplinary and multicultural. He received his degrees in Psychology, Industrial Design and Engineering respectively and did his postdoctoral training at NASA-Johnson Space Centre involved in the virtual reality training project.
He was Co-Director of Keio-NUS CUTE Centre (a joint research centre between National University of Singapore (NUS) and Keio University, Japan), Director of Human Interface Technology Lab Australia (a joint research centre between University of Tasmania and University of Washington), Head of Discipline Computing Information System at University of Tasmania, Head of Department Computer Science & IT at La Trobe University and a faculty member in Nanyang Technological University, National University of Singapore, visiting professor in the Academy of Arts & Design at Tsinghua University, adjunct professor in the Graduate Institute of Journalism at National Taiwan University.
Prof. Duh’s research is uncovering human behaviours in forefront medias, particularly for the issues of designing human-centric augmented and virtual reality system. He was Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Visual Languages and Computing (Elsevier) and published more than 150 conference and journal papers with 6,100 citations (based on Google Scholar) in interaction design, augmented reality, and human-computer interaction areas. He has attracted millions of dollars funding as principal investigator from government agencies and industries such as National Research Foundation Singapore, Ministry of Education Singapore, Australian Research Council, and State government of Tasmania.
He also actively engages with local communities and strongly commits industry engagement. He was a Board Director of Tourism Northern Tasmania, an Ambassador of Business Event Tasmania, a member of Australian Council of Deans of Information and Communication Technology, Australia Computer Society (Tasmania Branch), CSIRO/ Data61 University Planning Committee, and Academic Advisor of Microsoft Learn for Educators Institution Program. He collaborated with leading ICT companies such as CISCO, Oracle and Microsoft to co-design the curriculums and offer job ready skills to students.
Professor Duh is a FAA certified Advanced Ground Instructor and Private Pilot.