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Summer Internship


Summer internship enriches students’ learning experience through local or overseas practical training, which lay the ground for applying their practical experience to their final year projects or preparing for their future practice in the industry. Students will have more opportunities to pursue academic excellence and receive international exposure.

  • Duration: minimum 7 weeks on a full-time basis during the summer term (June - August)
  • Location: Hong Kong, China, Asia, Europe or America (subject to the PolyU policy on COVID-19)
  • Double fulfillment - The summer internship experience can be counted towards WIE and also a credit-bearing subject under the BA programme: Professional Attachment (ITC3221G/SFT338E)
  • Companies are expected to provide a mini-project, which enables the student intern to connect classroom theory with workplace applications during the programme
  • Student interns are closely monitored by subject lecturers through email, telephone, personal consultation, progress report and final report


PolyU offers pre-internship and pre-departure workshop/briefing to assist students in preparing for successful completion of the programme.

Phase 1 Training Workshops (Jan)

Date Time  Title Location Registration
8-9 Jan 2025 10:30-16:30 
(12:30-13:30 lunch) 
2-day Advanced CLO workshop ST603a  at General Office QT715
Students are required to pay a deposit of 100 HKD (no change) to register for the 2-day workshop, this deposit will be fully refunded upon successful completion of the workshop. Successful completion is defined as attending all sessions of the workshop. 
10 Jan 2025  15:00 - 17:00 CV Writing and Interview Skills Workshop BC301


Phase 2 training workshops will be released in due course. Stay tuned!


Participating students should attend a minimum of 4 workshops (or 10 hours equivalent) and a mandatory pre-departure workshop in May 2025. Workshops organised by Student Affairs Office are also counted. Details can be found here.

Please fill in the Training Record Form before attending the workshop, and invite the facilitator to confirm your training hours with his/her signature. The signed form should be submitted to SFT General Office on or before 4 June 2025. After verifying your inputs, your training hours will be recorded in SFT system.


  1. BA Year 3 students of ITC3221G/SFT338E are required to take a minimum of 10 hours.
  2. Other BA students who plan to take ITC3221G/SFT338E are encouraged to join the workshop. Your attended hours will be recorded and accumulated for the fulfillment of ITC3221G/SFT338E.

Overseas Work-integrated Education Sponsorship (OWS), covering both passage and subsistence allowance, for non-local student interns.
For details, please read the guidelines inquire Careers and Placement Section (CPS).

About application


  1. Can I join SFT Summer Internship Programme if I am currently not a Year-3 student?


    No. This programme is ONLY for Year-3 students who are studying BA (Hons) Scheme in Fashion and Textiles / BA (Hons) Scheme in Fashion.


    If You are a Year-1/ Year-2 student and wish to join this programme later, you are recommended to take the pre-departure trainings offered by SFT or SAO first. Your attended hours will be recorded and accumulated for the fulfilment of ITC3221G/SFT338E Professional Attachment.


  2. Can I join this summer internship programme but not to take ITC3221G/SFT338E Professional Attachment?


    No. You must take this subject if you apply for the intern jobs in this programme.


  3. If I am compulsory to take ITC3221G/SFT338E Professional Attachment but I receive no job offer in this programme, can I find an intern job myself?


    Yes. ‘Professional Attachment’ is a core subject for Year-3 students studying Intimate Apparel and Activewear / Contour Fashion and Activewear. If the job is related to Fashion and Textiles and the internship period lasts at least 7 weeks in June-August. Special approval from the School is needed before mid-April.


  4. If I will take a CAR/GUR subject in summer semester, can I still join SFT summer internship programme and register ITC3221G/SFT338E Professional Attachment?


    No. You can only go for either one. Students joining the summer internship programme are required to register ITC3221G/SFT338E Professional Attachment and work in full-time basis, i.e., 8 hours per day and 5 days per week, for a minimum of 7 weeks. Taking another CAR/GUR subject may clash with the internship.


  5. Can I join the summer internship programme if I am not a local student?


    Yes, excluding the exchange students. You must apply with your valid ‘No objection letter’ issued by the Hong Kong Immigration Department if you study in Hong Kong with your student visa; or valid ‘dependent visa’ if you stay in HK through investment immigration.


    Students who are permanent Hong Kong residents are eligible to take an intern job here.


  6. Can I withdraw the internship programme or deregister ITC3221G/SFT338E Professional Attachment after I receive an intern offer?

    No. You are not allowed to withdraw or drop the subject once your intern offer is confirmed unless you have a special reason which needs to be reviewed and approved by the School.


About pre-departure trainings


  1. What if I can’t fulfil the requirement of pre-departure training before my internship starts?


    You are encouraged to join the training workshops offered by SFT and SAO as early as possible. Keep checking School email and SFT website, don’t miss the registration period of pre-departure trainings!


About salary payment and leave


  1. Why do I receive less payment than that stated in the JD?


    The difference in payment may be due to deduction of MPF and/or payroll method. Your letter of appointment will be issued by PolyU if your internship company joins the SFT Partnership Scheme. In this case, payment will come from PolyU Financial Office at the end of each month and will be calculated from the starting day to the end day of internship. 


  2. Can I apply leave(s) during the internship period?


    You should inform your internship company and your subject supervisor as soon as possible. If your internship company joins the SFT Partnership Scheme and your letter of appointment is issued by PolyU, you must apply leave(s) via PolyU HRO and inform your supervisors. You will receive no payment on the day you take leave.



  3. Can I apply leave(s) during the internship period?


    You should inform your internship company and your subject supervisor as soon as possible. If your internship company joins the SFT Partnership Scheme and your letter of appointment is issued by PolyU, you must apply leave(s) via PolyU HRO and inform your supervisors. You will receive no payment on the day you take leave.


Announcement of internship opportunities to students 3 Feb 2025
Application deadline 16 Feb 2025, 23:59 HKT
Online / Face-to-face interviews Mar 2025
Job matching by SFT 1-17 Apr 2025 
Confirmation of offer By 24 Apr 2025
Subject registration via SFT General Office
Early May 2025
Pre-departure Briefing (compulsory) and workshops

2-10 Jan 2025; 14-30 May 2025

Submission of training record form By 4 Jun 2025
Earliest date of report duty 2 Jun 2025 (subject to employer’s decision)


SFT Internship Team

