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Inbound Exchange


SFT is the sole provider and pioneer of tertiary education in fashion and textiles in Hong Kong. SFT is a world-class School with comprehensive education in fashion technology, fashion and textile design, knitwear design, intimate apparel, fashion and textile marketing, and fashion retailing. SFT is the hub for cutting edge research in fashion and textiles in Hong Kong and maintains strong partnership with the business and industrial sectors.

Every semester, SFT welcomes large batch of international students from our exchange partners all over the world. Having exchange study at SFT, you will meet many new friends from various cultures and backgrounds.


Students wishing to apply to PolyU Student Exchange programme should consult your exchange co-ordinator at your home University in the first instance. You must be officially nominated by your University to join the programme. SFT currently exchanges students with this list of partner universities/institutions on a yearly basis under cooperative exchange agreements. For enquiries, please contact Global Engagement Office.


