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Community of Practice for Service-Learning in Hong Kong Higher Education (CoP-SLHE)
Community of Practice for Service-Learning in Hong Kong Higher Education (CoP-SLHE) · Encourage and support SL practitioners in HK higher education to further ...
Community of Practice on Service-Learning for Secondary Schools (CoP-SLSS). Aims: promote continuous professional development; exchange of knowledge and ...
CoP-SL Seminar: Understanding Your Service-Learning Subject Report
To help service-learning teachers to understand the report, SLLO will be running a seminar on August 31 during the lunch hour. The poster gives more det...
CoP-SL Research Seminar: Impact of Mandatory Service-Learning on Students' Post-Graduation Civic Engagement. CoP. Staff. 20210924.
CoP-SL Seminar: Understanding Your Service-Learning Subject Report
To help service-learning teachers to understand the report, SLLO will be running a seminar on August 31 during the lunch hour. The poster gives more det...
CoP-SL Seminar: Developing Proposals for Service-Learning Subjects
The University has announced another call for proposals for credit-bearing service-learning subjects (deadline: 28 February 2022). This seminar will e...
CoP-SL Research Seminar: Impact of Mandatory Service-Learning on Students' Post-Graduation Civic Engagement. CoP. Staff. 20210924.
Scholarship for professional development - SLLO - CBSS
To encourage CoP-SLSS members' continuous professional development in service-learning and/or citizenship education. Eligibility. Teachers or staff members from ...
(CoP-SLSS). Scholarship for Professional Development 2022/23. A. General ... CoP-SLSS member? 2. Description of the Project a) Title: b) Expected ...
Project overview - SLLO - CBSS
The Community of Practice on Service-Learning for Secondary Schools (CoP-SLSS) has the objective of supporting continuous professional development, knowledge ...