The 4th International Conference on Service-Learning (ICSL2022)

- Hybrid mode 

Physical conference: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong

We are pleased to invite you to the 4th International Conference on Service-Learning (ICSL2022)! Engage yourself with academics, scholars, and students who are interested in a scholarly and evidence-based approach to Service-Learning from 16th to 20th November 2022 . ICSL2022 will be held in a HYBRID format, blending physical and virtual sessions. The physical conference will be hosted at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, while the entire event will also be streamed online. Presenters and participants will be able to decide whether to attend physically or virtually. To celebrate The 85th anniversary of the establishment of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), the registration fee of the Conference is free!


Keynote SpeakerSocial Responsibility, Artificial Intelligence, Technology and Entrepreneurship: What Lies Ahead for Higher Education?