Term | Subject Code | Title | Subject Leader | Information |
2021/22 Semester1 | APSS2S07 | You Can Make a Difference to Our Planet #HybridTeaching #HybridService #ServiceClient_Cantonese #Location_HK |
Kaxton Siu | |
2021/22 Semester1 | APSS2S09 | Service Leadership through Serving Children and Families with Special Needs #HybridTeaching #HybridService #ServiceClient_Cantonese #Location_HK |
Xiang Li | |
2021/22 Semester1 | APSS3S01 | Community Psychology #HybridTeaching #F2FService #ServiceClient_Cantonese #ServiceClient_Putonghua #Location_HK |
Ada Fung | |
2021/22 Semester1 | APSS3S02 | Engaging with Diversity #HybridTeaching #HybridService #ServiceClient_Cantonese #ServiceClient_English #Location_HK |
Qiaobing Wu | |
2021/22 Semester1 | BME2S04 | Reducing the Scientific Divide in Primary and Secondary Students through STEM Projects #HybridTeaching #OnlineService #F2FService #ServiceClient_Cantonese #ServiceClient_English #Location_HK #Location_Overseas |
Hin-chung Lau | |
2021/22 Semester1 | BME31142 | Biomedical Engineering Research and Design Studies II – engineer for the community | Hin-chung Lau | |
2021/22 Semester1 | BME3S02 | Assistive Technologies: Service learning towards the elderly and disabled #HybridTeaching #F2FService #ServiceClient_Cantonese #Location_HK |
Christina Ma | |
2021/22 Semester1 | CBS3S01 | Service Learning through Helping Primary Students with Specific Reading Difficulties | Dustin Lau | |
2021/22 Semester1 | COMP2S01 | Technology Beyond Borders: Service Learning across Cultural, Ethnic and Community Lines #HybridTeaching #OnlineService #F2FService #ServiceClient_Cantonese #ServiceClient_English #Location_HK #Location_Overseas |
Grace Ngai | |
2021/22 Semester1 | COMP3S02 | Socially Responsible Global Leadership in a Digital World #OnlineTeaching #OnlineService #ServiceClient_English #Location_HK #Location_Overseas |
Grace Ngai |