Term | Subject Code | Title | Subject Leader | Information |
2017/18 Semester2 | CBS2S02 | Service-Learning - Preserving Cultural Heritage for Ethnic Minorities in Contemporary China | Chu-ren Huang | |
2017/18 Semester2 | CBS2S03 | Language Arts for Community Projects: Teaching Chinese as a service learning experience | Karen Lau | |
2017/18 Semester2 | CBS2S05 | Teaching Chinese as a Second Language in Local Schools | David Yuen | |
2017/18 Semester2 | CBS3S01 | Service Learning through Helping Primary Students with Specific Reading Difficulties | Dustin Lau | |
2017/18 Semester2 | COMP2S01 | Technology Beyond Borders: Service Learning across Cultural, Ethnic and Community Lines | Grace Ngai | |
2017/18 Semester2 | CSE3S01 | Built Environment Enhancement for Underprivileged Communities | Barbara Siu | |
2017/18 Semester2 | ELC2S02 | Serving the Community through Teaching English | Anna Ho | |
2017/18 Semester2 | GEC2S01 | Social Poverty in Developing Countries | Kam-Por Yu | |
2017/18 Semester2 | HTM2S01 | Ecotourism in Rural and Developing Regions | Alan Wong |
2017/18 Semester2 | HTM3801 | Community Tourism: Tour, Training, Operator, and Event from and for the Community | Barry Mak |