
Mental Health and Psychosocial Support
Produce innovative and world-leading research in mental health and psychosocial support for local, regional, and international communities.
- To identify most current mental health needs in both clinical and community settings
- To establish evidence-based interventions and supportive strategies for people experiencing mental health challenges
- To promote mental health of people in various developmental life stages across different care settings
- To engage communities to promote positive mental well-being and reduce stigma surrounding mental health problems
Interventions for people with mental health challenges
People with mental health challenges are one of the most marginalised, misunderstood, and disadvantaged groups in today's society. There is a current need for evidence-based, patient-centered, and usable interventions to be used in communities and treatment facilities for persons experiencing mental health challenges. Our research in this area produces scientific evidence and essential skills to develop, test, and establish physical and psychosocial interventions for clients and their families to improve self-management and illness outcomes. Our research focuses on, for example, the effectiveness of self-help interventions, eHealth, family-inclusive psychoeducational and supportive interventions, non-invasive therapeutic approaches for the treatment of psychiatric problems, and interventions for sleep disturbance. Throughout all of our work, the needs and experiences of users are highly respected and valued to ensure person-centered approaches.
Challenging relationships, social adversity, and mental health
Poor relational qualities and social adversities have a direct and lasting impact on mental health. These problems are pervasive and may occur in any setting, such as homes, schools, workplaces, and communities. Our research in this area aims to understand the causes, risk factors, and mental health sequelae associated with challenging relationships and social adversities. Early prevention and mental health promotion for individuals and groups in vulnerable and sensitive environments are also key components of our work. Some of our current research focuses on violence or aggressive behaviors in care settings, mental health promotion for underserved populations, effectiveness of psychosocial interventions to enhance youth resilience, and reducing stigma towards mental disorders. We actively work to motivate different professionals and engage patients and their families in our research and educational activities.
By implementing high quality research, interventions, and health promotion programmes, we aim to:
- Enhance individual, familial, and social understanding of mental health;
- Inform mental healthcare services and policies;
- Promote the social inclusion of people with mental health challenges; and
- Provide consultancy for mental health promotion, interventions, and service provision.
Externally Funded Projects
The Impact of ‘Digital Strolling’ on Depression and Quality of Life of People with Severe Mobility Impairment
Investigators Name:
Funding Scheme/ Source of Funding: RGC Healthy Longevity Catalyst Awards (Hong Kong)
Efficacy of mountain craft training at improving resilience and psychological well-being and reducing fatigue in childhood cancer survivors: A pilot randomised controlled trialInvestigators Name:
Funding Scheme/ Source of Funding: Health and Medical Research Fund (HMRF) |
Validation of a Pulse Taking System Device: A Mixed-method ResearchInvestigators Name: |
家長操作的小兒推拿改善學齡兒童注意力缺陷多動障礙的睡眠質量及食欲:先導性隨機對照試驗Investigators Name: PI: Dr CHEN Shucheng Co-I: Prof. YEUNG Wing Fai, Mr WU To Ming Stanley, Prof. CHUNG Oi Kwan , Dr YU Juan Funding Scheme/ Source of Funding: Chinese Medicine Development Fund - Industry Support Programme (B2) Total Grant: HK$797,608 Commencement Date: 1-Jun-23 |
Efficacy of mountain craft training at enhancing the resilience and physical and psychological well-being of children from low-income families: A pilot randomised controlled trialInvestigators Name: Total Grant: HK$54,598 Commencement Date: 2-May-23 |
Resilient Students Training Hub (ReST Hub): Creating a strengths-based, trauma-informed mental health promotive ecosystem and enhancing student resilience in tertiary education settings
Investigators Name: Total Grant: HK$12,999,600 Commencement Date: 1-Mar-23 |
Self-administered Acupressure for Depression: A Randomized Controlled TrialInvestigators Name: Total Grant: HK$1,263,440 Commencement Date: 27-Nov-22 |
Needs assessment to guide the development of a paediatric survivorship programme in Hong Kong to promote physical and psychological well-being of children after cancer treatmentInvestigators Name: Total Grant: HK$115,000 Commencement Date: 13-Aug-22 |
A randomized, double-blinded, sham-controlled clinical trial to evaluate the effect of Electrical Vestibular Stimulation (VeNS) on Insomnia- The Modius Sleep Study
Investigators Name: Total Grant: HK$638,475 Commencement Date: 1-Jun-22 |
A randomized, double-blinded, sham-controlled clinical trial to evaluate the effect of Electrical Vestibular Stimulation (VeNS) on Anxiety- The Modius Stress Study
Investigators Name: Total Grant: HK$655,275 Commencement Date: 1-Jun-22 |
Coolminds, a Mind HK and KELY Support Group Initiative: A Service EvaluationInvestigators Name: Total Grant: HK$112,500 Commencement Date: 1-Jun-22 |
Evaluating the efficacy and safety of Transcranial Pulse Stimulation on young adolescents with Attention-Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder- a pilot randomized, double-blinded, sham-controlled trial
Investigators Name: Total Grant: HK$645,000 Commencement Date: 1-Jun-22 |
中醫情志養生治療抑鬱症- 課程建構及初步試驗 Emotional Health Preservation in Chinese Medicine for Depression: Course Development and Pilot Testing
穴位按壓對居於社區的脊髓損傷患者便秘的成效研究:一項隨機對照試驗Investigators Name: Total Grant: HK$810,590 Commencement Date: 1-Apr-22 |
Evaluating the efficacy of Transcranial Pulse Stimulation (TPS) on individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)- A double-blinded, randomized, sham-controlled trialInvestigators Name: Total Grant: HK$600,000 Commencement Date: 1-Mar-22 |
Feasibility study of a musical training program in improving the neurocognitive functioning of children surviving brain tumoursInvestigators Name: Total Grant: HK$100,000 Commencement Date: 3-Dec-21 |
* #StayOkayHK: A universal public health initiative to promote stay-at-home during COVID-19Investigators Name: Total Grant: HK$5,243,600 Commencement Date: 1-Nov-21 * Child project of ‘A community-based participatory research approach to reduce the COVID-19 risk in Hong Kong: developing and testing social and behavioural interventions’ (PI: Prof. LEUNG Yee Man Angela). |
* [AI-driven Vaccine Communicator智能疫苗助理]: The impact of a Web-based psychoeducation programme with a motivational AI-based digital assistant on Covid-19 vaccine hesitancy in Hong Kong’s population
Investigators Name: Total Grant: HK$4,804,683 Commencement Date: 1-Nov-21 * Child project of 'A community-based participatory research approach to reduce the COVID-19 risk in Hong Kong: developing and testing social and behavioural interventions' (PI: Prof. Yee Man Angela LEUNG). |
Effects of a Physical-Psychological Integrative (PPI) intervention on Physical inactivity, Depression and Chronic pain for Community-Dwelling Spinal Cord Injury Survivors: a Pilot Randomized Controlled trial
Investigators Name: |
Time to Change Hong Kong: Reducing Stigma Around Mental Health in Hong Kong – A Service Evaluation
Investigators Name: Funding Scheme/ Source of Funding: Mind Mental Health Hong Kong Limited Total Grant: HK$73,238 Commencement Date: 1-Jun-21 |
Intelligent Recognition of Movement Intention with Brain-Computer Interface for Lower-limb Rehabilitation
Investigators Name: Total Grant: HK$528,999 Commencement Date: 1-Jan-20 |
Zero-time Exercise - Integrating Exercise into Daily Life Activity at No Extra Time and Cost to Improve Sleep in Physically Inactive Adults with Insomnia Disorder: a Randomized Controlled Trial with Mixed-method Process EvaluationInvestigators Name: Total Grant: HK$827,372 Commencement Date: 1-Jan-20 |
Electromoxibustion and Knee Health Education for Knee Osteoarthritis in Older Adults
Investigators Name: Total Grant: HK$77,080 Commencement Date: 15-Sep-19 |
Self-Administered Acupressure for Knee Osteoarthritis in Middle- and Older-aged Adults: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Investigators Name: Total Grant: HK$1,194,640 Commencement Date: 1-Sep-19 |
Intelligent Dementia Risk Prediction System with Community Health Profile of Elderly
Investigators Name: Total Grant: HK$3,223,588 Commencement Date: 1-Jan-19 |
Self-administered Acupressure for Insomnia Disorder: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Investigators Name: Total Grant: HK$836,360 Commencement Date: 1-Aug-18 |
Psychometric Evaluation of the Chinese Version of the Resilience Scale for Children
Investigators Name: Total Grant: HK$100,000 Commencement Date: 1-Apr-18 |
Determining the Role of Acupuncture in the Modulation of Peripheral Oxidative Stress in Patients with Insomnia: A Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial
Investigators Name: Total Grant: HK$735,971 Commencement Date: 1-Jan-18 |
Virtual BCI-Based Rehabilitation Leveraging Haptics and Harnessing Insights from Healthy People Using Transfer LearningInvestigators Name: Total Grant: HK$386,084 Commencement Date: 1-Jan-17 |
Electroacupuncture for Tapering Off Long-Term Benzodiazepine Use: A Randomized Controlled TrialInvestigators Name: Total Grant: HK$732,485 Commencement Date: 1-Jul-15 |
Flight Simulator in Modern Nursing Education: An Intelligent Training System for Nasogastric Tube PlacementInvestigators Name: Total Grant: HK$725,000 Commencement Date: 1-Jan-13 |
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