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Media Coverage

Date Title Staff Media
9 Jun, 2022 理大加拿大滑鐵盧大學合作成立眼視覺研究中心 盼患者重拾視力 (in Chinese) Prof. To Chi-ho and Prof. Ben Thompson am730
6 Apr, 2022 非常人物 – 奪目人生 胡志城教授 (in Chinese) Prof. George Woo Health Action
23 Mar, 2022 遠視如何影響兒童學習 (in Chinese) Mr Horace Wong Healthy Seed
27 Jan, 2022 Online school 'a blur' for primary kids Dr Jeffrey Leung and Dr Choi Kai-yip The Standard
27 Jan, 2022 保護視力|網課用手機平板時間大增 理大︰散光學童比例增五成 (in Chinese) Dr Henry Chan, Dr Chea-su Kee and Dr Jeffrey Leung am730
27 Jan, 2022 停面授多看熒幕 散光童增 理大研究首見兒童期度數增 籲多接觸陽光 (in Chinese) Dr Jeffrey Leung Ming Pao
27 Jan, 2022 理大創新鏡片 減慢兒童近視加深 (in Chinese) Oriental Daily
27 Jan, 2022 理大研究:學童網上上課散光增倍 籲家長增加戶外活動時間 (in Chinese) Dr Henry Chan and Dr Chea-su Kee Epoch Times
27 Jan, 2022 疫下網課傷眼 學童散光飆升 (in Chinese) Dr Henry Chan and Dr Jeffrey Leung Ta Kung Pao
26 Jan, 2022 【眼睛健康】調查指網課期間學童散光度數增 理大專家4招教護眼 (in Chinese) Dr Henry Chan and Dr Jeffrey Leung TOPick (HK Economic Times)

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