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Media Coverage

Date Title Staff Media
17 Sep, 2020 青光眼與視網膜色素病變可致盲 枸杞多糖有助減慢惡化 (in Chinese) Dr Henry Chan HealthPlus
11 Jun, 2020 【視光師拆解】揀眼藥水記住Less is More!去紅筋、抗疲勞眼藥水有效嗎? (in Chinese) Mr Jimmy Tse ET Net
2 Jun, 2020 單焦多焦 有框「隱形」種類多 看清老花鏡 老眼不昏花 (in Chinese) Dr Chea-su Kee and Dr Rita Sum Ming Pao
25 Apr, 2020 【眼睛健康】近視跟用電子產品有冇關? 視光師解構7個關於近視的問題 (in Chinese) Dr Vincent Ng
27 Mar, 2020 網上教與學之護眼貼士 (in Chinese) Dr Andrew Lam PolyU CPA
17 Feb, 2020 眼鏡清潔三注意 視光師:眼鏡勿浸酒精 梘液清洗要稀釋 鏡片勿用毛巾「捽」 (in Chinese) Dr Jeffrey Leung Ming Pao
1 Jan, 2020 假近視 真老化 (in Chinese) Mr Jimmy Tse Big Zine
29 Dec, 2019 深近視致黃斑病變 趨年輕化 (in Chinese) Dr Allen Cheong HK Economic Times
27 Dec, 2019 5旬教授視障萌死念 復康助重生 (in Chinese) Prof. George Woo HK Economic Times
28 Nov, 2019 視光師:兒童不宜戴抗藍光眼鏡 (in Chinese) Ms Daisy Leung ESD life healthyD

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