School of Hotel and Tourism Management

Sept 2024 Entry

Mixed Mode

3-5 years




Teaching Postgraduate Studentship (TPS)

The School of Hotel and Tourism Management (SHTM) offers TPSs to selected full-time Doctor of Hotel and Tourism Management (DHTM) students. The awards are competitive and granted based on academic merit, financial need, previous research and work experience. TPS recipients are expected to participate in teaching, research, administration and other school activities.

Financial Support for Conference Attendance

The SHTM provides financial support on a competitive basis for DHTM students to attend international conferences to present their research findings. The maximum support offered for an accepted paper is HK$10,000 to cover registration, travel and accommodation expenses related to conference attendance.

Non-means-tested Loan Scheme (NLS)

The NLS offers interest-bearing loans to local full-time and part-time students to cover tuition fees. These loans are not means-tested, which means that the family income and assets of the loan applicants are not assessed. Both government-funded and self-financed students can apply before the deadline set by the government. For details, please visit


PolyU reserves the right to change or withdraw TPS/financial support for conference attendance at any time. In case of any dispute/disagreement, PolyU’s decision is final.

The information presented on this page is subject to change and does not form part of any contract between the University and any person.

Application Deadline
Local - Mixed Mode
Sept 2024 Entry: Closed
Non-local - Mixed Mode
Sept 2024 Entry: Closed
About Programme
How to Apply
Aims & Characteristics

Programme Aims

Hotel and tourism management has never been as competitive, dynamic or rewarding a profession as it is today. Industry leaders and educators must develop the skills needed to lead change and effectively identify and respond to a rapidly evolving work environment. The DHTM helps exceptional individuals to develop these skills through a programme that focuses on innovation, creativity and the enhancement of research abilities. The programme is delivered within the unique Asian hotel and tourism context.


Subject emphases are as follows:

  • Tourism and hotel management within a global context.

  • The role of hotel and tourism management within the broader social, economic and political environment.

  • The development of the ability to identify emerging trends.

  • The development of research skills.


This programme is suitable for:

  • Academics who are teaching tourism and hotel/hospitality management

  • Senior industry executives

  • Senior staff in national, state and local tourism organisations

  • Senior staff in non-governmental tourism organisations and industry trade organisations.



This is a self-financed credit-based programme offered in a mixed study mode, with the option to study full-time or part-time. The subjects are designed to accommodate the learning needs of mature and experienced industry leaders and educators who already hold a Master of Science degree in Hotel and Tourism Management or an equivalent qualification.


The programme’s learning and teaching methods are participant-centred, with an emphasis on experiential exercises, seminars and self-guided study. Each subject is designed to nurture innovation, creativity and research skills in the dynamic field of hotel and tourism management, all within the unique Asian context.

Recognition & Prospects

The SHTM is a pioneer in hotel and tourism education in Asia. Since its establishment in 1979, more than 10,000 students have graduated from the School. Its recent achievements are listed below:

  • 2023: The QS World University Rankings by Subject 2023 has for the seventh consecutive year placed PolyU No. 2 in the world among university-based programmes in the Hospitality and Leisure Management category.

  • 2022: For the sixth consecutive year, ShanghaiRanking’s Global Ranking of Academic Subjects ranked the SHTM No. 1 in the world in the Hospitality and Tourism Management category.

  • 2022: For five consecutive years (2017/18 to 2021/22), the Field-Based Ranking produced by the University Ranking by Academic Performance Laboratory placed PolyU in the top spot in the Commerce, Management, Tourism and Services category.

  • 2017: The Centre for World University Rankings ranked the School No. 1 for Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism.

  • 2009: The School was ranked the second best hotel and tourism school in the world based on scholarship, according to a study published in the November issue of the Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research.


With close to four decades of impressive development, the School has established itself as a world-class centre for hospitality and tourism education and research. These rankings stand as proof of the extent to which the SHTM is effective and instrumental in furthering hospitality and tourism knowledge.


Other Marks of Excellence

In 1999, the SHTM was designated a global Education and Training Network Centre by the United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO), of whose Knowledge Network the School is a member. Since then, the SHTM has continued to receive worldwide accolades and recognition. In 2001, it became one of the first educational institutions to receive the UNWTO’s TedQual Certification, a quality assurance certification for tourism education, training and research.


In 2002, the SHTM became the home of the permanent secretariat of the International Academy for the Study of Tourism (IAST), which works to advance scientific knowledge and understanding of tourism through theoretical and practical research. In 2003, the International Society of Travel and Tourism Educators (ISTTE) honoured the School with the ISTTE Institutional Achievement Award, recognising its significant contributions to tourism education.


In 2012, only a year after the official opening of Hotel ICON, the International Council on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education (I-CHRIE) honoured the School with the McCool Breakthrough Award in recognition of the achievements of Hotel ICON, the ground-breaking teaching and research hotel that is at the heart of the School’s innovative approach to hospitality and tourism education.


The School’s distinguished faculty is one of its cornerstones. In 2011, Professor Kaye Chon, SHTM Dean and Chair Professor and Walter Kwok Foundation Professor in International Hospitality Management, was honoured with the UNWTO Ulysses Prize, a top honour that is widely considered the “Nobel Prize in Tourism”.


The School’s faculty members are not just excellent teachers but also active players in the hospitality industry, holding executive or advisory positions in many international, regional and local tourism organisations, including the following:

  • Asia Pacific Ecotourism Society

  • Asia Pacific Tourism Association

  • Asia-Pacific CHRIE

  • China Tourism Academy

  • Hong Kong Association of Registered Tour Coordinators

  • Hong Kong Association of Travel Agents

  • Hong Kong Quality Assurance Council

  • Hong Kong Wine Judges Association

  • Hospitality Financial and Technology Professionals

  • Hospitality Sales and Marketing Association International

  • Institute of Hospitality

  • International Academy for the Study of Tourism

  • International Council on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education

  • International Institute of Forecasters

  • International Recreation and Vacation Society

  • International Society of Travel and Tourism Educators

  • International Sociological Association

  • Meeting Professionals International

  • Pacific Asia Travel Association

  • SKAL International Hong Kong

  • Travel Industry Council of Hong Kong

  • United Nations World Tourism Organisation


The DHTM programme has passed the World Tourism Organisation’s TedQual audit and received accreditation.


Programme Structure

The DHTM programme offers two streams of study and an integrated study option to cater to the needs of students. The “Industry” stream includes two high-level management subjects, and the “Academic/NTO” stream has a stronger emphasis on research and teaching. The integrated study option allows students to complete one subject from each of the Specialist Streams.


Students need to complete 5 Compulsory Subjects, 2 subjects from the Specialist Streams, 2 Elective Subjects, a Residential Workshop and a Thesis.


Core Areas of Study

The programme consists of Compulsory Subjects, Specialist Subjects, Elective Subjects and a Thesis.


Compulsory Subjects

  • HTM6001 Residential Workshop

  • HTM6002 Theories & Concepts in Tourism

  • HTM6004 Environmental Analysis & Strategies in Hotel & Tourism Management

  • HTM6005 Asian Paradigm in Hospitality Management

  • HTM6006 Quantitative Research Methods for Hotel & Tourism Management

  • HTM6007 Qualitative Research Methods for Hotel & Tourism Management


Specialist Subjects under Academic/NTO Stream

  • HTM6003 Hotel & Tourism Management Education

  • HTM6008 Hotel & Tourism Management Research Seminar


Specialist Subjects under Industry Stream

  • HTM6010 Innovations in Hospitality Management Solutions

  • HTM6011 Hotel & Tourism Senior Executive Seminars


Elective Subjects

Students can select 1 subject from the following:

  • Specialist Subjects from the other stream

  • HTM6009 Independent Study in Hotel and Tourism Management

  • HTM6015 Advanced Research Methods for Hotel and Tourism Management

  • Subjects from the MSc in International Hospitality Management and MSc in International Tourism and Convention Management

  • A maximum of 1 doctoral-level subject from outside the SHTM with approval of the Programme Leader

  • Students who have not successfully completed a MSc-level Research Methods subject or a Master-level research project/thesis must take HTM582 - Research Methods as one of their elective options.



The thesis is a single piece of work divided into two parts: a proposal and the formal thesis. It demonstrates the candidate’s ability to undertake a significant piece of original research that provides insight into professional practice and/or applies theoretical and practical knowledge to the solution of a significant applied problem of relevance to the profession. The thesis reflects the candidate’s knowledge and understanding of the related literature and of research methods appropriate to the investigation. It is normally between 40,000 to 70,000 words in length and of a sufficient standard to be published in a leading academic journal.


Research Publications

In place of the thesis, students with a stronger research background may consider taking the “Research Publications” option. Students will be required to conduct academic research independently and to publish a fully refereed paper in a journal graded SHTM threshold B or above (i.e., one in grade A and the other one in grade B or above) with first authorship, together with a supervisor.

Credit Required for Graduation


Programme Leader(s)

Dr Deniz Kucukusta

Subject Area
Hotel and Tourism Management
Entrance Requirements
  • An MSc in Hotel and Tourism Management or an equivalent qualification

  • A minimum of 1 year of full-time teaching experience in tourism and/or hotel management at a recognised post-secondary institution plus at least 1 year of work experience at a supervisory or managerial level in the hotel, tourism or related industries

  • Substantial and relevant work experience (of normally not less than 3* years at a supervisory or managerial level in the hotel, tourism or related industries)

  • At least 3* years of teaching experience in tourism and/or hotel management


Unless an applicant is a native speaker of English or his/her Bachelor’s or Master’s degree or equivalent qualification is awarded by an institution where the medium of instruction is English, s/he is required to meet one of the following requirements:

  • a Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) score of at least 92 for the Internet-based test, 580 for the paper-based test, or 237 for the computer-based test OR

  • a Band Score of at least 6.5 overall in the International English Language Testing System (IELTS).


Individual cases will be considered on their own merit by the department. Applicants may be required to attend interviews or tests to further demonstrate their language proficiency.


All applicants should also submit the following documents together with a completed online application form: 

  • A self-recommendation letter that includes a self-introduction and covers career aspirations and reasons for pursuing study in the programme (400 words or less);

  • A Master’s degree graduation certificate (see notes below);

  • Copies of transcripts from all colleges and universities attended (see notes below);

  • Proof of past and current employment records;

  • One letter of recommendation from either the applicant’s employer or university.



  1. Applicants who obtained their qualifications from the Chinese mainland are required to provide an Academic Credential (学历证书) to prove that they have completed their academic learning in an institution within the Ministry of Education (MoE) system and were admitted to the institution in accordance with the standards stipulated by the MoE. 

  2. Further to the above, the applicants concerned are also required to provide a Degree Certificate (学位证书) to certify their level of academic attainment (i.e. Bachelor’s, Master’s or Doctorate level) and to confirm that the certificate was issued by the tertiary institution approved by the MoE.

  3. If the applicant’s graduation certificate(s)/academic transcript(s) are not written in English, s/he should provide an official translated copy of each graduation certificate or academic transcript in English for admissions. Otherwise, the application may not be considered.

  4. Our School considers applications on a rolling basis until all places are filled. Applicants are encouraged to apply for admission as early as possible.


For information on academic matters, please contact:  
Dr Deniz Kucukusta (tel: (852) 3400 2296; email:


For general information, please contact:  
Mr Jason Chau (tel: (852) 3400 2198; email:;  
or Miss Julianna Ching (tel: (852) 3400 2220; email:


Alternatively, please visit the SHTM's website at

Initial Registration Credits

HK$100,050 which covers the tuition fees for 6 credits plus the fees for residential workshop and overseas study tour.

Tuition Fee

HK$541,050 per programme

Student Message

Although I have 18 years of working experience in the hospitality consulting industry, I lacked systematic hospitality training in my education background. The DHTM provided me with a great opportunity to supplement my academic knowledge in hospitality. In terms of the content, all of the subjects combine theory with practice, which enlightens students who have many years of experience in their careers and who are well versed in the underlying logic of the industry.


The skilled professors and talented students from all over the world inspire me a lot. I highly recommend DHTM, and I believe it will help me lead my company to advance further.

Joey Zhao (From China)

PolyU SHTM has provided me with an excellent environment in which to grow as a future leader in the hospitality and tourism profession. A unique strength of this programme is that faculty members are world-class experts, yet very friendly, humble and always there for the DHTM cohort, with a strong understanding of the “Asian Paradigm” and world hospitality and tourism phenomena. Throughout my doctoral training, I learned how to critically think about current hospitality and tourism issues from a substantive perspective. This improved my understanding of the dynamic world of hospitality and stimulated my creative thinking.


I believe that incoming students will benefit greatly from the programme’s intensive doctoral interdisciplinary training, both in Hong Kong and on international DHTM trips abroad, just as I did.

Proychai Klakayan (From Thailand)
Additional Documents Required
Curriculum Vitae

A personal resume (CV) is required.

Transcript / Certificate

Graduation Certificate(s) and Academic Transcript(s) are required. 


  1. Those applicants whose qualifications were attained from the Chinese mainland are required to provide their Academic Credential (学历证书) to prove that they have completed their academic learning in an institution under the Ministry of Education (MoE) system, and were admitted to the institution in accordance with the standards stipulated by the MoE.

  2. Further to the above, the applicants concerned are also required to provide a Degree Certificate (学位证书) to certify the level of academic attainment (i.e. Bachelor's, Master's or doctoral level) and to confirm that the certificate was issued by a tertiary institution approved by the MoE.

  3. If applicant's graduation certificate(s)/academic transcript(s) is/are not written in English, s/he should provide an official and translated copy of each graduation certificate or academic transcript in English to serve the admissions purpose. Otherwise, the application may not be considered.  

Personal Statement

A self-recommendation letter (or personal statement) that includes self-introduction, career aspirations and reasons for pursuit of studies in this programme (not more than 400 words) is required.

  1. Proof of past and current employment record(s) are required.
  2. At least one letter of recommendation from either your employer or university is required.
  3. Proof of TOFEL or IELTS results to demonstrate English proficiency if you are not a native English speaker, or your bachelor's or Master's degree is awarded by institutions where the medium of instruction is not English.
    Else if you are a native English speaker or your Bachelor's or Master's degree is taught in English, you can submit a proof (e.g. a certifying letter provided by your institution) to pass through the required field.  
  4. Applicants may provide GMAT or GRE scores, if available.