Faculty of Business

Sept 2024 Entry

Mixed Mode

1.5 years (Full-time)
2.5 years (Part-time)




Note to Applicants

  • Please complete all relevant fields and enclose necessary documents. Incomplete applications cannot be processed promptly.

  • Students can complete the programme in one (1) year in Full-time mode according to their own study pace.

Application Deadline
Local - Mixed Mode
Sept 2024 Entry: Closed
Non-local - Mixed Mode
Sept 2024 Entry: Closed
About Programme
How to Apply
Aims & Characteristics

Programme Aim

This programme provides non-business graduates with the foundation they need in the main functional areas of management, and offers graduates in all disciplines in-depth training in operations management.



  • Operations management in services and manufacturing

  • Resources management in private and public sectors

  • Quantitative techniques, decision making, quality management, resource planning, information technology and e-commerce

  • Development of the ability to contribute within a cross-functional team environment

  • Independent investigation into specific management problems



This programme provides skills and knowledge concerning the efficient and effective management of operations, and is relevant for those working in services and manufacturing in both the private and public sectors. It introduces the concepts and tools needed for managing the resources of an organisation to achieve efficient production and distribution of goods and services. The organisations involved could be factories, hospitals, police, airlines, airports and docks, distribution depots, hotels, restaurants and so on. Particular subjects include quantitative techniques, decision making, quality management, resource planning, information technology and e-commerce.

Recognition & Prospects

Students who complete one or more relevant subjects in MSc in Operations Management are eligible to apply for the following qualifications provided by the Six Sigma Institute (SSI):

  • SSI’s Green Belt
  • SSI’s Black Belt
  • SSI’s Lean Leader

Programme Structure (Subject to review)

The programme offers a structured progression, and students are encouraged to follow this pattern to benefit from the cohort-based courses and graduate on time. However, because it is credit-based, the programme gives students the flexibility to proceed at their own pace and graduate within the normal span of time.


MSc students have to complete 4 Compulsory Subjects, 3 Specialised Subjects in one of the specific streams, 1 Restricted Elective Subject and 2 Free Elective Subjects (30 credits). The three streams are Operations Analytics, Quality Management and Operations Strategy.


Students may graduate with a Postgraduate Diploma upon completing 4 Compulsory Subjects and 3 Specialised Subjects (21 credits).


Compulsory Subject+

(4 subjects – 12 credits for both MSc and PgD)

  • Accounting for Managers

  • Managing Operations Systems*

  • International Operations Management

  • Managing Innovation*


Specialised Subjects 

Students must complete 3 specialised subjects from one of the streams:

  • Operations Analytics Stream

    • Enterprise Resource Planning*

    • Business Analytics

    • E-commerce

  • Quality Management Stream

    • Total Quality Management*

    • Six Sigma and Quality Management Techniques

    • Statistical Quality Control for Manufacturing and Service

  • Operations Strategy Stream

    • Lean Thinking and Practices*

    • Risk Management in Operations

    • Strategic Management


Restricted Elective Subjects

(any 1 subject – 3 credits for MSc; 0 subjects for PgD)

  • Supply Chain Management*

  • Project Management

  • Supplier Development

  • Statistics for Management*

  • Organisation and Management*


Students may take more than 1 Restricted Elective Subject. The additional subjects will be counted as Free Elective Subjects.


Free Elective Subjects

(any 2 subjects – 6 credits for MSc; 0 subjects for PgD)

  • Lean Thinking and Practice*

  • Risk Management in Operations

  • Models for Decision Making*

  • Total Quality Management*

  • Practice of Operations Management

  • Enterprise Resource Planning*

  • Applications of Decision-Making Models

  • Strategies and Technologies in Warehousing Management

  • Six Sigma and Quality Management Techniques

  • Statistical Quality Control for Manufacturing and Service

  • Implementation and Auditing of Quality Management Systems

  • Business Analytics

  • Coding for Management with Python 

  • Strategic Management

  • E-commerce

  • Marketing Management

  • Research Methods

  • Project (6 credits)


Each subject is 3 credits, and the Project is 6 credits.


Information on the subjectsoffered can be obtained here.


+ Offerings are subject to class quota availability.

*This course has been included in the list of reimbursable courses under the Continuing Education Fund.

*The mother course (Master of Science in Operations Management) of this module is recognised under the Qualifications Framework (QF Level 6).

Credit Required for Graduation


Programme Leader(s)

Programme Director

Dr PAN Kai

Subject Area
Operations Management
Entrance Requirements
  • A Bachelor’s degree or an equivalent professional qualification, preferably with at least 1 year of relevant work experience.

  • Applicants with other post-secondary qualifications who have been employed in industry, commerce or public administration for no less than 6 years, of which 3 years have been in a managerial capacity, will also be considered.


If you are not a native speaker of English, and your Bachelor's degree or equivalent qualification is awarded by institutions where the medium of instruction is not English, you are expected to fulfil the University’s minimum English language requirement for admission purpose. Please refer to the “Admission Requirements” section under Taught Postgraduate Programmes of Study@PolyU for details.


For further information, please contact: 
Tel: (852) 2766 7409 
Email: mscom.lms@polyu.edu.hk


For academic matters, please contact: 
Dr PAN Kai, Programme Director (tel: (852) 2766 5545; email: kai.pan@polyu.edu.hk); 
or Prof. Edward LEE, Deputy Programme Director (tel: (852) 2766 7354; email: edward.yc.lee@polyu.edu.hk).

Other Information


  • Departments will consider applications on a rolling basis. Shortlisted candidates may be invited to attend admission interviews. Applicants who submit their applications before 16 November 2023 will be invited to attend the first round of interviews in December 2023. Other rounds of interviews will be conducted afterwards.


Class Arrangement

  • Classes are normally scheduled on weekday evenings in three semesters (including an optional Summer Term) within an academic year.


Student visa and other information for non-local students

Initial Registration Credits

3 for local students
6 for non-local students

Programme Leaflet

Please click here to download.

Tuition Fee

HK$270,000 per programme (HK$9,000 per credit) for local and non-local students

LMS Taught Postgraduate Programme Scholarship Scheme

Scholarships will be awarded to applicants with outstanding qualifications. Please click here for details. (Application form: here)

PolyU reserves the right to change or withdraw the scholarship at any time. In case of any dispute/disagreement, PolyU’s decision is final.

Student Message

As my Bachelor’s degree was not in the management field, I always felt there was a knowledge gap between my job requirements and my competencies. PolyU’s MSc in Operations Management has successfully filled this gap by enhancing my knowledge of Operations Management in both theoretical and practical ways. Professors incorporated their enriched experience into the curriculum and generously shared their experience with students during class and discussions. The frequent use of case studies equipped me with practical experience in applying Operations Management theories and skills, which has proven invaluable in my current job. We were encouraged to share our own experiences during class, which helped us explore other industrial sectors of Operations Management.


Although the programme was challenging, it was an enjoyable experience overall. I was grateful for the frequent help from professors and peers in overcoming the tasks of the programme. This programme is recommended to anyone who would like to enhance their knowledge of Operations Management, especially in the world-class LMS Department of PolyU.

WONG Wing Tung Vintonee

I am truly fortunate to have had the opportunity to pursue my studies in the Operations Management programme at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Throughout my postgraduate journey, I have gained invaluable insights and developed a more inclusive mindset.


One highlight of the Operations Management programme is its diverse range of courses, allowing students to tailor their studies according to their career aspirations. The curriculum is designed to provide a holistic view of operations, encompassing areas such as ERP, supply chain management, business analytics and project management. Moreover, the program offers a vibrant academic environment that fosters collaboration and innovation. Interacting with students from diverse backgrounds allows for engaging discussions and the exchange of unique perspectives. This not only enhances our learning experience but also prepares us for the multicultural and interdisciplinary challenges of the modern business landscape.


In conclusion, my experience in the Operations Management programme at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University has been truly enriching. The diverse course offerings, dedicated professors and collaborative atmosphere have broadened my horizons and equipped me with the skills necessary for future career success. I am grateful for the invaluable knowledge and personal growth this program has provided me.

SHI Liping
Additional Documents Required
Transcript / Certificate


Personal Statement


Employer's Recommendation


Curriculum Vitae


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