Faculty of Health and Social Sciences

Sept 2024 Entry

Mixed Mode

1 year (Full-time)
2.5 years (Part-time)




The Postgraduate Scheme in Rehabilitation Sciences comprises the following awards:

  • MSc in Rehabilitation of People with Developmental Disabilities 發展障礙人士復康理學碩士學位
  • MSc in Rehabilitation Sciences 康復科學理學碩士學位
  • MSc in Manipulative Physiotherapy 手法物理治療理學碩士學位
  • MSc in Occupational Therapy 職業治療學理學碩士學位
  • MSc in Sports Physiotherapy 運動物理治療理學碩士學位


The awards under this scheme admit students in alternate years.

Application Deadline
Local - Mixed Mode
Sept 2024 Entry - Not inviting applications
Non-local - Mixed Mode
Sept 2024 Entry - Not inviting applications
About Programme
How to Apply
Aims & Characteristics

Programme Aims

Graduates of this programme are able to

  • meet the changing needs in the practice of rehabilitation and contribute to its development;

  • demonstrate a lifelong ability to critically analyse and evaluate ongoing practice to ensure and advance the quality of practice;

  • assess patients and make rational decisions regarding physiotherapeutic approaches to treatment, through a logical clinical reasoning process;

  • demonstrate proficiency, confidence and independence in the safe use of manipulative physiotherapy expected of a graduate in the field;

  • critically evaluate management methods and work within the framework of the evidence-based approach.



  • This programme fulfils all of the requirements of international monitoring set by the International Federation of Orthopaedic Manipulative Physical Therapists (IFOMPT).

  • Students who successfully complete the programme may be eligible to apply for full membership of the Manipulative Therapy Specialty Group of the Hong Kong Physiotherapy Association, which is a member organisation of the IFOMPT.

  • The programme provides students with a unique experience of Chinese manual therapy in an East-meets-West context.

  • Clinicians and clinic/department managers of private and public organisations highly commend the course for its focus on clinical specialisation.

  • The programme offers a balance of theory, practice and scientific investigation.

  • Reasonable credit transfer will be considered for equivalent subjects earned at postgraduate level.

Recognition & Prospects
  • This programme fulfils all of the requirements of international monitoring set by the International Federation of Orthopaedic Manipulative Physical Therapists (IFOMPT).

  • Students who successfully complete the award may be eligible to apply for full membership of the Manipulative Therapy Specialty Group of the Hong Kong Physiotherapy Association, which is a member organisation of the IFOMPT.

  • This programme does not confer eligibility for registration with the Physiotherapist Board of Hong Kong.


Programme Structure

This programme consists of:

  • 1 Compulsory Subject
3 credits
  • 7 Core Subjects
21 credits
  • 1 Project Study
6 credits
Total 30 credits


Proposed Study Plan for Full-time One-year Study






1 Year





Semester 1

(Sept – Jan)

Research Methods and Data Analysis*
Physical Diagnosis of Neuro-musculoskeletal  Disorders*
Diagnostic Procedures in Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy*
Project Study

Semester 2

(Jan – May)

Advanced Principle and Practice of Manipulative Physiotherapy (Lower Quarter)*
Advanced Principle and Practice of Manipulative Physiotherapy (Upper Quarter)*
Musculoskeletal Injury and Repair*
Project Study

Semester 3

(June - July)

Advanced Manipulative Physiotherapy Practice I & II

(5 weeks full-time day clinic)

* Evening classes


 Proposed Study Plan for Part-time Study





Year 1



Semester 1

(Sept – Jan)

Research Methods and Data Analysis*
Physical Diagnosis of Neuro-musculoskeletal Disorders*
Diagnostic Procedures in Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy*

Semester 2

(Jan – May)

Advanced Principle and Practice of Manipulative Physiotherapy (Lower Quarter)*
Advanced Principle and Practice of Manipulative Physiotherapy (Upper Quarter)*
Musculoskeletal Injury and Repair*


Year 2

Semester 1

(Sept – Jan)

Advanced Manipulative Physiotherapy Practice I*

Project Study

Semester 2

(Jan – May)

Advanced Manipulative Physiotherapy Practice II*

Project Study

Semester 3

(June – July)

Project Study


Core Areas of Study

  • Musculoskeletal Injury and Repair
  • Diagnostic Procedures in Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy
  • Physical Diagnosis of Neuro-musculoskeletal Disorders
  • Advanced Principle and Practice of Manipulative Physiotherapy (Lower Quarter)
  • Advanced Principle and Practice of Manipulative Physiotherapy (Upper Quarter)
  • Advanced Manipulative Physiotherapy Practice I
  • Advanced Manipulative Physiotherapy Practice II
Credit Required for Graduation


Programme Leader(s)

Scheme Coordinator

Dr Will Chien
BSc (NTU), MEd (JCU), PhD (Monash)

Award Coordinator

Dr Sharon Tsang
PhD (RU), MMani Th (Curtin), MSc HC (PolyU), BSc PT (PolyU), FHKCOP (Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy)

Programme List Remarks

(This programme admits students in alternate years and will not invite applications for admission in 2024/25)

Subject Area
Manipulative Physiotherapy
Entrance Requirements
  • A Bachelor’s degree in physiotherapy from PolyU or a recognised institution or the equivalent, preferably with 1 year of post-qualification work experience in physiotherapy;

  • A professional diploma in physiotherapy from PolyU or a recognised institution or the equivalent, with 2 years of work experience in physiotherapy and evidence of continuous education over the last 2 years.


If you are not a native speaker of English, and your Bachelor's degree or equivalent qualification is awarded by institutions where the medium of instruction is not English, you are expected to fulfil the University’s minimum English language requirement for admission purpose. Please refer to the "Admission Requirements" section for details.


Individual cases will be considered on their own merit. Applicants may be required to attend interviews or tests to further demonstrate their language proficiency.


For academic matters, please contact
Dr Sharon Tsang
Tel: (852) 2766 4332
Email: sharon.tsang@polyu.edu.hk


For general matters, please contact
General Office
Tel: (852) 2766 6728
Email: rsdept@polyu.edu.hk

Initial Registration Credits

3 for local students
6 for non-local students

Tuition Fee

HK$6,680 per credit for local and non-local students

Student Message

The Master of Science in Manipulative Physiotherapy is recognised as a well-developed programme with a structured curriculum putting a strong emphasis on exposing its students to expertise and advanced practical training.


For me, one of the most attractive parts of this course was the structured clinical education, supervised by a team of experienced, renowned experts in the field. It gave me distinct insights into improving my clinical analysis and refining my manual techniques, which undoubtedly enhanced my competency in managing patients with complicated musculoskeletal conditions more efficiently and systematically. This rewarding learning experience will certainly help passionate physiotherapists achieve higher and enrich their professionalism.


With best wishes,

Icy Wong, MSc in Manipulative Physiotherapy & Dean’s List, Physiotherapy I at Tseung Kwan O Hospital

Icy Wong

Mastering manual therapy is one of the strongest assets for a physiotherapist in helping clients with musculoskeletal pain. The Master of Science in Manipulative Physiotherapy at PolyU was the best choice for me to enhance my clinical service. The programme provides students with the latest evidence and essential approaches of manual therapy. Experienced mentors in clinical placement inspired my critical thinking by expanding my perspective in managing musculoskeletal conditions through clinical reasoning processes and evidence-based practice. All these factors undoubtedly advanced me along my career path as a professional physiotherapist.


I would highly recommend physiotherapists with an interest in manual therapy to enrol in the programme and achieve a higher standard of physiotherapy care. I am proud to be a Manipulative Physiotherapist and wish to continue to develop this asset in the future.


Best wishes from

Tommy Ng, MSc in Manipulative Physiotherapy & Dean’s List, Physiotherapist I at Prince of Wales Hospital

Tommy Ng

This highly specialised and comprehensive MSc is ideal for any physiotherapist who wishes to specialise in the field of musculoskeletal physiotherapy, as it offers thorough yet detailed teaching on Manipulative Physiotherapy. It places a strong emphasis on evidence-based clinical reasoning processes, encompassing in-depth exploration of knowledge and skillsets crucial to becoming a therapist with specialist expertise. The requirement to complete extensive practical hours is of paramount importance for developing manual skills at an expert level, which is another notable strength of this course. 


Completing this programme will provide graduates with an assured lift in career advancement owing to its academic, professional and commercial recognition. Locally speaking, a Master’s degree is required for promotion in the public sector. It is also known to offer graduates a competitive advantage should they wish to seek opportunities to work in the private sector. Further development in the academic pathway is also another solid option.


I would strongly recommend this MSc to aspiring professional musculoskeletal physiotherapist in pursuit of a career in this specialised field of practice.


Sharing from Chris Kwok, MSc in Manipulative Physiotherapy, Physiotherapist I at Queen Elizabeth Hospital

Chris Kwok
Additional Documents Required
Transcript / Certificate
  • Copy of transcript
  • Copy of graduation certificate
  • Copy of English examination results, e.g. TOEFL, IELTS, if your Bachelor's degree or equivalent qualification is awarded by institutions where the medium of instruction is not English
  • Copy of certificate of relevant professional qualification
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