Sept 2025 Entry
1 or 1.5 years (Full-time)
3 years (Part-time)
This programme is offered on both full-time and part-time bases to give students maximum flexibility to engage in full-time or part-time study loads. Under normal circumstances, full-time and part-time students are able to complete the programme within 1 or 1.5 years and 3 years respectively. Students who wish to extend their studies beyond normal duration can submit such request to the Department for consideration.
Applicants are required to choose either full-time or part-time study on application for admission to the programme. Students who study full-time are required to take a minimum of 9 credits per semester.
This programme is offered within the Master of Arts Scheme in Chinese, Linguistics and Translation.
Notes to Applicants
Applications can be made to our postgraduate programmes without the help of agencies. Applicants are required to apply online via the Study@PolyU website:
Please note that all fields in the application forms should be completed. We will not consider applications that do not provide details of academic qualifications.
What's New
Programme Aims
MA in Bilingual Corporate Communication (MABCC) aims to draw upon the strengths of CBS in language-mediated communication (LMC), sign-mediated communication (SMC), bilingual & cross-cultural communication as well as China studies to cultivate and equip students with attributes that are essential for a successful career in corporate communication.
These attributes include sophistication in the use and interpretation of language and signs, and good communicative sense about norm-variation in cross-culture exchanges, especially in the context of Greater China.
Graduates of this programme are expected to have:
Professional Competence
a good understanding of the internal workings of LMC and SMC;
a good sense of the within-culture and between-culture communicative norms and practices of the region; and
a good knowledge of corporate expressiveness and corporate communication functions such as stakeholders relations, corporate-identity building and corporate branding.
Strategic Thinking
a good grip of the intricacies related to LMC/SMC conducted in a bilingual, cross-cultural environment, particularly in the corporate context of the region.
Lifelong Learning Capability
the ability to develop high-quality oral and written corporate messages in both Chinese and English; and
the ability to conduct independent research using appropriate methods on a selected topic in corporate communication.
This unique language-cum-corporate communication Master’s programme, benchmarked against the best programmes in the world, is anchored upon the academic and professional strengths of the BCC team at the Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies in teaching and researching language mediated communication (LMC), sign-mediated communication (SMC), bilingual and cross-cultural communication as well as China studies to enable graduates with Anglo-Chinese bilingual attributes and skills who also possess corporate communication theories and practices to pursue successful careers in corporate communications/public relations and related disciplines in Greater China.
Programme Structure
Students are required to take 10 subjects (total 30 credits). Each student is required to take 4 Compulsory Subjects and 6 Elective Subjects with at least 2 subjects must be from the Bilingual Corporate Communication (BCC) Block. Three of the Elective Subjects can be replaced by the MABCC Supervised Project if the student successfully completed all Compulsory Subjects with an overall GPA of 3.0 or above and have obtained permission from the Programme Leader.
Core Areas of Study
Compulsory Subjects
- Bilingualism: First Principles
- Corporate Communication: Past and Present
- Communication in Multicultural and Multilingual Contexts
- Professional Ethics and Academic Integrity
- Symbolism and Corporate Communication
Elective Subjects
BCC Block
- Advanced Bilingual Workshop for Verbal and Non-verbal Corporate Communication
- Advanced Bilingual Workshop for Written Corporate Communication
- Crisis Management and Communication
- Digital Media Communication
- Glocalisation and Media Communication
- Professional seminar: Practices and Challenges
- Strategic Corporate Communication
- MABCC Internship
- MABCC Supervised Project
Non-BCC Block
- Action through Text in Japanese, Chinese and English
- Advanced Legal Translation
- Advanced Liaison Interpreting
- Advanced Translation
- Advanced Translation for Media
- Advanced Translation for Business and Commerce
- Chinese Lexical Semantics and Corpus Linguistics
- Contrastive Analysis
- Intercultural Communication
- Interpreting: Consecutive
- Interpreting: Principles
- Introduction to Chinese Culture and Classics
- Language in Society
- Multimedia Applications for Language Professionals and Translators
- Social Media and Technology in Contemporary Japanese Culture
- Special Education Needs Associated with Cognitive, Physical and Sensory Disorders
- Special Education Needs in Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing
- Statistical Methods in Language Research
- Translation Studies
- Translation: Discourse and the Translator
- Translation: Text and Context
Brief information on the subjects offered can be obtained at
(The above subject list is subject to revision.)
Dr Liu Ming
A Bachelor’s degree from a recognised institution.
If you are not a native speaker of English, and your Bachelor's degree or equivalent qualification is awarded by institutions where the medium of instruction is not English, you are expected to fulfil the University’s minimum English language requirement for admission purpose. Please refer to the "Admission Requirements" section for details.
Applicants may be required to attend interviews to further demonstrate their language proficiency.
For further information on academic matters, please contact:
the Programme Leader, Dr Liu Ming (tel: (852) 3400 3653; email:
For general information, please contact:
CBS General Office (tel: (852) 2766 7454; email:
Medium of instruction:
The programme is delivered in English, supplemented with Chinese (Mandarin/ Cantonese).
Starting from 2024/25 cohort, students are required to complete the compulsory 1-credit subject “CBS5T01 Professional Ethics and Academic Integrity” to satisfy the Academic Integrity and Ethics (AIE) requirement for graduation. No credit fee will be charged for this subject.
Please click here to download.
HK$6,500 per credit
(Note: No credit fee will be charged for the 1-credit subject “CBS5T01 Professional Ethics and Academic Integrity”.)