General Entrance Requirements
International / Other Qualifications

PolyU welcomes applications from quality candidates around the world. The following guidelines are for students seeking admission to PolyU based on non-local qualifications. 

All applicants must fulfil the General Entrance Requirement and English Language Requirement to be considered for admission.


If your qualifications are not listed, they will be considered on a case-by-case basis.


International Qualifications (Non-country specific)


GCE A-level / International A-level 3 GCE A-Level / International A-Level subjects    
(Applicants who gain admission typically attain at least 3B in 3 AL subjects.)
International Baccalaureate (IB)   
IB Diploma     
(Successful applicants typically achieved an International Baccalaureate (IB) score of 32 or higher out of 45 in recent years. Candidates with a predicted IB score of 30 or above may be considered for an admission interview.)

Applicants with good results in GCE A-level / International A-level or International Baccalaureate (IB) can be granted up to 25% credit transfer upon admission to the 4-year degree curriculum. For details, please refer to this link.


National / Regional Qualifications (Country-specific)

1) Successful completion of a High School Diploma with an overall average of 80% or above; AND

2) SAT with a Total Score of 1190 or above out of 1600, or ACT with a Composite Score of 24 or above out of 36 (in one sitting); AND

3) Grade 3 or above in 2 Advanced Placement (AP) subjects.

(Precalculus, Calculus AB and Calculus BC are only counted as one Advanced Placement (AP) subject. Calculus BC is the more advanced level.)


Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) of 80% or above; AND
attainment of the Year 12 Certificate of Education

Reifeprüfung/ Matura

Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC)

Certificat d'Enseignement Secondaire Supérieur (CESS); OR
Diploma van Secundair Onderwijs; OR
Abschlusszeugnis der Oberstufe des Sekundarunterrichts

Certificado de Conclusão do Ensino Médio; AND
Vestibular/ Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio (ENEM)

Brunei-Cambridge GCE A-Level with passes in 3 AL subjects

Diploma za Zavarsheno Sredno Obrazovanie (Diploma of Completed Secondary Education)

Diploma of Upper Secondary Education

Cameroon Baccalauréat; OR
Cameroon GCE A-Level with passes in 3 AL subjects

Provincial High School Diploma with an overall average of 80% or above in best five Grade 12 courses; OR
Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) with an overall average of 80% or above in six Grade 12 (4U/4M) courses; OR
Quebec Diplôme d'Études Collégiales (DEC) with an overall average of 80% or above

Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) Diploma

Licencia de Enseñanza Media (Certificate of Secondary Education) 

Current year Chinese Mainland Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) (應屆內地普通高等学校招生全國統一考試); OR 
Chinese Mainland Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) for Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan Students (港澳台僑聯招考試) with a total score of 600 or above out of 750

Svjedodžba o Državnoj Maturi (Certificate of State Maturity)

Apolytírio Lykeíou (Upper Secondary School Leaving Certificate)

Vysvědčení o Maturitní Zkoušce/ Maturita (Secondary School Leaving Certificate) with an overall average of 1.5 or better on a 5-point scale

Studentereksamen (Upper Secondary School Leaving Examination) 

Certificate of General Secondary Education

Bachiller (School Leaving Certificate)

Ethiopian University Entrance Examination Certificate

Gümnaasiumi Iõputunnistus (Secondary School Leaving Certificate); AND
Riigieksamitunnistus (State Examination Certificate)

European Baccalaureate

Lukionpasstotodistus (General Upper Secondary School Certificate); AND
Ylioppilastutkintotodistus/ Studentexamensbetyg (Certificate of Matriculation) 

Baccalauréat Général or Option Internationale du Baccalauréat

Zeugnis der Allgemeinen Hochschulreife (German Abitur Certificate)

West African Senior School Certificate

Apolytírio Genikoú Lykeíou (Upper Secondary School Leaving Certificate)

Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) with a total score of 25 or above for the best 5 subjects; AND
attaining a minimum of Level 3 for Chinese Language and English Language, Level 2 for Mathematics, Level 3 in two elective subjects, and "Attained" in Citizenship and Social Development

Erettsegi/ Matura (Secondary Education Graduation Certificate)

Stúdentspróf (Matriculation Examination)

Pass Certificates obtained on completion of Class 12 (State and National boards)

SMA Ijazah (Senior High School Graduation Certificate)

High School Diploma; AND
Konkur (National Entrance Exam) 

Irish Leaving Certificate

Bagrut (Matriculation Certificate)

Diploma di Esame di Stato (Certificate of National Examination)

Kotogakko Sotsugyo Shomeisho (Upper Secondary School Leaving Certificate)

Attestat o srednem obrazovanii (Certificate of Completed Secondary Education); AND
Unified National Testing (UNT)

Attestat o srednem (polnom) obrazovanii (Certificate of Completed Secondary Education); AND
National Scholarship Test (ORT)

Certificate of General Secondary Education (Atestāts Par Vispārējo Vidējo Izglītību)

Matura (Upper Secondary School Leaving Examination)

Brandos Atestatas (Secondary School Leaving Certificate) / Matura

Diplôme de Fin d'Etudes Secondaires (Secondary Education Completion Diploma)

Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia (STPM); OR
Unified Examination Certificate (UEC Senior)

Cambridge Higher School Certificate / GCE A-Level with passes in three AL subjects

Mexican Bachillerato

Diplomã de Bacalaureat (Secondary School Diploma)

Upper Secondary School Certificate; and
SAT with a total score of 1190 / American College Test (ACT) with a composite score of 24 or above

Basic Education High School Examination / Matriculation Examination

School Leaving Certificate Examination (Grade XI & XII)

Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs (VWO) Diploma

National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA) Level 3

Senior School Certificate / West African Senior School Certificate

Secondary School Leaving Diploma / State Matura

Vitnemål - Videregaende Opplaering (Generell Studiekompetanse)

Certificate of General Secondary Education

Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSSC)

High School Diploma (Grade 12 academic track)

Świadectwo Dojrzałości (Certificate of Maturity)

Diploma Nível Secundário de Educação / Certificado Nível Secundário de Educação

Diplomă de Bacalaureat

Attestat  o  Srednem (Polnom)  Obshchem  Obrazovanii  (Certificate  of Secondary Complete General Education); AND
Unified State Examination (EGE)

Rwanda Advanced General Certificate of Secondary Education (A2)

Passes in four SQA Highers or Advanced Highers subjects

Diploma of Completed Secondary Education

Singapore-Cambridge GCE A-Level with passes in at least three H2 subjects; OR
A recognized Diploma obtained from one of the following five polytechnics:
Nanyang Polytechnic, Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Republic Polytechnic, Singapore Polytechnic, and Temasek Polytechnic

Vysvedčenie o Maturitnej Skúške (Secondary School Leaving Certificate)

Spricevalo o splosni maturi (Secondary School Leaving Certificate) / Matura

National Senior Certificate

Ilbankye Kodung Hakkyo (General High School Diploma)

Titulo de Bachiller with pass in the reválida de Bachillerato

Sri Lanka GCE A-Level with passes in three 3 AL subjects

Fullständigt Slutbetyg från Gymnasieskolan (Diploma Certificate of the Upper Secondary School)

Maturitätszeugnis/ Certificat De Maturité/Attestato Di Maturità (Federal Maturity Certificate); OR
Eidgenössisch Anerkanntes Kantonales Maturitätszeugnis/ Certificat De Maturité Cantonal Reconnu Par La Confédération/ Attestato Di Maturità Cantonale Riconosciuto Dalla Confederazione (Cantonal Maturity Certificate); OR

General Scholastic Ability Test (GSAT) 學科能力測驗

Шаxодатнома дар бораи маълумоти миёна умуми (Certificate of Completed Secondary Education); AND
the Centralized Entrance Examination (CEE)

Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education

Certificate of Secondary Education (Maw 6) 

Diplôme de Baccalauréat

Anadolu Lisesi Diplomasi (Anatolian High School Diploma); OR
Devlet Lise Diplomasi (State High School Diploma); OR
Lise Bitirme Diplomasi (Private High School Diploma); OR
Fen Lisesi Diplomasi (Science High School Diploma)

Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education with passes in three principal academic subjects

Tawjihiyya (Secondary Education Certificate)

GCE A-Level / International AL with Grade B or above in 3 subjects; OR
BTEC National Diploma (ND) / BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma with grades of DDD or above; OR 
Cambridge Pre-U Diploma with grade M2 or above in three Principal Subjects

Successful completion of an American High School Diploma with an overall average of 80% or above; AND Grade 3 or above in 5 Advanced Placement (AP) subjects. 

(Applicants without 5 AP subjects may refer to the requirements listed under "SAT / ACT".) 

(Precalculus, Calculus AB and Calculus BC are only counted as one Advanced Placement (AP) subject. Calculus BC is the more advanced level)

Bàng Tót Nghiêp Phó Thông Trung Hoc (Upper Secondary School Graduation Certificate)

Zimbabwe GCE A-Level subjects with passes in three subjects