Financial Assistance and Scholarships
International / Other Qualifications

Entry Scholarships for Outstanding Admittees

PolyU accords recognition to outstanding students admitted to its full-time undergraduate schemes / programmes by granting them scholarships of various amounts offered by the University, HKSAR Government or donors on the basis of academic merit, multi-faceted excellence (e.g. prizes/awards received in internationally recognised competitions) and interview performance.


Outstanding international applicants who are awarded scholarships will be informed when they are offered admission. The grant of entry scholarships will be announced simultaneously in the online Notice of Offer. The scholarships usually cover the normal duration of your scheme/programme and are subject to meeting the required conditions for scholarship renewal. As scholarships are allocated on rolling and competitive basis, students are strongly encouraged to submit your application before the Early Consideration Round deadline.


To further strengthen and enhance our diverse undergraduate student body, the Cultural Ambassador Scholarship is set up for selected non-local students. The scholarship of up to HK$40,000 per year is awarded to selected students. Recipients are required to work together with the Global Engagement Office, reaching out further to international prospective students and parents to promote our undergraduate programmes and schemes.


Financial Assistance

Non-local students are expected to have sufficient funds for tuition, housing and living before accepting the offer to study at PolyU.


Post-entry Scholarships

Post-entry scholarships, are also available to full-time undergraduate students. These scholarships are normally awarded on academic merit and/or according to other specific conditions as stipulated by the donors. Some are specifically intended for overseas exchange so that students can broaden their professional knowledge and widen their personal horizons.


Most scholarship candidates are nominated by the Heads of academic departments, but some scholarships are open to competition. For details, please visit here.


PolyU reserves the right to change the terms or withdraw the above scholarships. In case of any dispute/disagreement, PolyU’s decision is final.