Admission Selection

Meeting the University's General Entrance Requirements

Selection Criteria

Admission Score Calculation

Subject Weighting of Individual Schemes / Programmes

Score Points Conversion for HKDSE Subjects

Flexible Admission for Applicants Not Meeting the General Entrance Requirements

Handling of Extended Modules of Mathematics

Handling of Applied Learning (ApL) Subjects

Handling of Alternative Chinese Qualifications

Admission Scores Calculation for Repeaters

Admission of Applicants with Post-secondary Qualifications

Admission of Non-local Applicants with HKDSE Qualifications






Meeting the University's General Entrance Requirements


Applicants should meet the University's General Entrance Requirements before they will be further considered for admission.





Selection Criteria



Applicants' academic and non-academic achievements, other relevant information that has been provided and, where applicable, interview / test performance, will be used to determine whether applicants can make the final admission shortlist. Applicants can refer to the respective scheme / programme entries for information on interview / test requirements. If an interview / a test is given, applicants are required to attend the interview / test according to the date and time stipulated as it is difficult for such to be re-arranged. Failing to do so may result in their applications not being further considered. Owing to the keen competition, particularly for schemes / programmes with a large number of applicants, applicants' banding of scheme / programme choice(s) may also be taken into consideration in the selection process.





Admission Score Calculation



Individual schemes / programmes select 5 HKDSE subjects for calculation of admission scores. Admission score calculation mechanisms adopted by schemes / programmes looking for 5 subjects are either “Any Best 5 Subjects” or "Chinese & English Languages + Any Best 3 Subjects". After all, individual schemes / programmes adopt only one of the mechanisms mentioned for calculating the admission score for initial prioritisation of applicants. 


The level of attainment of core subject, "Citizenship and Social Development" or "Liberal Studies", would not be included in admission score calculation.


Examples illustrating different score calculation mechanisms:


5 Subjects:


(i) Any Best 5 Subjects

The "best" 5 HKDSE subjects (after subject weightings have been applied) will be taken into account.




Level Attainment

(Converted Point for Subject Score Calculation)+







Subjects Included

in Admission Score Calculation

Chinese Language 5*     (7) X 7 = 49 Yes (2nd Best)
English Language 3       (3) X 7 = 21 No
Mathematics 5**   (8.5) X 10# = 85 Yes (1st Best)
Subject 1 3       (3) X 10# = 30 Yes (3rd Best)
Subject 2 4       (4) X 7 = 28 Yes (4th Best)
Subject 3 5       (5.5) X 5 = 27.5 No
M1/M2 4       (4) X 7 = 28 Yes (5th Best)

Admission Score = 220


(ii) Chinese & English Languages + Any Best 3 Subjects

Chinese Language and English Language, plus any 3 "best" subjects (after subject weightings have been applied) will be taken into account.




Level Attainment

(Converted Point for Subject Score Calculation)+







Subjects Included

in Admission Score Calculation

Chinese Language 5*    (7) X 7 = 49 Yes
English Language 3      (3) X 7 = 21 Yes
Mathematics 5**  (8.5) X 10# = 85 Yes (1st Best)
Subject 1 3       (3) X 10# = 30 Yes (2nd Best)
Subject 2 4       (4) X 7 = 28 Yes (3rd Best)
Subject 3 5       (5.5)  X 5 = 27.5 No
M1/M2 4       (4) X 7 = 28 No

Admission Score = 213


+  For the purpose of calculating the admission scores, HKDSE level attainments will be converted to level points where Level 5**=8.5, 5*=7, 5=5.5, 4=4, 3=3, 2=2, 1=1 and Unclassified = 0.           
^  All relevant subjects will be given a weighting (i.e. 5, 7 or 10) in the calculation of admission scores. You may refer to the respective scheme / programme entries for a list of subjects with the highest weighting. Core subjects as specified in the University General Entrance Requirements will be given a weighting of at least 7 whilst preferred subjects will be given a weighting of 10.           
#  Preferred subject with the highest weighting of the scheme / programme concerned.





Subject Weighting of Individual Schemes / Programmes



Please find out the subject weighting of individual schemes / programmes of 2024/25 admissions exercise at the JUPAS score calculator.





Score Points Conversion for HKDSE Subjects



The following conversion points are applied for HKDSE subjects:


Category A: Core and Elective Subjects Level Attainments Converted Level Points for Scores Calculation
5** 8.5
5* 7
5 5.5
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
Unclassified 0
Category B: Applied Learning (ApL) Subjects Level Attainments Converted Level Points for Scores Calculation
Attained with Distinction (II) 4
Attained with Distinction / Attained with Distinction (I) 3
Attained 0
Category C: Other Language Subjects Grade Attainments Converted Level Points for Scores Calculation
A 5
B 4
C 3
D 2
E 1
Unclassified 0






Flexible Admission for Applicants Not Meeting the General Entrance Requirements



Applicants who fall short slightly on the general entrance requirements of our schemes / programmes but meet the following criteria may be specially considered for admission:-


  • with one HKDSE subject result falling one level below the required level, except "Citizenship and Social Development" (or "Liberal Studies" for repeaters), but attained with a threshold flexible admission score of the scheme/programme concerned (Please click here for the threshold score); and
  • have selected PolyU’s degree programmes as their Band A choices, i.e. first 3 priorities, in JUPAS





Handling of Extended Modules of Mathematics



Extended Modules of Mathematics will be treated as a single subject in calculating the admission scores.





Handling of Applied Learning (ApL) Subjects



Individual schemes / programmes will consider one relevant Applied Learning (ApL) subject in admission consideration. "Attained with Distinction (I)" and "Attained with Distinction" (obtained in 2017 or before) in relevant ApL subjects will be taken as Level 3, while "Attained with Distinction (II)" will be taken as Level 4.





Handling of Alternative Chinese Qualifications



Since Chinese Language is a core subject in HKDSE, all S6 students sitting for HKDSE are expected to either take the examination of Chinese Language or, where appropriate, the alternative Chinese Language. PolyU adopts a standardised arrangement for handling applicants’ alternative Chinese qualifications i.e. applicants endorsed by schools for meeting EDB’s specified circumstances and having achieved the required grade in Chinese in one of the examinations listed in the table below will be regarded as obtaining a Level 3 in HKDSE Chinese for meeting our entrance requirements, and for calculation of the related admission scores. These cases will also be highlighted to departments concerned for their attention and suitable consideration.  


Exam Level Min. Grade
GCE O-Level C
GCSE N/A C / 4
HKDSE ApL(C) N/A Attained
GCE A-Level E
GCE AS-Level E





Admission Scores Calculation for Repeaters



PolyU does not penalise applicants for subsequent attempts in the same public examination and considers the best grades in all public examination attempts. Similar subjects will, however, be considered once in calculating the admission scores.


The following forbidden subject groups as specified by the HKEAA will be considered as similar subjects:


  1. Extended Modules M1; Extended Modules M2
  2. Biology; Integrated Science; Combined Science (Bio + Chem); Combined Science (Bio + Phy)
  3. Chemistry; Integrated Science; Combined Science (Bio + Chem); Combined Science (Chem + Phy)
  4. Physics; Integrated Science; Combined Science (Bio + Phy); Combined Science (Chem + Phy)
  5. Business, Accounting and Financial Studies; Business, Accounting and Financial Studies (Accounting); Business, Accounting and Financial Studies (Business Mgt)
  6. Technology and Living (Food Science and Technology); Technology and Living (Fashion, Clothing and Textiles)





Admission of Applicants with Post-secondary Qualifications



The study places offered by PolyU through JUPAS are intended primarily for admission of local school leavers. Applicants who are studying a scheme / programme or have attained qualifications at the same or above level as  the schemes / programmes for which they are applying will be considered on a case-by-case basis.





Admission of Non-local Applicants with HKDSE Qualifications



Please note that local and non-local applicants are considered under different admission routes with different intake quotas. Non-local applicants seeking admission on the basis of HKDSE results should submit their applications directly to PolyU. Please click here for details on the admission requirements for non-local applicants.