Morning Session |
09:30 - 09:50 |
Welcoming Remarks
Prof Kwok-yin WONG 
Vice President (Education), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Prof James TANG Tuck-hong 
Secretary General, University Grants Committee
Opening Ceremony 
Prof Chetwyn CHAN Che-hin
Associate Vice President (Learning and Teaching), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Mr Albert CHOW Hing-pong
Executive Director, Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications
Prof Ronald CHUNG Chi-kit
Chairman, Federation for Self-financing Tertiary Education
Mr Esmond LEE Chung-sin, JP
Deputy Secretary for Education (1), Education Bureau
Prof James TANG Tuck-hong
Secretary General, University Grants Committee
Ir Prof Alex WAI Ping-kong
Deputy President and Provost, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Prof Kwok-yin WONG
Vice President (Education), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
09:50 - 10:05 |
SYA Project  
Prof Peter BENZ
Associate Professor, Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University
Associate Professor, School of Nursing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Prof Ka Ming CHOW
Assistant Professor, The Nerthesole School of Nursing, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Dr Bin LI
Associate Professor, Department of Linguistics and Translation, City University of Hong Kong
10:05 - 11:05 |
Keynote Speech
Building Collaboration and Partnership among Institutions
Moderator: Prof Peter BENZ
Assistant Vice Provost & Director, Center for Community College Partnership, University of California, Los Angeles
Executive Director of ECHO, Centre for Diversity Policy, The Netherlands
Member of the Board, European Access Network and Global Access to Postsecondary Education initiative
11:10 - 12:05 |
Building Inter-sector Collaboration and Cross-institution Partnership on Transfer Practices at Discipline Subject Level
Parallel Session I - Nursing Discipline 
Moderator: Prof Ka Ming CHOW
Mrs Faye CHAN  
Division Head, Mathematics and Science, HKU SPACE Community College
Prof Ho Yu CHENG  
Assistant Professor, The Nethersole School of Nursing, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Associate Professor, School of Nursing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Ms Sally NG Sau-yee  
Lecturer, Division of Science, Engineering and Health Studies, Hong Kong Community College, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Dr Janet WONG Yuen-ha  
Associate Professor, School of Nursing, The University of Hong Kong
Ms Wendy YAM Wai-yu  
Senior Lecturer, The Li Ka Shing School of Professional and Continuing Education, The Open University of Hong Kong
Parallel Session II - Business Discipline 
Moderator: Dr Anthony PANG King-wah  
Dr Larry CHING Ka-wai  
Programme Director, The Li Ka Shing School of Professional and Continuing Education, The Open University of Hong Kong
Prof Henry FOCK  
Head and Professor, Department of Marketing, Hong Kong Baptist University
Ms Amy TSANG Mei-ching  
Academic Co-ordinator and Lecturer, Marketing, Division of Business, College of International Education, Hong Kong Baptist University
Dr Helen WONG Shun-mun  
Division Head of Division of Business and Hospitality Management, Hong Kong Community College, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Afternoon Session |
13:20 - 14:30 |
Keynote Speech 
Government Policy & Credit Transfer Systems and Applications
Moderator: Dr Kin CHEUNG
Dr Stephen HANDEL  
Executive Director, Strategic Higher Education Assessment Use and Opportunity, The College Board, USA
Ms Anne LAU  
Head and Registrar, Qualifications Framework and Qualifications Register, Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications
Ms Yvette MUNRO  
Executive Director, Ontario Council on Articulation and Transfer, Ontario, Canada
14:30 - 15:20 |
Challenges and Support for Transfer Practices in Hong Kong Higher Education
Parallel Session I - Institution’s Perspective
Moderator: Dr Bin LI
Associate Professor, School of Nursing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Prof Hon S CHAN
Associate Dean (Undergraduate Education and Quality Assurance), College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, City University of Hong Kong
Dr Benjamin CHAN Tak-yuen  
Dean, The Li Ka Shing School of Professional and Continuing Education, The Open University of Hong Kong
Dr Simon LEUNG Tak-wing  
Director, Hong Kong Community College, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Parallel Session II - Student’s Perspective 
Moderator: Dr Vicky Lee
Student representatives
School of Continuing and Professional Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
School of Continuing Education, Hong Kong Baptist University
Hong Kong College of Technology
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The University of Hong Kong
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
15:25 - 16:50 |
Plenary Discussion Session  
Government Policy and Future Directions on Transfer Practices in Hong Kong Higher Education: Building the Collaborative Culture between Sending and Receiving Institutions
Moderator: Prof Chetwyn CHAN Che-hin
Dr Albert CHEUK Chun-yin 
Director, Quality Assurance and Learning & Teaching, Vocational Training Council
Associate Professor, School of Nursing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Mr Albert CHOW Hing-pong 
Executive Director, Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications
Prof Reggie KWAN Ching-ping 
Provost, The Open University of Hong Kong
Mr Steve LAI Ying-wai 
General Manager, Qualifications Framework Secretariat
16:50 - 17:00 |
Closing Remarks 
Associate Professor, School of Nursing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University