

Student Ambassador: Sammy

Major:Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics

Transferred from:PolyU Higher Dipolma

Something about me:

Hi there, fellow new students! First of all, let me just say a big CONGRATULATIONS to all of you on getting into PolyU! You should be proud of yourselves - this is a fantastic achievement, and I know you're all going to thrive in your programme. I remember how it felt when I first started university - a little nervous, but mostly just excited to dive in and learn. That's totally normal, so don't worry! Just try to embrace that sense of adventure. This is going to be an incredible journey, and I encourage you all to approach it with open minds and enthusiasm.Of course, your studies are the priority. But don't forget to make time for fun too! The campus community here is so vibrant and full of opportunities. I really encourage you to check out the SYA and see what kinds of activities they have. It's a great way to meet new people, explore your interests, and get the most out of your university experience. Please never hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns - whether it's about your coursework, adjusting to campus life, or even overseas internships. I'm here as a friendly face and a helpful guide. I want nothing more than to see you all succeed and have an amazing time here at PolyU. Wishing you all the best on this exciting new chapter! I can't wait to see what you will accomplish.