- HJ609
- +852 3400 8953
- guangming.hu@polyu.edu.hk
- 香港中文大學中國語言及文學系,哲學博士
- 北京大學中國語言文學系,文學碩士
- 中國青年政治學院新聞與傳播系,文學學士
Academic and Professional Experience
- 08/2016-, 香港理工大學中國文化學系,導師
- 01/2016-06/2016, 香港中文大學中國語言及文學系,研究助理
- 09/2015.9-12/2015, 香港高等教育科技學院語文及通識教育學院,助理講師
- 10/2014-08/2015, 香港理工大學中國文化學系,研究助理
- Ancient Books Republished 古籍整理: Yao Ziyi 姚子翼, Hu Guangming check and punctuate, Xianglinxian 祥麟現. Liao Kebin edit., The Compilation of the Rare Drama Texts in the Ming Dynasty 稀見明代戲曲叢刊. Vol. 5. Shanghai: Orient Publishing Center, 2018.
- Assistant Editor 編輯助理: Department of Chinese Language and Literature of CUHK edit., Essays on Ming and Qing Studies 明清研究論叢, Vol. 1-2. Shanghai: Shanghai Chinese Classics Publishing House, 2018.
- Hu Guangming, “Reform Movement of 1898 and Revision and Performance of Pihuang Opera Script Zhao Dai Xiao Shao 戊戌變法與皮黃本《昭代簫韶》的改編演出 ”. Traditional Chinese Drama Research 戲曲研究, No. 90(June 2014), pp. 180-198.
- Hu Guangming, “A Study of Editions of Xianglinxian 明傳奇《祥麟現》版本考論”. Essays on Chinese Drama and Popular Literature 戲曲與俗文學研究,Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press, No. 6 (December 2018), pp. 92-106.
- Hu Guangming, “A Study on the Performance Tradition and Evolution of Zhong Kui Drama in the Qing Court Theatre 驅祟、賜福與嫁妹:論清宮鍾馗戲的演出傳統與變遷”. Cultural Heritage 文化遺產, No. 2, Vol. 2020, pp. 64-72.
- Hu Guangming, “Interaction inside and outside the Court: the Institutional Evolution and the Folk Influence of the Qing Court Theatre 超越宮廷:論清代宮廷戲曲的制度變遷及其民間影響”. New Asia Journal 新亞學報, Vol. 37(August 2020), pp. 1-38.
- Hu Guangming, Hua Wei, “Texts and Performances: a Review of the Studies on the Qing Court Theatre 清代宮廷戲曲文獻與演劇研究:成果與展望”. Liu Zhen edit., Mei Lanfang Studies 梅蘭芳學刊, Vol. 4, Beijing: Xueyuan Press, 2020, pp. 347-363.
- Hu Guangming, “Court Theatre and Imperial Power: the Writing of Monarch Relations and Immortals in the Grand Theatre Zhaodai xiaoshao 戲劇與權力之間:《昭代簫韶》中的君臣與神道書寫”. Department of Chinese Language and Literature of CUHK edit., Essays on Ming and Qing Studies 明清研究論叢, Vol. 2, Shanghai: Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House, 2015, pp. 179-213.
- Hu Guangming, “Format and Connotation: the Performance History of the Grand Theatre Zhaodai xiaoshao 形制與意義——《昭代簫韶》演出考”. The Palace Museum edit., Qing Feng Ya Yun: The Academic Symposium of the Court Theatre in Qing Dynasty 清風雅韻:清代宮廷戲曲學術研討會論文集, Beijing: The Palace Press, 2015, pp. 372-395.
- Hu Guangming, “Texts and Performance: Baitu ji in the Qing Court Theatre 清代宮廷戲曲中的《白兔記》及其演出”. The Ninth International Conference on Nanxi and The Annual Conference of Chinese Classical Drama Association 第九屆南戲國際學術研討會暨中國古代戲曲學會 2019 年年會. November 1-3, 2019. Faculty of Humanities, Wenzhou University.
- Hu Guangming, “Wen Shi Jia Qing: Rituals, Customs and the Scholars’ Image in the Qing Court Theatre of the Traditional Festival 文氏家慶:儀 式、習俗 與清宮月令承應戲中的文士 ”. The Second International Conference on Chinese Drama and Popular Literature 第二屆戲曲與俗文學研究國際學術研討會. July 17-19, 2018. Department of Chinese, Sun Yat-sen University.
- Hu Guangming, “Focus on the Palace of Tranquil Longevity: Emperor Qianlong, the Space Power and the Culture of the inner Court Theatre 聚焦寧壽宮:乾隆帝與清代內廷演劇的空間權力及文化寓意”. International Academic Symposm on Ya and Su in the Tradition of Chinese Literature「對立與 融 合 : 中 國 文 學 傳 統 中 的 雅 和 俗 」 國 際 學 術 工 作 坊 .May17-19, 2018. Department of Chinese Language and Literature, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
- Hu Guangming, “From Family Ethics to Court Politics: The Connotation Transformation of Yimen wufu in the Qing Court Theatre 從家庭人倫到宮闈政 治 :《一 門 五 福 》 在 清 代 宮 廷 演 劇 中 的 意 義 轉 變 ”, International Conference on Chinese Drama and Popular Literature 戲曲與俗文學研究國際學術研討會. August 7-9, 2017. Department of Chinese, Sun Yat-sen University.
- Hu Guangming, “The Contemporary Traditional Theatre Adaptation of Rulin waishi: A Study of Peking Opera Fanjin zhongju and Pingju Opera Niubuyi 《儒林外史》的當代戲曲改編:論京劇《范進中舉》和評劇《牛布衣》”.The Academic Symposm on Rulin waishi and Chinese Culture 《儒林外史》與中國傳統文化學術研討會. July 7-9,2017. Huaihua College.
- Hu Guangming, “Interaction between Imperial Power and Drama: Institutional Evolution and Administration Mechanism of the Qing Court Theatre 權力與戲劇的互動:清代宮廷演劇的制度變遷及戲劇管理”. Young Scholars’ Forum in Chinese Studies 首 屆 中 國 文 化 研 究 青 年 學 者 論 壇 . June 18-20, 2014. Institute of Chinese Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
- Hu Guangming, “The Nanke Dream: A Study of the Hero and Tragedy in the Drama Haotianta「一枕南柯夢」:論《昊天塔》傳奇的英雄悲劇”. The Eighth Annual Conference: The Asian Studies Association of Hong Kong (ASAHK) 香港亞洲研究學會第八屆研討會. March 8-9, 2013. The Hong Kong Institute of Education.
- Hu Guangming, “A Study on Versions and Commentaries of Yuewei caotang biji 《 閱 微 草 堂 筆 記 》 版 本 與 評 點 研 究 ”. International Postgraduate Symposium “明清研究新視野:明清研究論文發表會”. July 30-31, 2010. The Centre of Ming-Qing Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.