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香港理工大學康復治療科學系第二十五屆畢業典禮 香港理工大學康復治療科學系畢業典禮於2019年10月30日在於理大校園賽馬會綜藝館舉行。今年我們共有326名畢業生,當中18名為成績優異、18名考獲甲等榮譽、40位名列院長優異生名單。衷心祝賀各位應屆畢業生,並期望你們能為康復界注入新力量!


最新消息 康復治療科學系


Occupational Therapy 89 Class Reunion Dinner

The occupational therapy graduates from The Hong Kong Polytechnic in 1989 was recently celebrating their 30th anniversary. A dinner reception was held on October 18th 2019 at the Hong Kong Bankers’ Club. Seven guests were being invited and four tables of buddies had attended the event. Our dear guests included Prof. Chetwyn Chan, Dr Francis Kung, Dr Kit Sinclair, Mr Robert O’Brien, Mrs. Shelley Chow, and Dr York Chow, who had taught us at school (Picture 1). Prof. Hector Tsang, Head of Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, was representing the pleasure of the Alma Mater to attend the anniversary dinner. During the dinner, the teachers shared their memories of the old days when they were teaching at the occupational therapy programme. Dr. Francis Kung, who currently resides in Melbourne, Australia, travelled afar to attend the dinner. Mr Robert O’Brien, who taught design and printing during the days, is still running a design studio in Cheung Chau. During the dinner, there were sharing of stories of now and then, photo-taking, quizzes, etc. arranged by the organizing committee led by the chairlady Ms Mayee Wong (Picture 2). Moreover, there was a FaceTime session with the past programme leader - Dr Baboo Dasari, who is now teaching at the University of Southampton. Ms Joanna James and Ms Donna Murphy, who are now living in the United Kingdom and on the Gold Coast, Queenstown, Australia respectively, also sent their greetings and very best wishes to our celebration. The graduates also played a game to recall the names of the teachers at their times of study in 1986-87. Although not all graduates were now working as occupational therapists in the field, they were all happy to have such a precious gathering, connecting each other after so many years. They are also looking ahead to meet again at the 35th anniversary.  



Congratulations to Prof. Marco Pang for winning the “Journal of Physiotherapy (JoP) Readers’ Choice Award 2018”

Prof. Marco Pang, Professor (Physiotherapy) of Department of Rehabilitation Sciences (RS) received the Journal of Physiotherapy (JoP) Readers’ Choice Award 2018. The Award was presented to Prof. Marco Pang by the Editor of the JoP at the Australian Physiotherapy Association Conference on 17-19 Oct 2019 in Adelaide, for his research paper entitled "Physical exercise improves strength, balance, mobility, and endurance in people with cognitive impairment and dementia: a systematic review". The JoP ranks the first among all the journals in the Rehabilitation category, with an impact factor of 5.55.



The 6th MOHO Institute at Chicago from 26-29 Sep, 2019

The Department of Rehabilitation Sciences (RS) at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University has jointly co-organized with the Occupational Therapy Department at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) to hold the 6th International Institute on Kielhofner’s Model of Human Occupation (MOHO) on 27-29 September 2019 at UIC campus. The institute is a symposium that highlights recent and ongoing international MOHO research and scholarship aimed at expanding theoretical application and evidence-based practice. Sponsored by RS and led by Prof. Hector Tsang, Cally Kwong Mei Wan Professor in Psychosocial Health, Chair Professor of Rehabilitation Sciences and Head of RS, a group of 25pax consisting of RS academic staff members, PhD students and representatives of Hong Kong Occupational Therapy Association attended the 6th MOHO Institute with participation in paper presentations and poster sessions. The 6th MOHO Institute attracted more than 120 participants from different countries and received over 60 abstract papers. Being the keynote speaker and also the co-chair with Prof. Renée Taylor, Director of Model of Human Occupation Clearinghouse and Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Professor of College of Applied Health Sciences of UIC, Prof. Tsang delivered the Honorary Guest Lecture on the Traditional Chinese Medicine at the first night of conference. Through various presentations, discussions and interactive poster sessions, the 3-day conference has provided a good opportunity for participants to engage with MOHO theory, research and practice. After the conference, RS team has conducted a tour visit to the Occupational Therapy Department of UIC and met with Prof. Yolanda Suarez-Balcazar, Professor and Head of the Department of Occupational Therapy. It has been a fruitful experience and RS team has learnt more about the OT programme of UIC, fostering the collaborative relationships between RS and UIC.




康復治療科學系支持葵青地區康健中心開幕典禮 鄺美雲社會心理健康教授、康復治療科學講座教授及系主任曾永康教授以食物及衛生局基層醫療健康發展督導委員會成員身份帶領康復治療科學系教職員及學生出席葵青地區康健中心開幕典禮。 葵青地區康健中心是香港首間地區康健中心,中心於九月二十五日正式營運。該中心將以全新的方式向區內市民提供健康推廣,健康評估,慢性疾病管理及社區復康等服務。 在開幕典禮上,共有20名就讀物理治療的三年級學生及就讀職業治療的四年級學生擔任典禮義工以協助儀式的進行及提供支援工作。 詳情請參閱香港特別行政區的新聞公報。


最新消息 康復治療科學系



理大校長滕錦光教授及行政副校長盧麗華博士與康復治療科學系學生會面 2019至2020年度翱翔師友計劃午宴於2019年9月13日舉行。我們十分榮幸,得到理大校長滕錦光教授,行政副校長盧麗華博士及楊曾永儀曾永馨腦神經心理學教授、神經心理學講座教授、醫療及社會科學院院長岑浩强教授撥冗出席,與超過三十名來自康復治療科學系的教職員及優秀的一年級學生共晉午餐。 滕錦光教授在致歡迎辭時代表理大歡迎所有新生的加入及就讀康復治療科學系,並恭賀他們在剛過去的香港中學文憑試、國際文憑試或體育方面所得到的傑出成績。滕教授更鼓勵學生培養自學能力,並運用在康復治療科學系所學的專業知識服務社區。 鄺美雲社會心理健康教授、康復治療科學講座教授及系主任曾永康教授表示翱翔師友計劃旨在為優秀的一年級學生提供一個與精英校友交流的平台,學生可從一眾在物理治療或職業治療方面有傑出成就的精英校友身上,獲得有關學習和未來就業方面的建議,以加強他們的歸屬感,並以修讀物理治療和職業治療為榮。 六名學生代表亦分享了他們選擇修讀物理治療或職業治療的原因及他們對學習的願景。在學生代表分享後,自助午餐正式開始。席間,各出席人士就不同議題進行交流,特別是有關理大在大灣區的未來發展。他們都十分投入地進行交流並期待於將來的活動中再次見面。  


最新消息 康復治療科學系

2019 09 17 visit to KTDHC


曾永康教授參觀葵青地區康健中心 鄺美雲社會心理健康教授、康復治療科學講座教授及系主任曾永康教授以食物及衛生局基層醫療健康發展督導委員會成員身份,到訪葵青地區康健中心,視察籌備情況。 葵青地區康健中心是香港首間地區康健中心,中心將於9月底正式營運。該中心將以全新的方式向區內市民提供健康推廣,健康評估,慢性疾病管理及社區復康等服務。 通過參觀中心各項設施,由食物及衛生局,衛生署,基層醫療健康發展督導委員會及葵青地區康健中心管治委員會所組成的代表團成員們能更了解葵青地區康健中心在正式營運前的準備情況及所提供的服務。 參觀結束前,食物及衞生局局長陳肇始教授向基層醫療健康發展督導委員會成員們簡介了地區康健中心的最新發展情況。 有關訪問詳情,請參閱陳肇始教授的面書專頁。


最新消息 康復治療科學系


Visit to the Hong Kong Sports Institute

Prof. Hector Tsang (Cally Kwong Mei Wan Professor in Psychosocial Health, Chair Professor of Rehabilitation Sciences and Head, Department of Rehabilitation Sciences (RS)) and Dr Amy Fu (Associate Professor and Associate Head of RS) conducted a visit to the Hong Kong Sports Institute ("HKSI") yesterday (2 September) to better understand the latest development of HKSI on the training of elite athletes. During the lunch meeting with Dr Trisha Leahy (Chief Executive of HKSI), Mr Tony Choi (Deputy Chief Executive of HKSI), and Dr Raymond So (Technical Director of HKSI), Prof. Tsang and Dr Fu took the opportunity to exchange views on the provision of support to the elite athletes and the possible collaborations between RS and HKSI. Followed by a tour visit to the sports medicine and sports sciences departments, as well as the training venues of table tennis and fencing teams, Prof. Tsang and Dr Fu were able to gain a better understanding of the development of HKSI on various aspects including sports physiotherapy, sports recovery, sports nutrition and monitoring, sports psychology and monitoring, sport training and monitoring sections.



Congratulations to Dr Bolton Chau for winning "RS Best Paper Award 2019"

 The Department of Rehabilitation Sciences is pleased to announce that that the RS BEST PAPER AWARD 2019 goes to Dr Bolton Chau (Assistant Professor, RS) for his following publication:   Output Ref. 2018000160 Output Description "The macaque anterior cingulate cortex translates counterfactual choice value into actual behavioral change". Nature Neuroscience, Vol. 22, No. 5, pp.797-808 (May 2019) ISSN 1097-6256(print), 1546-1726(electronic) ( Authors Fouragnan, Elsa F.* Chau, Bolton K H Folloni, Davide Kolling, Nils Verhagen, Lennart Klein-Flügge, Miriam Tankelevitch, Lev Papageorgiou, Georgios K. Aubry, Jean-Francois Sallet, Jerome Rushworth, Matthew F. S. Name of Journal Nature Neuroscience Impact factor 2018 21.126 SCI/SSCI, non-index SCI Subject Category NEUROSCIENCES - SCIE Total Journals in Category 267 Journal Rank in Category 2 % 0.75%   The selection panel (Prof. David Shum, Prof. David Man, Head of RS) has concluded the result based on the following criteria. • Dr Bolton Chau (listed as 2nd author) has declared equal contribution to the paper. • The journal is highly prestigious in the field and has very high impact factor which far surpassed the other competing papers in this reporting year. • The paper is translational in nature having potential for application in rehabilitation. This award will continue in the coming four years during headship of Prof. Hector Tsang until 2023, hoping to encourage more staff members to produce high impact journal papers.  


2019 08 29 Best Paper Award 2018_1110_DSC_8635

Congratulations to Prof. Margaret Mak for winning "RS Best Paper Award 2018"

The Department of Rehabilitation Sciences is pleased to announce that that the RS BEST PAPER AWARD 2018 goes to Prof. Margaret Mak (Professor of Physiotherapy Shun Hing Education and Charity Fund Fellow in Rehabilitation Sciences, Associate Dean of Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, Professor of RS) for her following publication: Output Description "Long-term effects of exercise and physical therapy in people with Parkinson disease". Nature Reviews Neurology, Vol. 13, No. 11, pp.689-703 (Oct 2017) ISSN 1759-4758(print), 1759-4766(electronic) ( Authors MAK, MKY* YU, WONG Sin Kwan Irene Shen, Xia CHUNG, Lau Ha Name of Journal Nature Reviews Neurology Impact factor 2017 19.819 Grade A/B/C (Grade A: IF >= 2.2; Grade B: 2.2>IF>=1.4; Grade C: IF   A SCI/SSCI, non-index SCI Subject Category CLINICAL NEUROLOGY - SCIE Total Journals in Category 197 Journal Rank in Category 2   This award will continue in the coming four years during headship of Prof. Hector Tsang until 2023, hoping to encourage more staff members to produce high impact journal papers.


