入學年份 Sept 2025
課程編號 JS3636
學制 Full-time
4 years
名額上限 150 (JUPAS and Non-JUPAS) (Subject to approval)
資助類型 Government-Funded
132 (including 23 clinical/field credits)
Dr Arnold Wong
Students will be awarded the following degree upon completion of the graduation requirements:
- BSc (Hons) in Physiotherapy
Programme Aims & Learning Outcomes
This programme aims to nurture professionals capable of providing physiotherapy services to promote clients’ health and meet society’s healthcare needs. Our graduates possess the knowledge, skills, and professional attitudes required to practise physiotherapy reliably, ethically and effectively. They are also lifelong learners and active consumers of the professional and scientific literature, which enables them to develop in the profession through continuing education and by participating in investigative and evaluative projects. Their sense of social and professional responsibility is further reflected in their efforts to educate clients, the public and the next generation of therapists.
Programme Characteristics
The curriculum is forward-looking, with a strong scientific base. Clinical education and university-based education are integrated using the latest teaching and learning resources.
Placement Opportunities
The department trains students to develop global perspectives and actively encourages them to seize opportunities to experience life overseas. The department also fully supports students to undertake exchanges for clinical placements. Year 3/4 students can undertake 5-week clinical placements at overseas universities; in previous years, placements have been organised at universities in Australia, Canada, Denmark, Finland, Taiwan, Thailand, Sweden, Switzerland, and the USA.