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ANY-maze software

The ANY-maze Behaviour Tracking Software is a comprehensive yet easy-to-use video-tracking system for recording and analysing animal activity and movement during virtually any behavioral tests and mazes, such as light/dark box, plus-maze, Barns maze, water maze, etc.

ANY-maze supports live or offline video analyses, data grouping for control and treatment groups, custom definition of arena boundary and zones, whole-animal tracking to detect position and orientation of the animal. ANY-maze also generates visualisation of common metrics such as location heatmaps, distance and velocity charts. Data can be further analysed within ANY-maze or exported to other softwares such as EXCEL or SPSS for parametric, non-parametric and post-hoc tests.

You are strongly encouraged to use our licensed copy of ANY-maze software with UBSN's animal behavioural equipment.


• Can analyse real-time or recorded videos
• Flexible and easy to use
• Compatible with virtually any behavioural tests and mazes: e.g. open field, water-maze, Y-maze, plus-maze, fear conditioning, novel object, Barnes maze, radial arm maze, forced swim test, light/ dark box, many more.




To use, please go to the URFMS

Equipment in-charge: Dr. Howard CHAN


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