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Open Field Test

It is a test of spontaneous locomotor activity in rodents – indexed by distance traverse and speed of movement within and between successive test sessions. Exploration is indexed by the displacement within the open field arena, and frequency of specific behaviour such as rearing, glooming and defecation. Changes of activity levels over time reflects habituation or sensitization/dishabituation. Avoidance of centre area may indicate anxiety and fear of open spaces. Social interaction may be studied with 2 or more animals placed in an open field.

• Square arenas with dimensions suitable for mice
• Test duration: from 5 min to 2h, may be repeated across days
• Video recording and tracking necessary for subsequent data extraction

• Evaluation of locomotor activity & spatial exploration
• Evaluation of fear/anxiety of open spaces
• Sensitivity to psychostimulant drugs (e.g., amphetamine, phencyclidine)
• Sensitivity to sedative drugs (e.g., tranquilizing agents, such as antipsychotic drugs, benzodiazepines)
• May be adapted to study habituation, dishabituation, conditioned place preference, and reaction to novel objects (e.g., neophobia)

Location: ST108. To be used in CAF, or another approved procedural room with the appropriate settings.

Session rate (9 hours per session):
PolyU Users (per session): $20
Users from other UGC-funded Universities / Self-financed local universities / Non-local universities / HKSAR Government (per session): $40
Other External Users (per session): $100

To use, please
go to the URFMS

Equipment in-charge: Dr. Howard CHAN


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