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Tail Suspension Test (TST)

The Tail Suspension Test is a commonly employed test used for assessing depressive-like behaviour in rodents. By suspending the animal by its tail, this test measures immobility time as an indicator of despair-like behaviour. It aids in studying the efficacy of potential treatments and enhancing our comprehension of depressive disorders.


• 20cm(w) * 40cm(h) * 30cm(d)
• Designed as two sets of boards that assemble inside an open field box to each form two partitions of the above dimensions.
• 4 total chambers for testing
• Can be used with ANY-maze tracking software


• Evaluation of interventions expected to modify mood related to depression and despair
• A common test of anti-depressant drugs in rodents
• Evaluation of brain circuit underlying depression, such as, the hippocampus, prefrontal cortices, and the reward circuit
• To model depression in etiological models of depression such as the chronic mild stress model

Location: To be deployed in CAF, or another approved procedural room with the appropriate settings.


Session rate (9 hours per session):
PolyU Users (per session): $20
Users from other UGC-funded Universities / Self-financed local universities / Non-local universities / HKSAR Government (per session): $40
Other External Users (per session): $100

To use, please
go to the URFMS

Equipment in-charge: Dr. Howard CHAN


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