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Animal Visual Evoked Potentials (VEP) System

It is an electrophysiological system for visual-evoked potentials recording. It has the electrophysiological diagnostic module to measure the flash/focal/pattern visual evoked potentials (VEP) which is the specific vision elicited brain activity from the visual cortex of the small animals.

• 8-channel Bio Signal-Amplifier (Sensitivity: 10uV/div to 2mV/div; CMR: 120dB; Impedance: 2x100MΩ)
• Ganzfeld stimulator (using LED ranged from 455nm to 625nm as well as UV-LED for flash stimulation) to measure flash VEP)
• DLP presentation (multi-colour, 800x600 pixels) to project the focal or pattern stimuli to measure the focal or pattern VEP

• Flash VEP for animal
• Focal VEP for animal
• Pattern VEP for animal

Location: Y523

Session rate (5 hours per session):
PolyU Users (per session): $240
Users from other UGC-funded Universities / Self-financed local universities / Non-local universities / HKSAR Government (per session): $480
Other External Users (per session): $1,200

To use, please go to the URFMS

Equipment in-charge: Dr. Howard CHAN


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