Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Fusion Lumos Mass Spectrometer is a high resolution mass spectrometer that is capable of collecting high quality MS and tandem MS data for both non-targeted and targeted analysis. The multiple fragmentation techniques (CID, HCD, ETD and EThcD) facilitate diverse applications in chemical and biological research such as accurate mass measurement, structural elucidation of interested analytes, quantitative proteomics, post-translational modifications (PTMs) analysis and lipidomics.
Dionex UltiMate 3000 RSLCnano
- Binary nano pump with continuous direct nano flow
- Flow rate range: 20nl/min – 50µL/min
- Column compartment: 10C – 75C
Thermo Fisher Orbitrap Fusion Lumos Mass Spectrometer
- Ion Source:
- Electrospray ionization (ESI)
- nanoelectrospray ionization (nano ESI)
- Atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI)
- Scan modes: MSn (n = 1-10)
- Fragmentation techniques in MS/MS:
- Collision induced dissociation (CID)
- High-energy collision dissociation (HCD)
- Electron transfer dissociation (ETD)
- Electron transfer and high-energy collision dissociation (EThcD)
- Mass analyzer:
- Linear ion trap MS
- Orbitrap MS
- Mass range:
- m/z 50-2,000
- m/z 200-4,000
- up to m/z 6,000 without precursor ion selection (MS only)
- Resolution: 500,000 FWHM at m/z 200
- Mass accuracy:
- Less than 3ppm RMS using external calibration
- Less than 1ppm RMS using internal calibration
- Food and environmental analysis
- Biomarker discovery
- Labeled and label-free quantitative proteomics
- Protein identification
- Intact protein analysis
- Glycoproteomics
- Metabolism
- Metabolomics
- Lipidomics
- Progenesis QI (for small molecule analysis)
- Progenesis QI for Proteomics (QIP) with Mascot
Note to users:
First-time users must be trained by equipment-in-charge before they can use the instrument independently.
Samples should be desalted and purified prior to MS analysis to enhance the detection sensitivity and minimize contamination.
Direct infusion:
Internal users $100 / hr; Collaborators $200 / hr; External users $1000 / hr
Internal users $300 / 4hr; Collaborators $600 / 4hr; External users please enquiry
Internal users $500 / 8hr; Collaborators $1000 / 8hr; External users please enquiry
Internal users $1000 / 24hr; Collaborators $2000 / 24hr; External users please enquiry
Please visit our University Research Facility Management System (URFMS) website for registration, training request and booking arrangement.
Contact Information:
Location: W711, Block W, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Equipment-in-charge: Dr. Sirius TSE (Office: TU503)
Telephone: 3400 8878