The semi-preparative HPLC system fits the purposes of isolation and purification of chemical and biological compounds from complex matrixes. The matrixes may be come from chemical synthetic mixtures, pre-treated natural herbal mixtures etc. The system can be connected with three different detectors for UV active, fluorescence or non-UV active and non-fluorrescence compounds. Normal phase or reverse-phase columns can be used in this system. Mobile phase can be used from a range of common organic solvents (n-hexane, iso-propanol, tetrahydrofuran, methanol, acetonitrile, dichloromethane, water, non-corrosive buffer, weak acid/basic mixture etc)
2535 Quaternary gradient solvent pump
- Up to four different solvents can be applied as mobile phase at the same time
- Flow rate range: 0.5 mL/min – 50 mL/min
- Degasser connect to up to two solvent channels
- Flow rate accuracy be ±1.0 %
- Operator pressure: up to 6000 psi (50 mL/min)
- Accuracy of solvent composition: ±3% or better when solvent’s composition ranges from 5% to 95% at flow rate from 1 to 50 mL/min (e.g. using methanol step gradient).
- Precision of solvent composition should be 0.15 min SD or smaller on retention time variation (e.g. using uracil/caffeine at 1, 5, 20, 50 mL/min).
2707 Auotsampler
- Sample loop: 20uL, 500uL, 1000uL and 2000uL
- Sample trays: tray of 24 well for 2 mL vials or tray of 8 well for 10 mL vials, any combination of these two.
- Reproducibility of injection volumes RSD 0.3% for full-loop mode
- Operator pressure: 5000 psi
- Viscosity range: 0.1 to 5.0 cP
Fraction collector III
- Maximum flow rate: up to 50 mL/min
- Shift time of collection nozzle: 0.1 s
- Rack can holds 120 pieces of test tubes with size of 18 mm (O.D.) x 180 mm (height)
2998 Photodiode array detector
- Range of wavelength: 190 to 800 nm
- Accuracy of wavelength: ±1 nm
- Flow cells: 10 mm (analytical) and 3 mm (semi-prep)
2475 Multi-Wavelength Fluorescence Detector
- Range of wavelength: 200 to 890 nm
- Emission range of wavelength: 210 to 900 nm
- Bandwidth: 20 nm
- Wavelength accuracy: ±3 nm
- Ligth source: Xenon lamp (150W)
- Pressure limit: 145 psi
- Flow cell colume: 13 µL
2424 Evaporative Light Scattering Detector
- Nebulizer can support a range of flow rate from 300 µL/min to 3000 µL/min.
- Drift tube for temperature control can be settable from 5.0 ºC to 100.0 ºC with 0.1 ºC increment (accuracy 0.1 ºC).
- Light source: tungsten halogen polychromatic lamp
- Detector: Photomultiplier tube
- Gas supply: nitrogen gas at 64 psi or higher
Column heater
- Temperature range: ambient to 60ºC.
- The heater can hold up to four analytical columns (4.6 µm x 250 mm)
- Organic synthesis
- Food and environmental analysis
- Biological synthetic mixtures
- Drug discoveries
- Empower 3
Notes to users:
First-time users must be trained by equipment-in-charge or his or her deligate before they can use the instrument.
Samples should be pre-treated before injection in order to avoid blocking, degrading of the wet-part of the HPLC system.
Contact information:
Location: Room Y1301, Block Y, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Equipment-in-change: Dr. Kenneth Yan (Office: TU503)
Email: kenneth.yan@polyu.edu.hk
Telephone: 2766 4690