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Mass Spectrometry Joint Seminar (ULS & UCEA): Latest mass spectrometry technologies in food, environmental and life science research (12-Sep-2023)

I am pleased to invite you to a joint seminar held by University Research Facility in Life Sciences (ULS), University Research Facility in Chemical and Environmental Analysis (UCEA),  and ThermoFisher Scientific about the latest mass spectrometry technologies in food,  environmental and life science research.    ThermoFisher Scientific is a major vendor for mass spectrometer instruments. Their trademarked "Orbitrap" mass spectrometers are well-known for their benchmarking-high mass resolution, mass accuracy and sensitivity as well as their excellent performance in various applications including proteomics, metabolomics, food analysis and environmental analysis, etc. In this seminar, experts from ThermoFisher will introduce their latest Liquid chromatography/Orbitrap mass spectrometer and Gas chromatography/Orbitrap mass spectrometers in two separated talks respectively. The details of the seminar are as follows:     Date: 12-Sept-2023 (Tuesday) Venue: Room Y715-716, Lee Shau Kee Building (Core Y) Rundown: 14:15 – 14:30: Registration 14:30 – 15:00: Seminar 1: An evolutionary Liquid chromatography/Orbitrap mass spectrometer for proteomics and native protein analysis 15:00 – 15:10: Break session 15:10 – 15:40: Seminar 2: Latest Gas chromatography/Orbitrap solutions for metabolomic, food, and environmental analysis   Due to limited seats, registration will be on first-come-first-serve basis. If you are interested in this joint seminar, please send your (1) full name,  (2) department, and (3) research group information (PI) to Dr. So Pui-Kin ( or Dr. Tse Pui-Kam Sirius ( by this Friday (08-Sept-2023).



AIC 2000x1050

New ULS Equipment - ThermoFisher Glacios 200 kV Cryo-electron Microscope

The University Research Facility in Life Sciences (ULS) is excited to announce that the ThermoFisher Glacios 200 kV Cryo-electron Microscope (Cryo-EM) is open to users. The Glacios system is equipped with the latest Falcon 4i direct electron detector, which delivers higher image quality and shorter total image acquisition time than previous models. The system is an essential piece of equipment for the whole cryo-EM workflow, as it allows researchers to verify sample quality with regard to the biochemistry and vitrification. Applications of the Glacios system include single-particle analysis (SPA), micro-electron diffraction (MicroED), and cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET) workflows.   In addition, two sets of ThermoFisher Vitrobot Plunge-freezing Systems are also available to support sample vitrification for subsequent cryo-EM and cryo-ET workflows.   If you have any inquiries about the Glacios 200 kV Cryo-EM or the Vitrobot Plunge-freezing Systems, please do not hesitate to contact Mr Sirui Li or Dr Harvey Chan of the ULS.   Thank you for your attention.


Equipment update


New ULS equipment - Bruker Minispec LF90II Body Composition Analyser

The University Research Facility in Life Sciences (ULS) is pleased to announce that the Bruker Minispec LF90II Body Composition Analyser is now available for booking. It allows rapid in vivo measurements of lean tissue, body fat, and body fluid in live rodents or other samples (e.g. biopsy; food).    For training session or other enquiries, please contact Dr. Rachel Li or Dr. Eva Lau.    Thank you for your attention.  


Equipment update

Bruker MRI 2000x1050

New ULS Equipment - Bruker Biospec 70/20 USR Magnetic Resonance Imaging System

The University Research Facility in Life Sciences (ULS) is pleased to announce that the Bruker Biospec 70/20 USR Magnetic Resonance Imaging System is now open to users.   The Bruker BioSpec 70/20 USR Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) System is a state-of-the-art equipment for non-invasive preclinical imaging of small animals and tissue samples. The applications of the MRI system include diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), such as fibre tracking; functional MRI (fMRI), such as brain connectivity and optogenetics; MR spectroscopy (MRS), such as detection of metabolites, amino acids, lipids; angiography and cardiac imaging.     For arranging training or for other inquiries, please contact Dr Eva Lau or Dr Rachel Li.    Thank you for your attention. 


Equipment update

Zeiss LL7 2000x1050

New ULS Equipment - Zeiss Lattice Lightsheet 7 Microscope

The University Research Facility in Life Sciences (ULS) is pleased to announce that the Zeiss Lattice Lightsheet 7 (LLS7) Microscope is now open to users. The technique uses optical lattices to create ultrathin laser lightsheet to improve axial resolution and has since proved to be a power tool for live imaging. The LLS7 system has a specially designed inverted configuration that allows researchers to use common sample carriers and is equipped with 2 scientific-grade CMOS cameras for simultaneous dual-channel imaging at speed up to 3 volume scans per second.   To introduce the major functions and applications of the LLS7 system, the ULS is going to hold a number of demonstration sessions on 9th August, 2023.  Online registration is now open until 3rd August, 2023.   Please contact Dr Michael Yuen for enquiries of the equipment or the demonstration.   Thank you for your attention.


Equipment update


New ULS Equipment - ThermoFisher Talos L120C Transmission Electron Microscope

The University Research Facility in Life Sciences (ULS) is pleased to announce that the ThermoFisher Talos L120C Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) is now available for booking. The new system has been installed in the ULS Cryo-EM Centre, and is mainly used for sample screening and data collection using negatively stained biological specimens. The enhanced contrast of negative stain EM allows preliminary examination of relatively small biological samples with sizes under 30 nm, such as protein particles. The Talos L120C will enable researchers to acquire high-quality images with simple and intuitive image acquisition software.   If you have any queries about the Talos L120C TEM System, please do not hesitate to contact Mr Sirui Li or Dr Michael Yuen of the ULS.   Thank you for your attention.  


Equipment update

Labfreez FD-12-R-80C 2000x1050

NEW ULS Equipment - Labfreez FD-12R-80C Freeze Dryer

The University Research Facility in Life Sciences (ULS) is pleased to announce that the Labfreez FD-12R-80C Freeze Dryer is now available for booking. It is equipped with a -80oC dual cascade refrigeration condenser, providing maximum performance for freeze drying of biological sample, food and pharmaceuticals. Please contact Dr. Ryan CHOW for enquiries of the equipment or training arrangement. Thank you for your attention.


Equipment update

AIC 2000x1050

New ULS Equipment - Nikon AX R MP Upright Multiphoton Microscope

The University Research Facility in Life Sciences (ULS) has been supported by the Collaborative Research Fund (CRF) 2021/22 to acquire a Nikon AX R MP Upright Multiphoton (MP) Microscope.  The system is equipped with a dual-output pulsed laser for simultaneous multi-channel MP imaging and/or photostimulation, and supports high-speed intravital imaging using small animals. The system has been installed at the newly built Animal Imaging Centre (AIC) on Podium of Block Y and is now open for booking.   To introduce the major functions and applications of the new system, the ULS is going to hold a number of demonstration sessions on 5th and 12th July.  Online registration is now open until 2nd July.   Please contact Dr Michael Yuen for enquiries of the equipment or the demonstration.   Thank you for your attention.


Equipment update

AIC 2000x1050

Migration of PolyU ULS online booking system to URFMS (8)

ULS has kicked off the migration of the online booking system to University Research Facility Management System (URFMS, since 2022. The migrated equipment list can be found in this link:   The last phase of migration includes the following equipment/software workstation:   Leica TCS SP8 MP multiphoton/confocal microscope Leica TCS SPE Confocal microscope Nikon Eclipse Ti2-E Live-cell Fluorescence imaging system Nikon NIS-Elements and MetaMorph image analysis software Leica LAS X image analysis software   We have helped to transfer user data (Equipment access) to the new system. Current users of the above equipment/software workstation can now log in the system and prepare for the URFMS online account. Once completed simple registration procedures, online booking of the above equipment/software workstation can then be made immediately for any date on or after 30th June 2023 (Friday). Attached the guideline for user and supervisor, respectively.   User Guide-ULS-July.pdf User Guide for Supervisor.pdf   Below are some highlights of the migration: •        New URFMS user needs to log in the system, agree the Terms and Conditions, add an emergence contact number and seek endorsement from supervisor through the system. •        Virtual ULS payment account is used for booking instead of a true research funding account, usage cost will be included in the current ULS monthly invoice. The virtual ULS payment account and invoice payment method is only applicable to the ULS system. •        Supervisor needs to approve user registration in the URFMS and agree the Terms and Conditions. Budget allocation and budget top-up is not needed. •        Supervisor can grant right to a team member to use the virtual ULS payment account.   If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Ryan Chow at 34008057 or Thank you for your attention.  


AIC 2000x1050

Updates on the ULS Animal Imaging Centre

The ULS is pleased to announce that our Animal Imaging Centre (AIC) on Podium of Block Y is in the final stages of preparation, and will be fully open to users in Q3 2023. The AIC will be equipped with a collection of top-end instruments to support preclinical animal research, including a 7-tesla Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) System, an Upright Multiphoton Microscope with Dual-output Pulsed Laser, and a Body Composition Analyser. The list of equipment at the AIC is as follows:   Bruker Biospec 70/20 USR MRI System (coming soon) Bruker minispec LF90II Body Composition Analyser (coming soon) Bruker Skyscan 1276 In Vivo Micro-CT Scanner Fujifilm VisualSonics Vevo LAZR Ultrasound/Photoacoustic Imaging System Perkin-Elmer IVIS Lumina Series III In Vivo Imaging System Promethion Metabolic Cage System (8 additional cages being acquired) Nikon AX R MP Upright Multiphoton Microscope (coming soon) Zeiss Lightsheet 7 Selective Plane Illumination Microscope Nikon SMZ1270i Fluorescence Stereomicroscope Zeiss LSM 900 Confocal Microscope with Airyscan 2 (coming soon) Logos Biosystems X-CLARITY Tissue Clearing System   We would like to take this opportunity to remind current and potential users that we would only allow the use of live animals at the AIC with a valid animal license that indicates the AIC (Y205 to Y212) as one of the locations for carrying out the proposed experiments. Users are urged to amend their existing animal license in time to avoid interruptions to their experiments.   If you have any queries about the AIC, equipment, or policy on the use of live animals, please do not hesitate to contact Dr Michael Yuen.   Thank you for your attention.


Equipment update

