Sharing Sessions - Experiential Teaching and Learning in Newly Renovated Classrooms – Session 1

Date: 04 January 2018

Time: 10:30-11:30

Venue: TU411

Presenters: Dr Pauli Lai (EIE) and Dr Justina Liu (SN)

Enrolment: Click Here

Since 2015, more than 40 teaching rooms on campus were renovated and some were combined to form larger rooms. The refitted spaces feature modern, comfortable, user-friendly, and interactive environment with movable furniture, extensive writing surfaces, enhanced acoustics, and upgraded technologies. To increase teaching colleagues’ awareness about the advanced features of these upgraded classrooms and understanding of how these features could be applied in learning and teaching activities, the Working Group on Innovative Learning Spaces (WG ILS) invited academic and teaching staff to submit proposals on “experiential teaching and learning in newly renovated classrooms” in Semester 1, 2017/18. Six proposals from various departments were selected. Each successful project team had made use of the room facilities and equipment to bring about positive impact on students’ learning experiences.

You are cordially invited to attend the sharing sessions in which the project teams will share their innovative teaching and learning approaches and provide their inspirational insights about the use of new features in the newly renovated classrooms for learning and teaching activities.

For enquiries, please contact Ms Ophelia Wong at 3400 3669 or

We look forward to meeting you at the sharing sessions.

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