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30 August 2019
Newly Renovated Classrooms for Active Learning Workshops

This summer, 11 theatres and classrooms have been renovated to facilitate student learning (FJ301, FJ302, FJ303, FJ304, HJ302, HJ303, HJ304, HJ305, DE401, DE402 and DE403).

In conjuction with EDC, ITS and the Working Group on Innovative Learning Spaces, two workshops were held on August 29 and 30, 2019 to go through the following:

  • A brief discussion and sharing of the use of facilities for active learning pedagogies;
  • A demo of key technology features of the AV/IT facilities and lectern in two sample classrooms; and
  • A brief walk through of the newly renovated classrooms.

Photos and detailed information of the theatres and classrooms will be uploaded to the website shortly upon completion of the renovations.


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