Academic Staff

Prof. Wei LIU
Associate Head and Associate Professor, Presidential Young Scholar
- R805
- 3400 2386
- Personal Website
B.Eng. (Tsinghua); LL.B. (Tsinghua); PhD (HKUST)
Presidential Young Scholar
Short Description
Dr Wei Liu is currently an Associate Professor, Associate Head, and Presidential Young Scholar at the Department of Aeronautical and Aviation Engineering at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Prior to this, Dr Liu was a faculty member at UNSW Sydney in Australia and the University of Glasgow in the UK, and was a Researcher at Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland. Dr Liu received his PhD in Transportation from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in 2014, and his BEng in Civil Engineering and Bachelor of Laws both from Tsinghua University in 2010. Dr Liu is a recipient of the Discovery Early Career Researcher Award from the Australian Research Council. His research group mainly works in data-driven decision analytics; large-scale transport system modeling, optimization, and computing; aviation and rail system modeling; transport and aviation economics. Dr Liu’s research has attracted funding from Research Grants Council of Hong Kong, Australian Research Council, National Natural Science Foundation of China, Chief Executive’s Policy Unit (Hong Kong), Hong Kong’s MTR Research Funding Scheme, and Guangdong Science and Technology Department. His research mainly appears in leading international journals in the field such as Transportation Research Series (Part A/B/C/D/E) and Transportation Science.
Research Interests
- Multimodal Transport Network Modeling and Analytics
- Transport and Aviation Economics
- Low-altitude Air Mobility and Logistics
- Electrified, Automated, and Shared Mobility
PhD Positions and Academic Visitors
- PhD Students - Students with background in Aviation/Transport/Civil Engineering, Computer Science, Industrial Engineering, Control Engineering, Automation, Applied Mathematics or other relevant areas are welcome to apply for our PhD or MPhil program. Please send me your CV including your education qualifications with GPA, English test scores (IELTS/TOEFL), list of publications (if any) and names and contacts of at least two referees.
- Postdoc, Visiting Students and Scholars - If your research background fits my research interests, please send me your CV including your education qualifications and list of publications (if any).
Selected Publications
- Zhang, Z., Zhang, F., Liu, W. (2025) Economic analysis of parking, vehicle charging and vehicle-to-grid service in the era of electric vehicles. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 191, 103133.
- Zhang, Z., Zhang, F., Liu, W., Yang, H. (2025) On the service differentiation for parking sharing. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 170, 104915.
- Xu, G., Zhong, L., Liu, W., Guo, J. (2024) A flexible train composition strategy with extra-long trains for high-speed railway corridors with time-varying demand. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 179, 102875.
- Li, C., Liu, W. (2024) Multimodal Transport Demand Forecasting via Federated Learning. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 25(5), 4009-4020.
- Zhou, B., Liu, W., Yang, H. (2023) Unmanned aerial vehicle service network design for urban monitoring. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 157, 104406.
- Xi, H., Liu, W., Waller, S.T., Hensher, D., Kilby, P., Rey, D. (2023) Incentive-compatible mechanisms for online resource allocation in Mobility-as-a-Service systems. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 170, 119-147.
- Gong, Z., Zhang, F., Liu, W., Graham, D. (2023) On the effects of airport capacity expansion under responsive airlines and elastic passenger demand. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 170, 48-76.
- Zhang, F., Lindsey, R., Yang, H., Shao, C., Liu, W. (2022) Two-sided pricing strategies for a parking sharing platform: reselling or commissioning?. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 163, 40-63.
- Liu, W., Zhang, F., Wang, X., Shao, C., Yang, H. (2022) Unlock the sharing economy: the case of the parking sector for recurrent commuting trips. Transportation Science, 56(2), 338-357.
- Ma, M., Zhang, F., Liu, W., Dixit, V. (2022) A game theoretical analysis of metro-integrated city logistics systems. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 156, 14-27.
- Wu, W., Liu, Y., Liu, W., Zhang, F., Dixit, V., Waller, S.T. (2022) Autonomous intersection management for connected and automated vehicles: a lane-based approach. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 23(9), 15091-15106.
- Li, C., Bai, L., Liu, W., Yao, L., Waller, S.T. (2022) Graph Neural Network for Robust Public Transit Demand Prediction. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 23(5), 4086-4098.
- Li, C., Bai, L., Liu, W., Yao, L., Waller, S.T. (2021) A multi-task memory network with knowledge adaptation for multimodal demand forecasting. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 131, 103352.
- Liu, W., Zhang, F., Yang, H. (2021) Modeling and managing the joint equilibrium of destination and parking choices under a hybrid supply of curbside and shared parking. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 130, 103301.
- Wang, X., Guo, L., Wang, J., Liu, W., Zhang, X. (2021) A Convex Programming Approach for Ridesharing User Equilibrium Under Fixed Driver/Rider Demand. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 149, 33-51.
- Jian, S., Liu, W., Wang, X., Yang, H., Waller, S.T. (2020) On integrating carsharing and parking sharing services. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 142, 19-44.
- Wang, X., Liu, W., Wang, D., Yang, H., Ye, J. (2020) Customer behavioural modelling of order cancellation in coupled ride-sourcing and taxi markets. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 132, 358-378.
- Liu, W., Szeto, W.Y. (2020) Learning and Managing Stochastic Network Traffic Dynamics with an Aggregate Traffic Representation. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 137, 19-46.
- Zhang, X., Liu, W., Waller, S.T., Yin, Y. (2019) Modelling and managing the integrated morning-evening commuting and parking patterns under the fully autonomous vehicle environment. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 128, 380-407.
- Liu, W. (2018) An Equilibrium Analysis of Commuter Parking in the Era of Autonomous Vehicles. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 92, 191-207.
- Liu, W., Zhang, F., Yang, H. (2017) Modeling and Managing Morning Commute with both Household and Individual Travels. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 103, 227-247.
- Liu, W., Geroliminis, N. (2017) Doubly Dynamics for Multi-modal Networks with Park-and-ride and Adaptive Pricing. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 102, 162–179.
- Liu, W., Geroliminis, N. (2016) Modeling the Morning Commute for Urban Networks with Cruising-for-parking: an MFD Approach. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 93, 470-494.
- Liu, W., Yin, Y., Yang, H. (2015) Effectiveness of Variable Speed Limits Considering Commuters’ Long-term Response. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 81, 498-519.
- Liu, W., Yang, H., Yin, Y. (2014) Expirable Parking Reservations for Managing Morning Commute with Parking Space Constraints. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 44, 185-201.
- Yang, H., Liu, W., Wang, X., Zhang, X. (2013) On the Morning Commute Problem with Bottleneck Congestion and Parking Space Constraints. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 58, 106-118.
Academic Services
- Associate Editor - Journal of Management Science and Engineering (2017-)
- Associate Editor - Transportmetrica A: Transport Science (2020-)
- Associate Editor - Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics (2020-)
- Editorial Advisory Board - Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies (2021-)
- Editorial Advisory Board - Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review (2024-)
- Advisory Board Member - Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives (2019-)
- Guest Editor - Transportmetrica A: Transport Science (2018-2020)
- Guest Editor - Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment (2023-2025)
- Conference Co-Chair - The 30th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies (HKSTS 2026)
- Conference Chair - The 28th Air Transport Research Society World Conference (ATRS 2025)
- Member - Conference Organizing Committee, The 29th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies (HKSTS 2025)
- Member - Conference Organizing Committee, The 28th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies (HKSTS 2024)
- Area Editor - The 23rd COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals (CICTP 2023)
- Area Editor - The 22nd COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals (CICTP 2022)
- Associate Editor - IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (2018)
- Publication Co-Chair - IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (2019)
- Co-Chair - Transportation History Technical Committee, World Transport Convention (2019)
- Member - Freight Transportation Planning and Logistics Management Committee, World Transport Convention (2022-)
- Member - Traffic Flow Theory and Highway Capacity Technical Committee, World Transport Convention (2020-)
- Referee for 40+ SCI/SSCI-indexed journals and Scientific/Program Committee Member or Referee for 10+ major international conferences
- Referee for competitive funding such as Australian Research Council Discovery Program and Linkage Program