To acknowledge and encourage exceptional research accomplishments by graduating PhD students, the Graduate School of PolyU introduced the PhD Thesis Award every year. This recognition program features two categories: Outstanding and Merit, which are designed to honor students' achievements at different levels of excellence. This year, the Outstanding Award is conferred upon Dr. LEI Mang Leng, a PhD student, under the supervision of Prof. Terence LEE. Dr. LEI is the only recipient of this recognition among all graduating PhD candidates across all faculties within PolyU. Before receiving this Award, Dr. LEI had already been recognized with the FS Outstanding PhD Thesis Award for the 2023/2024 academic year.
Dr. LEI’s research focused on understanding the immune evasive mechanism of liver cancer cells, which leads to resistance to immunotherapy. This insight could pave the way for the development of more effective treatments for liver cancer.
Her thesis entitled “Identification of Wild-Type Kirsten Rat Sarcoma (Kras) and its Signalling Pathway in Immune Evasion in Hepatocellular Carcinoma” highlights the novelty and translational implications for cancer therapy.
Join us to congratulate Dr. LEI and her supervisor on this amazing achievement!

Faculty of Science (FS)
Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology (ABCT)
Dr LEI Mang Leng