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Mass Spectrometry (MS) is an analytical technique which determines the mass of molecules by measuring the mass-to-charge ratio (m/z) of their ions. Because of the capability in detecting molecules with high sensitivity and specificity, MS is one of the most important analytical techniques
in various research areas, e.g., natural product research, protein science, proteomics, metabolomics, pharmaceutical studies and food science. As a multi-discipline department, our laboratories are equipped with different mass spectrometers with different configurations, e.g., LC-ESI-QTOF, LC-ESI-QQQ, LC-ESI/APCI-Ion Trap, GC-EI/CI-TOF, and MALDI-TOF/TOF, for various qualitative and quantitative applications in chemical and biological researches.

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Dr Eugene Li

Contact Person

Dr Yuen On-ying

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