Prof. Chong Choi-sing, Pele
Professor of Practice (Biotechnology)
- TU507
- +852 3400 2687
- pelecs.chong@polyu.edu.hk
Research Overview
Dr. Chong Research Interests are developing Advance Therapeutic Product (ATP) and Biologics products; and training courses that are designed to enable ATP Authorized persons, Managers, Engineers and other staff in the R&D, Production, Quality Assurance, Facility Engineering, Project Management and Quality Control departments to gain theoretical and practical experience in the application of ICH/PIC/s guidelines and cGMP regulations related to the Biopharmaceutical Products (including Gene/Cell therapy, Protein Drugs such as monoclonal antibodies and Biologics such as vaccines).
Education and Academic Qualifications
- MRC Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Pathology, University of British Columbia, Canada (1983-1985)
o Focused on recombinant rubella subunit vaccine development - Ph.D., Biochemistry, University of Alberta, Canada (1978-1983)
o Specialized in protein chemistry and peptide synthesis for protein structure and function studies - B.Sc., Biochemistry, University of Alberta, Canada (1974-1978)
Academic and Professional Experience
Freelance Consultant (2018-2023)
- Scientific Advisor to Immuno Cure Biomedical Limited Hong Kong
Chair the Scientific Advisory Board of Eternity Biomedical Inc., Taiwan - Service Contract with BravoVax Co. Ltd., Wuhan, China
- Scientific Adviser to Dong Yang Guan (HEC) Group
Senior Vice President (2016-2017)
United Biomedical Inc., Asia (UBI-Asia), Taiwan
Distinguished Investigator (2003-2016)
National Health Research Institutes, Taiwan
Director and Founder (2003-2011)
Vaccine Research and Development Center (VRDC)
National Health Research Institutes, Taiwan
Chief Scientific Officer (2000-2003)
United Biomedical Inc. (UBI), New York, USA
Vice President (2000-2003)
UBI-Asia, Taiwan
Research Director (1994-2000)
Research Scientist (1985-1994)
Human Vaccine Research and Development
Sanofi-Pasteur SA (formerly Connaught Laboratory Ltd.), Toronto, Canada
Graduate Institute of Immunology, China Medical University, Taiwan (2010-2017)
Adjunct Professor
Institute of Life Science, National Defence Medical University, Taiwan (2003-2017)
Adjunct Professor
Institute of Biotechnology, School of Life Science, National Tsing Hua University,
Taiwan (since 2011)
- Vaccines Expert Panel, European Society for Translational Medicine
- Expert Panel, 中華民國優良廠商協會 「評鑑委員會委員」暨「產學合作指導顧問 」
- Editorial Board, New Journal of Science
- Editorial Board, SciTechnol Journal of Immunological Techniques in Infectious Diseases
- Editorial Board, Asia-Pacific Biotech News
- Editorial Board, La Prensa Medica
- Editorial Board, The Scientific World Journal
- 2018 年 12 月、获颁 107 年度国家发明创作奖银牌:EV71 手足口病疫台湾经济部技术处和经济部智慧财产局;
- 2017 年 10 月、台湾第十五届新创奖:创新研发多价型手足口病疫苗、台湾生技医疗产业策进会;
- 2014 年 12 月、台湾第十二届新创奖:创新研发 EV71 手足口病疫苗、台湾生技医疗产业策进会;
- 2012 年 12 月、获颁 101 年度国家发明创作奖银牌:“脂质化序列及其用于
在大肠杆菌制造脂质化蛋白质”专利、台湾经济部技术处和经济部智慧财产局; - 2012 年 10 月、台湾第九届新创奖:治疗型人类乳突病毒疫苗、台湾生技医疗产业策进会;
- 2005 年 2 月、防疫奖励、台湾卫生署疾病管制局
- 1988, 1990, 1992, 1994 Publication Awards from Connaught Laboratories Ltd
(now Sanofi Pasteur)
- Huang CY, Huang CH, Liu SJ, Chen HW, Leng CH, Chong P, Huang MH.
Polysorbasome: A Colloidal Vesicle Contoured by Polymeric Bioresorbable
Amphiphiles as an Immunogenic Depot for Vaccine Delivery. ACS Appl Mater
Interfaces. 2018 Apr 18;10(15):12553-12561.
- Liu CC, Wu SC, Wu SR, Lin HY, Guo MS, Huang MH, Chou AH, Hu YC, Chow
YH, Chiang JR, Chong P. Enhancing Enterovirus 71 Vaccine production yield by
microcarrier profusion bioreactor culture. 2017 Vaccine. doi:
- Chiang CY, Pan CH, Chen MY, Hsieh CH, Tsai JP, Liu HH, Liu SJ, Chong P, Leng
CH and Chen HW. Immunogenicity of a novel tetravalent vaccine formulation with
four recombinant lipidated dengue envelope protein domain IIIs in mice. 2016 Sci
Rep. 2016 Jul 29;6:30648. doi: 10.1038/srep30648.
- Huang CH, Huang CY, Cheng CP, Dai SH, Chen HW, Leng CH, Chong P, Liu SJ,
Huang MH. Degradable emulsion as vaccine adjuvant reshapes antigen-specific
immunity. 2016 Sci Rep. 2016 Nov 9;6:36732. doi: 10.1038/srep36732.
- Yang YT, Hsiao KN, Chow YH, Chiang JR, Wu SC, Chong P, Liu CC.
Development of A full-length cDNA-derived EV71 Vaccine using reverse genetics
technology. 2016 Antiviral Res. 132:225-32. doi: 10.1016/j.antiviral.2016.06.014.
- Huang MH, Dai SH, Chong P. Mucosal delivery of a combination adjuvant
comprising emulsified fine particles and LD-indolicidin enhances serological
immunity to inactivated influenza virus. 2016 Microbes Infect. 18(11):706-709.
doi: 10.1016/j.micinf.2016.06.007.
- Hu HM, Chen HW, Hsiao YJ, Wu SH, Chung HH, Hsieh CH, Chong P, Leng CH,
Pan CH. The successful induction of T-cell and antibody responses and partial
protection against dengue-2 infection by a tetravalent dengue vaccine vectored by a
recombinant measles virus in the presence of pre-existing immunity. 2016 Human
Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics DOI:10.1080/21645515.2016.1143576
- Liu CC, Lin HY, Wu SR, Yang YT, Liu WC, Guo MS, Chow YH, Shieh DB, Wang
JR, Chong P. Immunological and biochemical characterization of Coxsackievirus
A6 and A10 viral particles. 2016 Antiviral Res.129:58-66. doi:
10.1016/j.antiviral.2016.02.008 (Co-corresponding author).
- Chen HW, Hu HM, Wu ZH, Chiang CY, Hsieh CH, Hsiao YJ, Wu CK, Chung HH,
Chong P, Leng CH, Pan CH. The immunodominance change and protection of
CD4+ T-cell responses elicited by an envelope protein domain III-based tetravalent
dengue vaccine in mice. 2016 PLoS ONE 10(12): e0145717.
- Leng CH, Liu SJ, Chen HW, Chong P. Recombinant bacterial lipoproteins as
vaccine candidates. 2015 Expert Review of Vaccines 09/2015;
DOI:10.1586/14760584. (Corresponding author).
- Chong P and Hsieh E. “Identification of the High affinity Binding domain of S
protein and its utilities of vaccines and immunotherapeutic against SARS CoV
infections, and diagnostic kits for detecting SARS CoV in a sample”. US patent US
7,491,397 B2
- Leng CH, Chen HW, Liu SJ and Chong P. “Novel Lipidation Sequence for
Lipoprotein Expression in E. coli system “. US PTO paten issued 2010/11/16,
US# 7,833,776
- Lee MS, Tseng YF, Chen S, Chong P. US patent. Isolated and adapted influenza
virus strains and vaccines in Vero cells. (2011/4/26) US#7931906.
- Chong, D. Kelvin, and M Klein. “SARS N Protein Epitopes Mapping and their
utility thereof.” WTO # WO05103259.
- Pele Chong, Levent Liu, and Yeau-Ching Wang. Synthetic Peptides for a Severe
Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Vaccine and Diagnostic kits Development.
US PTC#12563-033001 (2004). Application number: 11/181,693.
- Chen HW, Leng CH, Liu SJ and Chong P. DENGUE VIRUS PEPTIDE
- Chen HW, Leng CH, Liu SJ and Chong P. Lipidated vaccines that induce
neutralizing antibodies against dengue virus infection. US PTO patent #8,287,880.
(Issued Oct 16/2012)
- Huang MH, Chong P, Leng CH, Liu SJ, Chen WH. Multi-phase emulsion
containing block copolymers and preparation, and use thereof. US patent #8444993
(issued 05/01/2013), Taiwan Patent #I383806 (issued 2013)
- Leng CH, Chen HW, Liu SJ and Chong P. High level Expression of recombinant
lipoprotein in E. coli system. US PTO patent #8,426,163; Taiwan #I376385
- Liu SJ, Chen HW, Leng CH and Chong P. USPTO provision patent No.
60/984,852. “Immunopeptides of HPV E6 and E7 proteins”, 2007. (Allowed by US
- Liu SJ, Liu HH, Kwok Y, Leng CH, Chen HW and Chong P. Lipopeptides as
Adjuvant. US Patent #8461259 B2 (June/2013), Taiwan Patent #I483735.
- Chow YH, Liu SJ, Sia C and Chong P. Respiratory syncytia virus fusion protein[1]specific cytotoxic T-cell epitopes as peptide-based vaccines (2008 submitted to US
patent;application No. 61142376 ).
- Chow YH, Hsiao KN, and Chong P. Rubella replicon vector as mucosal vaccine
delivery system for multiple vaccines immunizations Taiwan patent #I419968; US
patent application No. 61172687)。
- Chow YH, Sia, C and Chong P. Intranasal delivery adenoviral vector expressed
RSV F protein as vaccine. Taiwan patent #I 415939; US 2011/0014220
- Hsieh, SY, Lin L, Leng LH and Chong P. Rapid novel bioprocess for lipoprotein
purification. US patent #US 8,716,512 and Taiwan patent allowed in August/2015.
- Liu CC, Lin SY and Chong P. Manufacturing Processes for enterovirus and use
thereof. (2009 US patent being filed)
- Liu SJ, Chen HW, Leng CH and Chong P. Lipidated Tumor-Associated Antigens
and Immunotherapeutic Compositions. US patent #8658176 (issued Feb 25/2014);
EU patent #EP 2445927 (issued 2014/4/23), Taiwan issued patent # I409275, Hong
Kong issues patent #HK1171457, China (allowed).
- Liu SJ, Liu, HH, Tseng CL, Chen HW, Leng CH and Chong P. Lipidated[1]polyepitope vaccines US patent #8658767 (issued Feb 25/2014).
- Sia C, Chow YS and Chong P. US PTO patent application #970017Adenoviral
expressed FOXP3 and use thereof.
- Siu, LK, Chen HW, Leng CH, Liu SJ and Chong P. 970026. The domain 4 of
pneumolysin as a vaccine against pneumococcal infection.
- Leng CH, Chen HW, Liu SJ and Chong P. Development of lipidated targets
against human papillomavirus associated tumor (US patent application #980017)
- Chang HW, Sia C, Chong P, Liu CC. Enterovirus 71(EV71)-neutralizing
monoclonal antibody and applications thereof. Taiwan patent# I487537 (issued
May/2015). US PTO patent application 61/352,871(2010/6/9)
- Chong P, Liu CC, Guo MS, Chang JY. Chemically Inactivated EV71 Vaccine.
Taiwan patent #I481717 (April 11/2015 granted). US PTO patent issued as U.S.
Patent No. 9,051,361 on June 9, 2015.
- Leng CH, Tseng CL, Chen HW, Liu SJ and Chong P. Optimal medium for
lipoprotein expression. WO12066420; US PTO patent application 2010/07/12
- Chow YH, Lin YH, Chong P. HSCARB2-trangenic mice and use thereof.
hSCARB2 基因轉殖鼠之製造及其做為腸病毒感染動物模式之應用 台灣專利
I432576 (April 1/2014)
MAKING AND USING THEREOF. 61/655,191USPTO, patent application date:
- Huang JH, Leng CH, Chong P. Compositions and Methods for treating C. difficile
associated diseases. 61/782,390 USPTO, application date:2013/3/14
- PCT 專利及台灣專利申請案,NHRI 案號分別為 1030010、1030011,「Novel
Immuno Composition Against Clostridium difficile-Associated Disease」
- Liu CC, Lin HY, Chow YH, Chong P. Multivalent HFMD immuno-compositions
and use thereof. Filed in April/2014. 1020038-US3151. 1020038 美國暫時專利申
請案: 多價手足口症疫苗之新型製備方法及免疫原組成
- Tsou YL. Chong P, Chow YH. Viral particles as immunogens against enterovirus
infection and production thereof. Filed 5/28/2014, 1020038(原 USPPA 案號)
PCT/CA2015/050484 filed 5/28/2015, file #62/003,973
- Leng CH, P. Chong, WangXue Chen. Lipidated Streptococccus Pneumoniae
Antigen Compositions, Methods of Preparation and Use. 2015-104-04 - US appln.
No. 15/619,075