EightOSix Technology Company Limited
We are the first company in HK that commercialize textile-based flexible batteries. By replacing the metal foils and hard case used in conventional batteries with our developed conductive textiles, our battery electrodes are light in weight, flexible, durable, and have large specific surface areas. Importantly, our textile-based batteries obtained excellent mechanical flexibility and high energy density. They are also stable under deformations and proofed to be penetration and impact safe.
Founder(s) Name(s)
- Prof. Zijian ZHENG (ADoRI-IWEAR, ADoUMF & Chair Professor of Soft Materials and Devices, Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
- Dr. Miya NG (Postdoctoral fellow, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
- 2015 Geneva International Exhibition of Inventions : Silver medal
- 2019 Geneva International Exhibition of Inventions : Gold medal & 2 special merit awards
- PolyU Microfund 2021
- Hang Seng x PolyU Sustainable Future Challenge 2022: Champion
- The 6th Hong Kong Creation for Technology Pitching Competition: 1st Runner-Up
- Jumpstarter 2023 Global Pitch Competition by Alibaba Entrepreneurs Fund: Top 100 startup
- Hello Tomorrow Global Summit 2023: selected to become one of Hello Tomorrow’s Deep Tech Pioneers
- ‘Electrode for Battery and Fabrication Method Thereof’ WO2019128658A1
- ‘一种导电纺织品及其制作方法’ CN102995395B
Funding Support
- Incubatee under HKSTP’s Incu-Tech programme since Jun 2022
Contact the Researcher
EightOSix Technology Company Limited
Dr. Miya NG : miya.ng@eightosixtech.com
Prof. Zijian ZHENG: zijian.zheng@polyu.edu.hk