Programme Overview
Fast-track Integrated Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree Programmes (Fast-track Programmes) will provide an opportunity for high-achieving students to complete an integrated Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in a shortened duration and with reduced tuition fees.
Benefits of the fast-track programme:
• Lower Total Study Load: Students can take up to 30% of the TPg credits in their UG study
• Lower Total Tuition Fee: students will pay UG tuition fee for those “doubled-counted” TPg credits (up to 30%)
Entry Path and Admission Requirements
Year 1 Entry
- JUPAS (Local):
At least Level 5** in 2 subjects and with HKDSE Best 5 score of 26 or above (Conversion scale: 5**=8.5; 5*=7; 5=5.5; 4=4);
- Non-JUPAS (Local) and Non-JEE (Mainland and Non-local Non-Mainland):
IB score of 39 or above (or equivalent); OR
- JEE (Mainland): Total score within the Top 3% of the province of the examination year
Year 3 Entry
- Attained a cumulative GPA (CGPA) of 3.30 or above at the end of Semester 2 of Year 2; and
- Recommended by the Programme Leader
Normal Study Duration
Students enrolled in the Fast-track programme can normally complete both Ug and TPg programmes in full-time mode within 5 years.
4 years for Ug + 1 year(s) for TPg
Level 5 master’s degree subjects to be included in the Ug curriculum
Fast-track programme students can take up to 9 credits (30% of the credit requirement of the TPg curriculum) from the following Level 5 subjects within their Ug curriculum, and these credits will count towards the TPg programme award.
Below are details of how Level 5 subjects available to students of the Fast-track programme can replace the original subjects in the Ug curriculum.
Level 5 subjects
Original Ug subjects to be replaced
ABCT5102 Pharmacology and Toxicology in Biotherapeutic
Discipline-specific Electives
ABCT5107 Advanced Therapeutic Product
ABCT5104 Regulatory Science for Biotech Product
Maintain Enrollment in the Fast-track Programme
Students are required to maintain a CGPA of 3.30 or above to stay on the Fast-track programme.
Further Information
For further details of the programme requirements, please refer to the PRD below.