MSc in Data Science and Analytics

Entrance Year Sept 2025
Programme Code 62027
Stream Code
DFM (Full-time)
DPM (Part-time)
Mode of Study Mixed Mode
Normal Duration
1.5 years (Full-time)
3 years (Part-time)
Programme Intake
Fund Type Self-Financed
Credits Required for Graduation
Initial Registration Credits
3 for local students
9 for non-local students
Local Application Deadline 30 Apr 2025 * Early Round Application Deadline: 2024-11-21; Main Round Application Deadline: 2025-04-30
Non-Local Application Deadline 30 Apr 2025 * Early Round Application Deadline: 2024-11-21; Main Round Application Deadline: 2025-04-30
Tuition Fees
HK$12,000 per credit for local and non-local students
(Note: There is no tuition charge for the 1-credit Academic Integrity and Ethics subject.)
Programme Leader(s)
Programme Leader
Dr Jiang Binyan
BSc, PhD
Assistant Programme Leader
Dr Li Ting
BSc, MPhil, PhD
Non-local applicants must be registered as full-time students.
Aims and Characteristics
In this era of big data, large data sets are generated every day in various areas in society and industry, such as internet data, social network data and financial transaction data. It is challenging to analyze this unprecedentedly large volume of data and extract information from it. To create values out of data, one inevitably has to combine techniques from mathematics, statistics and computer science. Graduates who have highly developed mathematical, statistical and computing skills are thus in great demand, both in industry and research globally.
Programme highlights
Data Science and Analytics concerns the use of mathematical, statistical and computing techniques to extract useful information out of large-scale data and make decision out of it. It is widely recognized that Statistics, Optimization methods and Computer Science form the three pillars for modern Data Science. This programme is designed to provide a balanced treatment on these three pillars, with an aim of grooming future data analysts.
Career Prospect
This programme aims at producing graduates with an expertise that cuts across core disciplines of mathematics, statistics and computer science. It develops students’ analytical and critical thinking, as well as problem-solving skills. This will enable the students to pursue careers as data analysts in various industries such as finance and information technology.
Ms Elki Wong
- TU732, Block T, PolyU
- (852) 3400 3747