Work-integrated Education (WIE)/ Internship

WIE Fulfilment Procedures
2 Weeks Before Job Commencement
Self-sourced Internship - Pre-approval is required
- Submit the job advertisement &/or employment letter with company information, job title and related job nature via email for Department’s pre- approval.
- You will be notified by email if the self-sourced internships are approved. Only the approved job/ internship will be considered for WIE fulfillment.
** Note: STEM Internship Scheme is funded by the Information & Technology Commission (ITC) of HKSAR government. The internship funded by the Scheme, as required by ITC, CANNOT be used to fulfil WIE requirements. However, you may discuss with employers for working extra hours (before / after the STEM internship period) in order to fulfill WIE requirement.
Department / CPS, PolyU-arranged Internship
- No need to seek Department's pre-approval as all internship offered by Department/CPS could be counted as WIE
Pre-internship Assessment
- Login to the intranet to complete the Pre-internship Assessment
Application for an Undertaking for taking internship
You could apply for an Undertaking for Taking Internship if you would like to pursue a full-time internship without enrolling in any subjects during the semester(s) concerned. You must complete the application form and submit it along with (1) an internship offer letter from the prospective employer and (2) a study plan for Programme Leader's approval by sending email to Ms Eunice Hung at least two weeks before the start of the semester.
3 Weeks After Job Completion
Submit the Post Internship Evaluation and Self-reflection Report together with the supporting documents online 3 weeks after completion of the placement
- Login to the intranet to complete the Post Internship Evaluation Form and Reflection Report (at least 300 words)
- Upload the following material
- WIE Evaluation Questionnaire completed and signed by the employer with a company chop (Download here)
- Employment letter/ Job Advertisement (including job title, job nature & job description, etc.)
- 1-2 on-site photos of you taken in the placement organization with employer's consent
- Log Sheet
- To be prepared by students
- Includes date, daily working hours, description of the work, and
- With employer's signature and company chop to acknowledge the details
After Submission of Supporting Documents
The Department will verify the submitted documents and recommend a Pass/ Fail grade for the WIE subject (AMA2940/AMA 242/ AMA243) based on the feedback from the Employer's evaluation and students’ self-reflection report. Students will see the result (P/F) on e-Student System when the exam result is released.
For another WIE record displayed in the Other Graduation Requirement section, SAO will update the status to 'Fulfilled' by the last semester of your study.
Together, we create future leader!
Internship is a win-win partnership, which offer our students great opportunity to acquire work-based learning, while providing employers with efficient channels to hunt for competent students as interns and permanent employees.
For Employers who look for high quality calibres with strong mathematics/ statistics background and data analysis skills, we are pleased to offer the following services to match with your recruitment strategies:
- On-campus recruitment activities
- Student internship programme
- Free job posting
Please refer to leaflet below for details or simply email us for collaboration.

Ms Eunice Hung
- TU726, PolyU
- +852 3400 3908