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CAS AMSS Alumni Assoication_Group Photo


2023年12月28日中國科學院數學與系統科學研究院(數學院)院友會正式成立,多位來自高校、業界的院友代表、和數學院師生代表出席院友會成立儀式暨首屆院友論壇,一起見證院友會成立。香港理工大學應用數學系系主任孫德鋒講座教授獲聘任為院友委員會委員,為管理和運作提供意見,積極推動相關工作; 並以傑出院友身份在首屆院友論壇作報告。 數學院於1998年12月成立,多年以來培養了不少數學與系統科學及相關領域的精英人才,成為國際學術界有影響的優秀科學家。院友會的成立正好凝聚各界院友,構建一個交流平台,促進院友間與數學院的溝通與合作,發揮橋樑紐帶作用,推動科技創新、產業及中國數學與系統科學的發展。 詳情請瀏覽中國科學院數學與系統科學研究院網頁。

25 Jan, 2024



The Second Meeting of CAS AMSS-PolyU JLab Scientific Committee

On January 15, 2024, the scientific committee of the CAS AMSS-PolyU Joint Laboratory in Applied Mathematics (JLab) convened its second meeting at the PolyU Shenzhen Base. The meeting, conducted in a hybrid mode, was attended by 10 members:  Prof. Ma Zhiming (Chairman), AMSS (2nd from the right) Prof. Yuan Yaxiang, AMSS (2nd from the left) Prof. Chen Xiaojun, PolyU (3rd from the left) Prof. Zhang Pingwen, Wuhan University (Online) Prof. Tang Tao, Beijing Normal University & HKBU United International College (3rd from the right) Prof. Yang Xiaoguang, AMSS (Online) Prof. Huang Jian, PolyU (1st on the right) Prof. Sun Defeng, PolyU (4th from the right) Prof. Liu Xin (Secretary), AMSS (1st from the left) Prof. Qiao Zhonghua (Secretary), PolyU (4th from the left)  Please visit JLab website for more information. 

19 Jan, 2024



AMA New Research Centre for Mathematical Foundations of Generative AI Established to Propel Advancements in AI Technology

With the aim of advancing the mathematical foundations and applications of generative AI, PolyU Department of Applied Mathematics establishes the Research Centre for Mathematical Foundations of Generative AI (CMFAI) to develop new mathematical and statistical methods and tools for analyzing, designing, and optimizing generative AI models. It also aims to explore the ethical, social, and legal implications of generative AI and its impact on various domains and industries. The CMFAI was officially established on 1 August 2023. On 27 October 2023, the Department hosted an inauguration ceremony for CMFAI, along with a Workshop on Data Science and AI. Leading scholars were invited to share the joy and their views on the future development of data science and AI. Please click here for the coverage on am730. For more photo, please go to the Photo Gallery

7 Nov, 2023


9 AMA scholars ranked the worlds top 2 scientists 2023Webbanner2000x1050a

AMA Scholars ranked among the World's Top Scientists for 2023

Nine AMA Scholars are proudly listed among the World's Top 2% scientists by Stanford University for 2023. On October 4, 2023, Professor John P.A. Ioannidis and his team at Stanford University released the list of World's Top 2% Scientists for the year 2023. This list is compiled in the "updated science-wide author database of standardized citation indicators," which is a publicly accessible database that provides comprehensive information on the citation metrics of top-cited scientists. The database includes metrics such as citations, h-index, co-authorship adjusted hm-index, citations to papers in different authorship positions, and a composite indicator known as the c-score. The data presented in the database are divided into two categories: career-long and single recent year impact. Additionally, the metrics are provided with and without self-citations, along with a ratio of citations to citing papers. The scientists in the database are categorized into 22 scientific fields and 174 sub-fields based on the Science-Metrix classification system. Furthermore, field- and subfield-specific percentiles are assigned to scientists who have published at least 5 papers. The career-long data in the database are updated until the end of 2022, while the single recent year data reflect citations received during the calendar year 2022. The selection process for inclusion in the list is based on the c-score of the top 100,000 scientists (including and excluding self-citations), or a percentile rank of 2% or higher in their respective sub-fields. The current version (6) of the database is derived from the October 1, 2023 snapshot obtained from Scopus, which is updated to include data until the end of the citation year 2022. For details, please visit

27 Oct, 2023

Faculty awards for outstanding achievement 2023_news banner

AMA Staff Honored with Faculty Awards for Outstanding Achievement in 2023

Congratulations to Professor Buyang Li and Dr Raymond Sze for receiving the Faculty Awards for Outstanding Achievement 2023, in recognition of their outstanding performance in respect of teaching and research & scholarly activities.   Category Awardees Teaching: Outstanding Young Teacher Dr SZE Nung-sing, Raymond Research and Scholarly Activities: Outstanding Young Researcher Professor LI Buyang  

27 Aug, 2023


Welcome aboard_Webbanner_Prof Hu Xianpeng

Warm Welcome to Professor Hu Xianpeng to the AMA Family

We would like to extend a warm welcome to Professor Hu Xianpeng joining AMA family on 17 August 2023. Professor Hu obtained a Bachelor's degree in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics from Sun Yat-sen University in 2006 and a Ph.D. in Mathematics from the University of Pittsburgh in 2010. Prior to joining the AMA, Professor Hu served as an Assistant Professor (2014-2020) and later as an Associate Professor (2020-2023) in the Department of Mathematics at City University of Hong Kong. Professor Hu's primary research interest lies in Partial Differential Equations. He has made substantial contributions to the perturbation theory for compressible viscoelastic fluid flows in multi-dimensional spaces, and essential contributions to the concentration and existence of weak solutions to the compressible Navier-Stokes equations with low adiabatic constants in multi-dimensional spaces. In recognition of his accomplishments, Professor Hu was honoured with the Hong Kong Mathematics Society Award for Young Scholars in 2017. Furthermore, he was awarded the prestigious RGC Research Fellowship in 2021/22.

27 Aug, 2023


OAA 2023 result announcement_web banner

Outstanding Alumni Award of PolyU Department of Applied Mathematics 2023

The Outstanding PolyU Alumni Award (OPAA) recognizes successful graduates of PolyU who have excelled in their chosen fields, supported their alma mater, and contributed to the wider community. Since 2022, achievement categories have been established to celebrate considerable accomplishments of our alumni in specific areas, including professional achievement, entrepreneurial achievement, scholarly achievement, and community service achievement. The Award is organized at three levels to engage alumni at the departmental, faculty/school, and university levels. We are pleased to announce the 2023 awardees of the Outstanding Alumni Award for the PolyU Department of Applied Mathematics, who were nominated and selected in May. Congratulations to the following awardees on their well-deserved recognition for their outstanding achievements: Scholarly Achievement (Young Alumni) Dr Hu Yaohua Doctor of Philosophy, Department of Applied Mathematics, PolyU/ 2013 Dr Hu is a Distinguished Professor of College of Mathematics and Statistics at Shenzhen University. He received a BSc in Mathematics and MSc in Computational Mathematics from Zhejiang University in 2007 and 2009, respectively, and a PhD in Applied Mathematics from PolyU in 2013. His research interests include theory and algorithms for large-scale optimization, and applications in statistics, machine learning, bioinformatics, and image processing. He has published 46 papers on prestigious international journals, such as SIAM Journal on Optimization (2019, 2018, 2016, 2013), Journal of Machine Learning Research (2017), Inverse Problems (2017), European Journal of Operational Research (2022, 2015), Briefings in Bioinformatics (2022, 2021), Transportation Research Part B/ Part E (2022, 2021, 2017). His Google Scholar citation number is 618 with an H-index of 18. He has served as PI of 14 research grants, including National Science Foundation of China for Outstanding Young Scholars (2022) and National Science Foundation of Shenzhen for Distinguished Young Scholars (2023). Dr Hu received the First Prize of The Outstanding Research Output Award of Computational Mathematic in 2021, and was awarded as an Outstanding Young Scholars by the National Science Foundation of China in 2022, and a Distinguished Young Scholars by the National Science Foundation of Shenzhen in 2023. Scholarly Achievement (Young Alumni) Dr Zhao Shi Master of Philosophy, Department of Applied Mathematics, PolyU/ 2018 Bachelor of Science in Investment Science, Department of Applied Mathematics, PolyU/ 2016 Dr Zhao is a Postdoctoral Fellow of Centre for Health Systems and Policy Research, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He obtained a Bachelor’s degree and a MPhil degree from PolyU in 2016 and 2018, respectively, and a PhD from The Chinese University of Hong Kong. As of 20 June 2023, Dr Zhao’s Google Scholar citation number is 7,803 with an H-index of 33. Among approximately 520,000 global academic papers on Expertscape, a scientific literature platform dedicated to evaluating research results in the field of disease outbreak research, Dr Zhao's research papers were rank in the top 0.04% globally. He is also in the Editor Board of BMC Infectious Diseases; European Journal of Medical Research. In 2019 International Society for Disease Surveillance Conference, he received the Second Place in Outstanding Research Article in Biosureillance in the category of Scientific Achievement.   *** END***

26 Jul, 2023


Prof Yang Tong_MoE award 2022

Chair Professor Yang Tong Receives Ministry of Education Higher Education Outstanding Scientific Research Output Award 2022

Our warmest congratulations to Chair Professor Yang Tong whose joint research project bestowed the first-class award in natural sciences, Higher Education Outstanding Scientific Research Output Award (Science and Technology) 2022 from the Ministry of Education. The awarded project ‘Mathematical Theories of Compressible Navier-Stokes equations and related models’ is a joint work of Professor Zhu Changjiang and Professor Wen Huanyao from South China University of Technology and Professor Yang Tong. The Higher Education Outstanding Scientific Research Output Award from the Ministry of Education aim to recognize outstanding contributions made by researchers towards advancing scientific and technological development. By receiving this prestigious award, AMA is once again recognized for its excellent research contributions. 衷心祝賀楊彤講座教授的合作研究項目榮獲國家教育部頒發2022年度「高等學校科學研究優秀成果獎(科學技術) 」自然科學獎一等獎。獲獎的是华南理工大学朱长江教授及温焕尧教授,與楊彤教授的合作項目「可壓縮Navier-Stokes方程組及相關問題的數學理論」。國家教育部高等學校科學研究優秀成果獎旨在表彰研究人員在推動科技發展方面所做出的傑出貢獻。  

14 Jul, 2023


Prof Sun Li and Dr James Huang received pretigious prizesmaller banner

應用數學系學者與研究團隊分別榮獲 「中國運籌學會」及「中國自動化學會」獎項

應用數學系秉承理大的校訓,致力進行具影響力的創新與跨學科研究,並將之轉化為實際應用,優化及解決各行各業面對的難題。最近學系系主任孫德鋒講座教授、李迅教授及黃建輝博士與多家大學的科研人員共同進行的兩個研究項目,分別獲「中國運籌學會」及「中國自動化學會」頒發獎項,科研成果備受肯定。 中國運籌學會「科學技術獎運籌應用獎」 北京工業大學趙欣苑博士團隊聯合中科院丁超副研究員,與我系孫德鋒講座教授攜手華為終端公司共同完成的「視頻防抖路徑規劃問題建模、演算法及求解器開發」的項目,獲頒中國運籌學會「科學技術獎運籌應用獎」。 該研究專案突破了手機視頻防抖問題優化器演算法設計和開發中的瓶頸難題,並成功運用到華為系列手機產品上。 中國運籌學會設立運籌應用獎,旨在通過對優秀運籌學應用項目的評選和表彰,激勵中國運籌學的應用與實踐活動的開展,為中國經濟社會發展和國防建設做出貢獻。運籌應用獎每兩年在學會的學術年會的舉辦年評選一次,通過評委無記名投票表決,評出不超過三項獲獎項目。     中國自動化學會「自然科學獎」 山東大學王光臣教授、肖華教授與我系李迅教授(左)、黃建輝博士(右)合作完成的成果「系統狀態不完全可觀的隨機控制理論及其應用」獲中國自動化學會授予2022年度自然科學獎一等獎,該成果基於不完全可觀的系統狀態資訊,逐層深入地研究了正倒向隨機系統的最優控制、微分對策、動態優化等基礎難題,在統一框架下創建了獨具特色的倒向分離理論體系,為防範化解動態金融風險提供了技術支撐。     [完]

13 Jul, 2023


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Professor Li Buyang conferred the RGC Research Fellowship 2023/24

On 7 July 2023, the Research Grant Council (RGC) announced the results of the RGC Research Fellow Scheme (RFS) 2023/24.  This year, RGC received a total of 35 nominations for the RFS from the 8 UGC-funded universities. After a rigorous assessment process, Professor Li Buyang, from the Department of Applied Mathematics, was selected as one of the 10 RFS awardees. Professor Li is the only awardee from PolyU in this round of exercise, and he will receive a fellowship grant of approximately HK$5.2 million over a period of 60 months. Professor Li joined PolyU in 2016 as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Applied Mathematics. He obtained his MPhil and PhD degrees in Applied Mathematics from City University of Hong Kong in 2009 and 2012, respectively.  Professor Li’s research interests focus on numerical analysis. He received numerous awards, including The Hong Kong Mathematical Society Young Scholars Award in 2022, an Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship 2015/16, and the First Prize for Young Computational Mathematicians from the China Society for Computational Mathematics in 2013. Professor Li also serves on the editorial boards of prestigious journals, including Mathematics of Computation, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, and IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis. RGC Research Fellow Scheme The RGC Research Fellow Scheme (RFS) (or RGC Senior Research Fellow Scheme (SRFS)) aims to provide sustained support and relief from teaching and administrative duties to exceptionally outstanding researchers at Associate Professor rank (or full Professor rank) at UGC-funded universities in Hong Kong, with a view to facilitating their full dedication to research and development and helping universities attract and retain research talent. In each round of this yearly exercise, RFS will provide ten places encompassing all academic disciplines. Each awardee will receive support for a period of 60 months in the manner of relief from teaching and administrative duties, and research funding support covering salary costs for relief teachers and support for research project including staff, equipment, travel, subsistence and dissemination costs. For details, please visit RGC website

10 Jul, 2023


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