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Warm Welcome to our New Faculty Members to the AMA Family

With an aim to enhance our research strengths and build a stronger team, Department of Applied Mathematics invites renowned and talented researchers at all career levels to join us from time to time. We are delighted to welcome on board our new faculty members who have joined AMA family in recent months:  Professor Dai Min, Chair Professor of Applied Statistics and Financial Mathematics   Professor Dai joined AMA in October 2021. He obtained Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees in Mathematics from the Soochow University in 1992 and 1997, respectively, Master of Philosophy in Applied Mathematics from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 1998 and Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics from Fudan University in 2000.  Before joining PolyU, Professor Dai was a Professor of Mathematics, the Director of the Centre for Quantitative Finance, and the Program Director of Master of Science in Quantitative Finance at National University of Singapore (NUS).  He was also the Director of the Center for Finance and Financial Risk Management at NUS (Chongqing) Research Institute. Professor Dai’s research focuses on mathematical finance, including financial derivative pricing, portfolio choice with market imperfections, corporate finance, cryptocurrency markets, and financial technology.  Professor Dai published in top journals in different disciplines, such as Mathematical Finance in financial mathematics, Management Science in operations research and management, Review of Financial Studies and Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis in finance, and Journal of Economic Theory and Journal of Econometrics in economics.  Besides, he has many publications in leading journals in applied mathematics, such as Journal of Differential Equations, Mathematics of Operations Research, and SIAM Journals. Professor Dai is now serving as a Co-Editor of Digital Finance, and as an Associate Editor of Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, Finance and Stochastics, Frontier of Mathematical Finance, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Mathematics and Financial Economics, and SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics. Professor Huang Jian, Chair Professor of Data Science and Analytics Professor Huang joined AMA in June 2022. He obtained Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics and Master of Science degree in Mathematical Statistics from Wuhan University in 1985 and 1987 respectively, and received his Doctor of Philosophy degree in Statistics from the University of Washington in 1994.  After his postdoctoral fellowship at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in the United States, Professor Huang joined the University of Iowa as Assistant Professor in 1994, and was promoted to Associate Professor in 1999 then to Full Professor in 2004.  During his tenure with the University of Iowa, Professor Huang was engaged in the areas of Statistics and Actuarial Science, Biostatistics and Public Health Genetics.    Professor Huang is an internationally acclaimed scholar in the field of statistics. His research interests include high-dimensional statistics, semiparametric inference, statistical genetics and survival analysis.  He recently works more on deep learning research.  Professor Huang has made tremendous contributions to statistical theory, methods and applications through innovative research and impactful publications in leading journals of mathematical statistics and related scientific fields.  He has an impressive record in obtaining top-level external research grants and his research exemplifies the interaction and collaboration between statistics and other disciplines.  His international reputation has been further evidenced by his being listed in Thomson Reuters’ “The World’s Most Influential Scientific Minds 2015” report and designated a Thomson Reuter Highly Cited Researcher from 2015 to 2019. He was bestowed the National Institutes of Health Research Scientist Development Award in 1998 and the University of Iowa Annual College of Public Health Research Award in 2011.  He is a Fellow of the American Statistical Association and the Institute of Mathematical Statistics. Dr Han Ruijian, Assistant Professor Dr Han joined AMA in September 2022. He received his Doctor of Philosophy degree in Statistics from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in 2020 and Bachelor of Science degree in Pure Mathematics and Applied Mathematics from Sichuan University in 2016. Prior to joining PolyU, Dr Han was a Research Assistant Professor in the Department of Statistics at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. His research interests span high-dimensional statistics, statistical machine learning, online inference and reinforcement learning. Dr Zhang Zhu, Assistant Professor Dr Zhang joined AMA in September 2022. He received his Doctor of Philosophy degree from The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2019, under the supervision of Professor Duan Renjun. Before joining PolyU, Dr Zhang was a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Mathematics at City University of Hong Kong. His research interests are Mathematical theories for boundary layers and Kinetic theories.

7 Oct, 2022


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CAS AMSS-PolyU Joint Laboratory of Applied Mathematics awarded HK$3 million CAS-Croucher Funding Scheme for Joint Laboratories 2022

Led by Chair Prof. Chen Xiaojun and Prof. Qiao Zhonghua from PolyU, and Prof. Yuan Ya-xiang and Prof. Liu Xin from the Chinese Academic of Science (CAS), the CAS Academy of Mathematics & Systems Science (AMSS) PolyU Joint Laboratory of Applied Mathematics (the Joint Lab) has received HKD $3,000,000 from the CAS-Croucher Funding Scheme for its collaborative project titled “Nonlinear Optimization Theory, Algorithms and Applications” recently. PolyU and the CAS AMSS will each provide a matching fund of HKD 375,000 for the project, equivalent to HKD 750,000. The funded project aims to conduct a comprehensive mathematical investigation of nonlinear optimization theory and build solid mathematical foundations for essential applications in data science, engineering and economics. Researchers of the Joint Lab will develop advanced and cutting-edge deep learning software using new optimization theory and algorithms to overcome the difficulties of the existing software in terms of speed, accuracy, robustness and complexity. Efficient optimization models and tools using artificial neural network-based machine learning algorithms will also be developed for medical image analytics, digital economy and smart cities. As one of the 22 joint laboratories with Universities in Hong Kong approved by the CAS, the Joint Lab denotes CAS’ recognition of PolyU’s research excellence in applied mathematics. By combining the strengths and expertise of PolyU and the CAS research institute, the Joint Lab showcases the synergies of CAS and PolyU and serves as an important platform for advancing knowledge transfer and applications as well as nurturing talents in applied mathematics in the mainland China and Hong Kong. These collaborations ultimately benefit the development of the Greater Bay Area and contribute to the economic development of the society. Source: Research and Innovative Office of PolyU

20 Sep, 2022

RGC GRF ECS 20221 - 2023

AMA achieved excellence in RGC Funding Scheme 2022-23

AMA’s research in Mathematics and Statistics is well recognized by receiving top world ranking and great number of research grants by RGC and other funding sources.  Recently the University Grants Committee has released the result of 2022 - 2023 General Research Fund and Early Career Scheme applications.  We are delighted to receive funding for 19 research projects. Congratulations to the following colleagues whose projects are supported:   Dr Bai Kuang Dr Chen Kexin Professor Chen Xiaojun Dr Cui Jianbo Professor Dai Min Dr Fu Guanxing Dr Jiang Binyan Dr Li Buyang Professor Li Xun Professor Lin Yanping Dr Pong Ting Kei Professor Qiao Zhonghua Professor Sun Defeng Professor Wang Zhian Dr Wong Kin Yau, Alex Dr Xu ZuoquanDr Yu Xiang Dr Yue Man ChungDr Zhou Zhi ~ END ~

22 Jul, 2022

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Chair Professor Sun Defeng, Head of Department of Applied Mathematics conferred RGC Senior Research Fellowship 2022/23

On 8 July 2022, the Research Grant Council (RGC) announced the application results of the RGC Senior Research Fellow Scheme (SRFS) 2022/23.  This year, RGC received a total of 32 nominations for SRFS and selected 10 nominees for awards in 2022/23. Professor Sun Defeng, Chair Professor and Head of the Department of Applied Mathematics, is selected as one of the 10 SRFS awardees after a rigorous assessment process. Prof. Sun will be conferred the title "RGC Senior Research Fellow" and receiving a fellowship grant from RGC for five years to support his research project titled ‘Nonlinear conic programming: Theory, algorithms and software’.  Joined PolyU in 2017, Professor Sun is Chair Professor of Applied Optimization and Operations Research and assumed Headship of the Department of Applied Mathematics in 2019. He received his bachelor’s and Master’s degree from Nanjing University in 1989 and 1992 respectively, and PhD from Institute of Applied Mathematics from Chinese Academy of Science in 1995 and worked as a postdoctoral fellow in the University of New South Wales, Australia. Before joining PolyU, Professor Sun served as Professor at Department of Mathematics, National University of Singapore, Deputy Director (Research) at the NUS Risk Management Institute and Program Director for its Master of Financial Engineering program. Professor Sun was ranked among the world’s top 2% most-cited scientists by Stanford University in 2021, and conferred as the Inaugural Fellows of the China Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (CSIAM) and Fellow of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) respectively in 2020. In 2018, Professor Sun and his collaborators Professor Kim-Chuan Toh and Dr. Liuqin Yang, was the first Asian team awarded with the prestigious prize in computational optimization Beale--Orchard-Hays Prize for Excellence in Computational Mathematical Programming for their outstanding work on SDPNAL+, which describes a new method for semidefinite programming with nonnegative constraints. RGC Senior Research Fellow Scheme To build up a pool of local research talent to sustain Hong Kong’s competitiveness and propel the development of our higher education sector, the Research Grants Council (RGC) introduced three new regular fellowship schemes in 2019/20 academic year, namely RGC Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme (PDFS), RGC Research Fellow Scheme (RFS) and RGC Senior Research Fellow Scheme (SRFS), which will benefit post-doctoral fellows as well as researchers at associate professor and professor ranks respectively. It aims to support exceptionally outstanding academics at their mid-career at UGC-funded universities in Hong Kong.  In each round of this yearly exercise, SRFS will support 10 awardees at full Professor rank at a UGC-funded university encompassing all academic disciplines.   ~ End ~

20 Jul, 2022


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AMA Outstanding Alumnus Professor Lin Zhouchen received PolyU Graduate School Outstanding Research Postgraduate Alumni Award

Warmest congratulations to our alumnus Professor Lin Zhouchen on receiving the first PolyU Graduate School Outstanding Research Postgraduate Alumni Award as a recognition of his distinctive accomplishments and impactful contributions to research. He also received the Outstanding Alumni Award of PolyU Department of Applied Mathematics 2022 (Scholarly Achievement) in early 2022. Professor Lin is a Professor in School of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science, Peking University. He leads the ZERO Laboratory and the Center for Machine Learning, Institute of Artificial Intelligence at Peking University. He obtained a MPhil degree from PolyU in 1997 and a PhD degree from Peking University in 2000. His research areas include machine learning, numerical optimization, computer vision, and image processing. Professor Lin has published over 230 peer-reviewed papers on top journals and conferences, and three books. His Google Scholar citation number is over 23,000 with an H-index of 65. He has been area chairs of CVPR, ICCV, NIPS/NeurIPS, ICML, ICLR, AAAI, and IJCAI for many times, and is currently a Program Co-Chair of ICPR 2022 and a Senior Area Chair of ICML 2022. He was an associate editor of the IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence and is currently an associate editor of the International Journal of Computer Vision and Optimization Methods and Software. Professor Lin was awarded as a Distinguished Young Scholars by the Natural Science Foundation of China in 2016, and received the First Prize of CCF Natural Science Award in 2020.  He is a fellow of IEEE, IAPR, and CSIG. Please visit the webpage below for details of the PolyU Graduate School Outstanding Research Postgraduate Alumni Award Outstanding Research Postgraduate Alumni Award   

6 Jul, 2022


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AMA Teaching Team received FAST Faculty Awards for Outstanding Achievement 2022

Our warmest congratulations to AMA colleagues who received Faculty Awards for Outstanding Achievement 2022 for their remarkable contributions on Teaching. Faculty Awards for Outstanding Achievement 2022 –  Teaching (Team Award) Dr Joseph Lee, Associate Professor Mr Adam Leung, Instructor Mr Frankie Tsoi, Instructor  

10 Jun, 2022


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Outstanding Alumni Award of PolyU Department of Applied Mathematics 2022

Launched in 1996, PolyU’s Outstanding PolyU Alumni Award aims to give public recognition to outstanding graduates of PolyU for their professional achievements and significant contributions to the community and their alma mater. As the year 2022 marks its 85th Anniversary, PolyU launches Outstanding Alumni Award of PolyU Department 2022 which is organized by the Department to recognize the diverse accomplishments of distinguished alumni graduated from the respective Department. There are four award categories, namely “Professional Achievement”, “Entrepreneurial Achievement”, “Scholarly Achievement” and “Community Service Achievement” for The Outstanding Alumni Award of PolyU Department 2022. The nomination and selection of Outstanding Alumni Award of PolyU Department of Applied Mathematics are completed in December 2021. We are pleased to announce and congratulate the following awardees of Outstanding Alumni Award for each category:  Scholarly Achievement  Professor Lin Zhouchen Master of Philosophy, Department of Applied Mathematics, PolyU / 1997 Professor Lin Zhouchen is a Professor in School of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science, Peking University. He leads the ZERO Laboratory and the Center for Machine Learning, Institute of Artificial Intelligence at Peking University. Professor Lin obtained a MPhil degree from PolyU in 1997 and a PhD degree from Peking University in 2000. His research areas include machine learning, numerical optimization, computer vision, and image processing. He has published over 230 peer-reviewed papers on top journals and conferences, and three books. His Google Scholar citation number is over 23,000 with an H-index of 65. He has been area chairs of CVPR, ICCV, NIPS/NeurIPS, ICML, ICLR, AAAI, and IJCAI for many times, and is currently a Program Co-Chair of ICPR 2022 and a Senior Area Chair of ICML 2022. He was an associate editor of the IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence and is currently an associate editor of the International Journal of Computer Vision and Optimization Methods and Software. Professor Lin was awarded as a Distinguished Young Scholars by the Natural Science Foundation of China in 2016, and received the First Prize of CCF Natural Science Award in 2020.  He is a fellow of IEEE, IAPR, and CSIG. Community Service Achievement Mr. Lin Pui Keung, Joseph Higher Diploma in Mathematics, Statistics and Computing, Department of Mathematical Studies, PolyU / 1986 Mr. Joseph Lin obtained a High Diploma from Department of Mathematical Studies (Former of Department of Applied Mathematics) in 1986 and pursued further study to obtain professional knowledge and skills. He is currently a Business Development Leader for Corporate Affairs of Greater China, Cisco Systems, and responsible for developing Corporate Social Responsibility partnership and collaboration projects with governments, education institutes, NGOs, and industry partners. He is devoted to promoting STEM education in Greater China. He develops and leads a flagship CSR program, Cisco Networking Academy, for over 20 years to drive STEM education and ICT talent development in Secondary and Tertiary sectors. Collaborated with over 300 education institutes, this program has impacted over 1 million students since 2000. Mr. Lin was steering committee member of ‘Girls Go Tech Program’ by The Women Foundation (TWF), Chairman of HK Cisco Innovation Challenge, and volunteers in other NGO youth activities. Mr. Lin shared the best practice in CSR to senior Government officials in China through the 21C Leadership Program. He received The Partnership of Excellence Award from the Ministry of Education, China (2017-2019). Starting from 2016, Mr. Lin has been one of the External members of AMA’s Departmental Advisory Committee and advised the University on the scope and nature of its academic programmes based on his expertise and experience. He also acts as mentor for university students in PolyU, HKU and HKUST.  Professional Achievement (Young Alumni) Miss Lee Ka Yi Bachelor of Science in Investment Science, Department of Applied Mathematics, PolyU / 2016 Ka Yi begun formal training in squash at Hong Kong Sports Institute and have become a professional athlete since 2014. She is one of a group of Hong Kong squash players sitting in the top 50 in the World Rankings and has been representing Hong Kong to participate in various local and overseas squash competitions. In 2018, Ka Yi and her team won Hong Kong's first-ever Women's Squash Team Gold in the Asian Games 2018 and a bronze medal at the WSF Women's World Team Championship 2018.  She also won Championships in 2019 China International Squash Elite Competition, and the 14th East Asian Squash Team Championships 2019 in Tokyo and first runner up at the 20th Asian Team Championship 2021. As a member of PolyU Squash Team, Ka Yi was a Champion of The University Sports Federation of Hong Kong USFHK Women Squash Championship in 2012-2016. In recognition of her outstanding achievements in international squash competitions, Ka Yi was awarded the Medal of Honour by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Please visit the Outstanding PolyU Alumni Award 2022 webpage for more information about nomination and selection.   **** END ****

12 Apr, 2022



Chair Professor Chen Xiaojun received RGC Collaborative Research Fund 2021/22

Our warmest congratulations to Chair Professor Chen Xiaojun who receives RGC Collaborative Research Fund (Research Equipment Grant) in 2021/22. Professor Chen is the Project Coordinator (PC) of the proposal titled “High Performance Deep Learning Clusters for Big Data Analytics”, one of the five funded PolyU projects in this year Exercise. Co-PIs are from COMP, LSGI, AF, SO of PolyU and CUHK and HKBU. The Research Grant Council (RGC) would support the project with a total funding of HKD 3,099,659. In this Exercise, PolyU submitted 50 CRF preliminary proposals with PolyU staff as PC. After a long and rigorous selection procedure, 5 proposals (including 3 Research Equipment Grant and 2 Research Project Grant) were supported by RGC with a total amount of awarded funding of $24.109 million. About RGC CRF The main objective of the Collaborative Research Project Grant is to encourage research groups in UGC-funded universities to engage in collaborative research across disciplines and across universities with a view to enhancing the research output of universities in terms of the level of attainment, quantity, dimensions and speed. It provides funding for staff, equipment and general expenses related to the supported projects. In assessing proposals, the RGC puts emphasis on capacity building and the potential of a proposal to develop into an area of strength. For more information about the CRF, please visit For the full list of funded projects in 2021/22 CRF Exercise, please visit       END

7 Jan, 2022

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AMA staff received FAST Faculty Awards for Outstanding Achievement 2021

31 Dec, 2021


Winning team

Dr Fridolin Ting and AMA QEF team win Two Distinguished Awards at the Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) Reimagine Education Awards 2021

Congratulations to our Senior Teaching Fellow Dr Fridolin Ting and AMA team of Quality Education Fund (QEF) projects for winning two distinguished awards at Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) Reimagine Education 2021, in recognition of their innovative teaching and learning methods. Co-organised by QS and the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, the Reimagine Education Awards are regarded as the “Oscars” of education, rewarding innovative approaches that enhance students’ learning outcomes and employability. Among 1,350 contestants from 84 countries and regions, there are only 48 projects winning medals including one Silver and one Bronze award for AMA's QEF projects, and one Gold award for the project led by Professor Daniel Shek, Associate Vice President (Undergraduate Programme) of PolyU:   Gold Award in Nurturing Wellbeing & Purpose category Project title: Leadership and Intrapersonal Development Programme Project leader: Professor Daniel Shek, Associate Vice President (Undergraduate Programme), PolyU Project summary: The programme builds up important positive attributes and competencies among university students, enabling them to pursue continual self-improvement, enhance their wellbeing, and contribute to society, through a suite of four subjects, namely Tomorrow’s Leaders, Service Leadership, Promotion of Children and Adolescent Development, and Service Leadership through Serving Children and Families with Special Needs, with both formal and informal learning processes.   Silver Award in Science of Learning category Project title: Innovative PALMS Drawing Pedagogies and Apps to Increase Active Learning in Mathematics and Science Project leader: Dr Fridolin Ting, Senior Teaching Fellow, Department of Applied Mathematics, PolyU Project summary: According to extensive evidenced-based research, active learning strategies significantly improve Science and Mathematics students' achievement, understanding and application of concepts. In addition, writing and drawing are integral parts of learning and teaching in the Sciences and Mathematics, to convey abstract concepts and ideas. This project aims to increase active learning in Science and Mathematics education through innovative pedagogies, mobile writing and drawing applications.   Bronze Award in K12 category Project title: Developing Active Learning Pedagogies and Mobile Applications in High School Mathematics Education Project leader: Dr Fridolin Ting, Senior Teaching Fellow, Department of Applied Mathematics, PolyU Project summary: The project combines active learning pedagogies and novel writing and drawing apps that are optimal for active learning and conveying abstract concepts and ideas for Mathematics students. Thirty-five secondary school mathematics teachers and principals have been involved in the project.   A full list of reimagine application award winners this year:   *** END ***

22 Dec, 2021


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