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Research Projects


^ Funding Scheme
GRF: General Research Fund by Research Grants Council, University Grants Committee
ECS: Early Career Scheme by Research Grants Council, University Grants Committee
RFS: RGC Research Fellow Scheme
CRF-GP: RGC Collaborative Research Fund
ITF-UICP-MGJR: Innovation and Technology Fund - University-Industry Collaboration Programme - Matching Grant for Joint Research

Principal Investigator Funding Scheme^ Project Title Funding Awarded (HKD)
Prof CHEN Xiaojun
Jointly Constrained Min-max Optimization with Sparsity Penalties
Prof DAI Min
A Principal-Agent Approach to Pricing Variable Annuities with Guaranteed Minimum Benefits
Prof HUANG Jian
Sufficient and Invariant Representation Learning: with Applications to Transfer Learning
Dr JIANG Binyan
Dynamic Networks with Degree Heterogeneity and Homophily: A Convex Loss Approach and Beyond
Dr JIANG Zhaoli
Dynamic Portfolio Selection for Monotone Additive Preferences
Dr LEE Chun Yin
Survival Analysis with Longitudinal Neuroimaging Data
Prof LI Buyang
New artificial tangential motions and parametric finite element methods for surface evolution in geometric flows
Prof LI Xun
Optimal Controls of Stochastic McKean-Vlasov Systems with Mixed State-Control Constraints and Their Financial Applications
Prof LIN Yanping
Mathematical and numerical analysis for the decoupled finite element methods for the two phase MHD flows with varying parameters
Prof QI Houduo
Matrix Optimization of Eulcidean Embedding: Stability, Algorithms and Applications
Prof QIAO Zhonghua
High-order structure-preserving linear relaxation exponential integrator methods for gradient flow models with a general mobility
Prof SUN Defeng
On the strong semismoothness of the projection onto the intersection of closed convex sets and its applications
Prof WANG Zhian
Analysis of the Cross-diffusion Systems: New Results and Applications
Prof YANG Tong
Spectrum structure and solution behaviour of quantum Boltzmann equation
Dr YU Xiang
New advances in continuous-time q-learning for mean-field control problems
Dr YUAN Yancheng
An efficient sieving based secant method for nonconvex optimization problems with applications in structured learning models with noisy observations
Dr ZHANG Guofeng
Quantum Linear Control Systems: Mathematical Structure and Physical Properties
Dr ZHANG Junyi
Truncated Inverse-Lévy Measure Representation of Completely Random Measures: Theory, Algorithms and Applications
Dr ZHANG Zaikun
Non-Convergence Analysis of Randomized
Derivative-Free Optimization Methods
Dr ZHANG Zhu  GRF Some Mathematical Problems for the Steady Compressible Boundary Layer Flows $735,793


Principal Investigator Funding Scheme^ Project Title Funding Awarded (HKD)
Dr CHEN Kexin
Use alternative data widely not blindly: think uncertainty and cost in decision making
Prof CHEN Xiaojun
Bilevel Optimization for Hyperparameter Selection in Deep Learning
Dr CUI Jianbo
Structure-preserving numerical methods for stochastic optimal transport problem via stochastic Wasserstein Hamiltonian flow
Prof DAI Min
Closed-Loop Equilibria in Option Exercise Games with Singular Controls
Dr HAN Ruijian
Statistical Analysis of Comparison Data with an Informative Comparison Graph Structure
Dr LI Buyang
Low-regularity integrators for some nonlinear dispersive equations
Prof LIN Yanping
Decoupled finite element methods and mathematical analysis for a two-phase Navier-Stokes-Darcy model with different densities and viscosities
Dr LIU Catherine Chunling
Statistical Learning for 2D Medical Images with Application to Ophthalmic Scans
Dr LOU Yijun
Spatio-temporal dynamics of physiologically structured models with seasonal diapause
Dr PONG Ting Kei
Frank-Wolfe type projection-free first-order methods for nonconvex constrained optimization problems
Prof QI Houduo
Newton Augmented Lagrangian Methods for Sparse Composite Optimization
Dr SHEN Guohao
On differentiable neural networks: generalization, approximation, and applications to nonparametric gradient estimation
Prof SUN Defeng
Nonsmooth equations: Sparsity, singularity, and smoothing Newton methods
Dr TANG Xindong
New methods for solving nonconvex and singular generalized Nash equilibrium problems via polynomial optimization
Dr XU Zuoquan
Stochastic optimal control for homogenous systems with applications in financial engineering
Prof YANG Tong
Transition of the spectrum structures in the grazing limit and its applications
Prof YANG Xiaoqi
Mixed Contingent Coderivative and Relative Lipschitz-like Property in Banach Spaces
Prof YIU Cedric Ka-fai
Optimization of beamforming and signal separation system design
Dr YU Xiang
Relaxed wealth drawdown constraint in fund management: New stochastic control and mean field game problems
Dr ZHANG Zaikun  GRF Scalable Derivative-Free Optimization Algorithms with Low-Dimensional Subspace Techniques
Dr ZHANG Zhu  ECS Analysis of hydrodynamic boundary layers for the Boltzmann equation
Dr ZHOU Zhi  GRF Numerical Analysis of Parabolic Inverse Problems by Exploring Suitable Conditional Stability


Principal Investigator Funding Scheme^ Project Title Funding Awarded (HKD)
Dr BAI Kuang GRF New necessary optimality conditions and constraint qualifications of bilevel programs $270,000
Dr CHEN Kexin GRF Stochastic control with pandemic risk: modeling, learning and decision making $600,000
Prof CHEN Xiaojun
Nonconvex nonconcave min-max optimization
Dr CUI Jianbo
Structure-preserving numerical methods for stochastic wave equations
Prof DAI Min
Continuous-time Equilibrium Mean-variance Strategy with Transaction Costs
Dr FU Guanxing
Portfolio Liquidation with Absorption
Dr JIANG Binyan
Autoregressive Networks with Degree Heterogeneity
Dr LI Buyang
New computational methods and analysis for geometric curvature flows
Prof LI Xun
Optimal Controls of Partially Observed Stochastic Systems with Input Constraints and Their Financial Application
Prof LIN Yanping
Numerical methods and mathematical analysis for a two-phase Ferrohydrodynamics model
Dr PONG Ting Kei
Novel approach on error bounds for a large class of conic feasibility problems without explicit nondegeneracy assumptions
Prof QIAO Zhonghua
High order energy stable numerical schemes with variable time steps for time fractional
phase field equations
Prof SUN Defeng
Solving Large Scale Degenerate Optimization Problems: From the Perspectives of the Augmented Lagrangian Method
Prof WANG Zhian
Global dynamics of the multi-species Grindrod clustering model
Dr WONG Kin-yau
Joint statistical analysis of survival times, longitudinal outcomes, and multi-platform omics data
Dr XU Zuoquan
Mean-variance portfolio selection under regime switching and random horizon
Dr YU Xiang
Optimal tracking portfolio using capital injection and related stochastic control problems
Dr YUE Man Chung
Specialized Iterative Algorithms for (Distributionally) Robust Optimization
Discovering Time-fractional Evolution Models without Full Knowledge of the Forward Map $774,000


Principal Investigator Funding Scheme^ Project Title Funding Awarded (HKD)
Prof CHEN Xiaojun GRF Mathematical Programs with Equilibrium Constraints and Cardinality Penalties $756,415
Dr DING Yi GRF Spectral properties of sample covariance matrix under high-dimensional volatility models $328,015
Dr GUO Xin GRF Learning with artificial neural networks on spheres $598,015
Dr HUANG James Jianhui GRF Dynamic optimization of large-scale system: a mixed-game-team analysis $598,015
Dr LI Xiao GRF Energy stable and maximum bound principle preserving exponential integrator based numerical methods for phase field equations $351,815
Dr LI Buyang GRF Numerical analysis of linearly implicit renormalization methods for nonlinear parabolic equations with vector solutions of fixed magnitude $817,615
Prof LI Xun GRF Optimal Controls of Stochastic Delay Systems with Input Constraints and Their Financial Applications $707,473
Dr LOU Yijun GRF On a periodic delay integral equation: model formulation, analysis and applications to tick population growth $488,015
Dr PONG Ting Kei GRF Novel solution methods for a class of split feasibility problems $598,015
Dr QIAO Zhonghua GRF Convergence and stability analysis of energy stable and bound-preserving numerical schemes for binary fluid-surfactant phase-field equations $598,015
Prof SUN Defeng GRF Adaptive sieving techniques for nonconvex
optimization problems with applications to model compression
Dr SZE Nung Sing, Raymond GRF Mathematical Aspects of Operator Quantum Error Correction $598,015
Dr WANG Zhian GRF Boundary layer problems in chemotaxis models with physical boundary conditions $391,015
Dr XU Zuoquan GRF Continuous-time mean-variance portfolio selection for large traders in non-Markovian setting $768,331
Prof YANG Xiaoqi GRF Relative Stability Analysis for Parametric Optimization Problems $815,601
Dr YUE Man Chung GRF Nonlinear Wasserstein Distributionally Robust Optimization $598,015
Dr ZHANG Zaikun GRF Reliable Derivative-free Optimization Algorithms Under Untamed Noise $586,015
Prof ZHAO Xingqiu GRF Statistical Inferences for Accelerated Mean Models with Panel Count Data $598,015
Dr ZHOU Zhi GRF Numerical Identification of Distributed Parameters in Partial Differential Equations $391,015


Principal Investigator Funding Source Project Title Funding Awarded (RMB)
Dr ZHANG Guofeng NSFC General Program Tavis-Cummings模型的动力学分析与控制 $570,000
Dr HUANG James Jianhui NSFC General Program 平均场决策中的信息结构及应用:基于博弈和协作的联合分析 $500,000
Dr GAO Yu NSFC for Young Scholar MCH方程能量守恒的N-peakon解 $240,000
Dr DING Yi NSFC for Young Scholar 高维隐含因子与定价误差的协同估计 $240,000
Dr FU Guanxing NSFC for Young Scholar 投资组合变现博弈:理论研究与深度学习方法 $240,000
Dr DU Mingyue NSFC for Young Scholar 病例队列研究中相依K型区间删失数据的统计推断 $240,000
Dr TU Kai NSFC for Young Scholar 多项正则非凸优化问题的随机DC算法研究 $240,000

Principal Investigator Funding Scheme^ Project Title Funding Awarded (HKD)
Prof CHEN Xiaojun GRF Nonsmooth nonconvex finite-sum optimization
for deep neural networks
$ 899,792
Dr GUO Xin GRF Mathematical Analysis of Kernel-based
Pairwise Learning and AUC Maximization
$ 599,861
Dr LI Buyang GRF Convergent and structure preserving finite
element methods for Willmore flow and
surface diffusion flow
$ 717,481
Prof LI Xun GRF Optimal Affine Stochastic Controls with Input
Constraints and Their Financial Applications
$ 790,500
Prof LIN Yanping GRF Mathematical analysis and Numerical modeling
for two-phase magnetohydrodynamic flows
$ 396,967
Dr PONG Ting Kei GRF Gauge-based solution method for a large class
of structure-inducing constrained optimization
$ 599,861
Prof QIAO Zhonghua RFS L-infinity Stability of Exponential Time Differencing Numerical Schemes for Phase Field Models with High-order Dissipations $ 8,836,380
Prof SUN Defeng GRF Efficient sparse smoothing Newton methods
with low complexities for optimal transport
$ 599,861
Dr WANG Zhian GRF Theoretical studies on the hydrodynamic model
of chemotaxis: application to blood vessel
network formation
$ 749,826
Prof YANG Xiaoqi GRF The Lipschitz-like Property Relative to a Set with Applications $ 873,995
Prof YIU Ka Fai Cedric Project of Strategic Importance Data Analytics and Statistical Learning for OCT Image $ 2,050,000
Dr YUE Man Chung ECS Distributional Robustification with Fisher-Rao Ambiguity Sets $ 985,209
Dr ZHANG Zaikun GRF Derivative-free Optimization with Space
decomposition, Coarse Space Correction, and
$ 599,861
Dr ZHOU Zhi GRF Inverse Problems for Anomalous Diffusion
Models: Numerical Methods and Analysis
$ 599,861


Principal Investigator Funding Source Project Title Funding Awarded (RMB)
Dr JIANG Binyan NSFC for Young Scholar 高维数据的典型相关分析 $ 240,000
Dr LOU Yijun NSFC General Program 基于药物治疗的传染病嵌套模型研究 $ 510,000

Principal Investigator Funding Scheme^ Project Title Funding Awarded (HKD)
Prof CHEN Xiaojun GRF Nonsmooth optimization problems with group sparsity penalties $ 502,444
Dr HE Daihai GRF The spread of tuberculosis and multidrugresistant tuberculosis in Shandong
province, China
$ 345,999
Dr HUANG James Jianhui GRF Linear-quadratic robust teamoptimization: soft constraint approach. $ 502,444
Dr LI Buyang GRF Numerical methods and analysis for the Allen-Cahn and Cahn-Hilliard equations with a thin phase transition layer $ 502,444
Dr LI Xun GRF Time-Inconsistent Stochastic Controls with Constraints and Some Financial
$ 695,919
Dr LIU Chunling GRF Functional regressions with complicated data structures with application to the
ADNI cohort.
$ 502,444
Dr LEE Joseph Heung-wing GRF Separating Constraint Technique for Computational Optimal Control Solutions
to Isoperimetric Multi-Pillar Problems
$ 329,999
Dr PONG Ting Kei GRF Efficient methods for solving optimization models that induce simultaneous
$ 540,263
Dr QIAO Zhonghua GRF Maximum principle preserving time integration methods for Allen-Cahn type
phase field equations
$ 502,444
Prof SUN Defeng GRF Efficient multi-majorization-minimization methods for multi-difference-of-convex programming $ 502,444
Prof SUN Defeng NSFC/RGC Joint Research Scheme Stochastic Optimal Control Theory under Model Uncertainty and Their Applications in Financial Risk Management $ 970,398
Dr SZE Nung Sing, Raymond GRF Numerical Range and Crouzeix's Conjecture $ 502,444
Dr WANG Zhian GRF On a paradigm density-suppressed motility model: analysis and applications $ 502,444
Prof YANG Xiaoqi GRF Stability Analysis of Generalised Equations with Applications $ 695,919
Prof YIU Cedric Kafai GRF Optimal Control of Stochastic Impulsive Systems with Applications $ 332,261
Dr ZHANG Guofeng GRF Quantum Finite-level Systems: Structure Analysis, Feedback Control, and Filtering $ 695,919
Dr ZHAO Xingqiu GRF Joint Statistical Analysis of Panel Count Data with Interval-Censored Failure Time Data $ 332,261


Principal Investigator Funding Source Project Title Funding Awarded (RMB)
Dr XU Zuoquan NSFC General Program 行为金融学中若干问题的量化研究 $ 530,000

Principal Investigator Funding Scheme^ Project Title Funding Awarded (HKD)
Prof CHEN Xiaojun GRF Optimization Theory and Algorithms for Two-stage Stochastic Variational Inequalities $ 304,301
Dr CUI Jintao GRF Numerical study on asymptotic coupled model of groundwater flow in Fractured aquifer system $ 353,708
Dr GUO Xin GRF Analysis of kernel-based pairwise learning algorithms for large-scale data $ 335,927
Prof HUANG Jian GRF A Parallel Computing Framework for Highdimensional Models and Its Statistical Properties $ 456,452
Dr LI Xun GRF Optimal Controls of Mean-Field Stochastic Systems with Mixed State-Control Constraints and Some Financial Applications $ 714,184
Dr LI Buyang GRF Maximal regularity of finite element solutions and multistep methods for parabolic equations $ 456,452
Prof LIN Yanping GRF Mathematical modeling and numerical analysis for the Cahn-Hilliard-Navier-Stokes-Darcy interface equations $ 640,044
Dr PONG Ting Kei GRF Accelerating optimization algorithms for structured problems of large scale $ 456,452
Prof SUN Defeng GRF Efficient Methods for Large Scale Convex Composite Optimization Problems with Double Regularizers $ 304,301
Dr WANG Zhian GRF Kinetic models of chemotaxis with temporal sensing mechanism: parabolic limits and their properties $ 456,452
Dr WONG Kin-yau ECS Statistical methods for integrative analysis of incomplete multiplatform genomic data $ 297,785
Prof YANG Xiaoqi GRF Error Bounds and their Stability Analysis and Applications $ 632,421
Prof YIU Cedric Ka-fai GRF Beamforming optimization for distributed acoustic array networks $ 495,086
Dr ZHANG Guofeng GRF Quantum Linear Systems: Structure Analysis and Applications $ 623,386
Dr ZHAO Xingqiu GRF Statistical Analysis of Panel Count Data with a Terminal Event $ 456,452
Dr ZHOU Zhi ECS Numerical methods for time-fractional diffusion equations with nonsmooth solutions $ 831,600
Principal Investigator Funding Scheme^ Project Title Funding Awarded (HKD)
Prof Chen Xiaojun GRF Efficient Regularization Methods for Partially Separable Nonsmooth Nonconvex Optimization $ 472,351
Dr GUO Xin GRF Analysis of Online Learning Algorithms with Mini-Batching and Averaging $ 334,797
Dr PONG Ting Kei GRF Convergence rate analysis of solution methods for a large class of optimization problems $ 472,351
Dr QIAO Zhonghua GRF Stability analysis and error estimates of exponential time differencing schemes for nonlocal phase field equations $ 472,351
Prof QI Liqun GRF Higher Order Markov Chains, Transition Probability Tensors and Stochastic Tensors $ 426,060
Dr WANG Zhian GRF Boundary Layers of the Singular Keller-Segel Chemotaxis Models and Applications $ 472,351
Dr XU Zuoquan GRF Optimal Stopping under Drift Uncertainty $ 582,000
Prof YANG Xiaoqi GRF Variational Analysis of Piecewise Linear Vector Optimization $ 582,000
Dr ZHANG Zaikun ECS Nonlinear Optimization Based on Inaccurate Information $ 381,557
Dr LI Buyang GRF High-order approximation of fractional evolution equations $ 639,097
Dr PANG Zhen GRF Statistical inference for massive data via bootstrapping $ 422,114


Principal Investigator Funding Source Project Title Funding Awarded (RMB)
Dr CUI Jintao NSFC General Program 二维麦克斯韦方程组的数值方法研究 $ 480,000
Prof ZHAO Xingqiu NSFC General Program 面板计数数据模型的非参数和半参数统计推断 $ 480,000

Principal Investigator Funding Scheme^ Project Title Funding Awarded (HKD)
Prof CHEN Xiaojun GRF Analysis and Computation of Sparse Solutions of Linear Complementarity Problems with Applications $ 488,501
Dr GUO Xin GRF Analysis of the regularization of online learning algorithms $ 488,501
Dr HUANG James Jianhui GRF Dynamic optimization of large-scale system with admissibility constraint: the homogenous and heterogeneous case $ 326,811
Dr JIANG Binyan ECS Discriminant analysis for contemporary data $ 459,423
Dr LI Xun GRF Optimal Controls of Forward-Backward Stochastic Systems with Mixed State-Control Constraints and Their Financial Applications $ 482,605
Prof LIN Yanping GRF Numerical study of Maxwell equations with integrals in metamaterial modeling $ 488,501
Dr LIU Chunling GRF Statistical inference for complex epigenetic survival outcomes analysis $ 488,501
Dr LOU Yijun GRF Global Dynamics in Age-Structured Delay Models with Seasonality $ 217,874
Dr PONG Ting Kei GRF New approaches for nonconvex feasibility problems $ 326,811
Prof QI Liqun GRF Weakly Symmetric Tensors, Bi-Symmetric Tensors, Copositive Tensors and P^F-Tensors $ 326,811
Dr QIAO Zhonghua GRF L-infinity stability of semi-implicit schemes for phase field equations $ 326,811
Dr WANG Zhian GRF Qualitative analysis on the prey-taxis system with predator-prey dynamics: applications to non-random foraging $ 375,704
Dr XU Zuoquan GRF Investment Models with Intractable Claims $ 675,647
Prof YANG Xiaoqi GRF Linearized proximal algorithms with Bregman distance for convex composite optimization with applications $ 675,647
Prof. YIU Ka Fai Cedric ITF-UICP-MGJR Indicator System Based on High Frequency Market Data for Hong Kong and Mainland Stock Markets $ 2,044,176
Dr YU Xiang ECS Duality Approach with Auxiliary Processes in Some Path-dependent Portfolio Choice Problems $ 459,423
Prof KWONG Man Kam GRF New non-radial solutions to partial differential equations arising from Gauge theories $ 488,501
Principal Investigator Funding Scheme^ Project Title Funding Awarded (HKD)
Prof CHEN Xiaojun GRF Penalty Methods for Nonconvex Nonsmooth Constrained Minimization $ 933,362
Dr GUO Xin ECS Mathematical analysis for coordinate kernel polynomial-based learning schemes that produce sparse approximations $ 836,240
Dr LI Xun GRF Optimal Stopping Problems for Path-Dependent Forward-Backward Stochastic Systems with Financial Applications $ 495,728
Dr PONG Ting Kei ECS New solution methods for a class of structured optimization problems $ 1,050,640
Prof QI Liqun GRF Completely Positive, Completely Decomposable, SOS, Cauchy, Hilbert, P and B Tensors: Theory and Computation $ 824,350
Prof. QI Liqun CRF-GP Efficient Algorithms and Hardware Accelerators for Tensor Decomposition and Their Applications to Multidimensional Data Analysis $ 600,000
Dr WANG Zhian GRF On the stability of traveling waves in chemotaxis models $ 415,968
Prof YANG Xiaoqi GRF Nonlinear Constrained Sparse Optimization with Lower Order Regularization $ 695,854
Dr ZHANG Guofeng GRF Control-Oriented Quantum Systems Analysis $ 695,854

Principal Investigator Funding Scheme^ Project Title Funding Awarded (HKD)
Prof CHEN Xiaojun GRF Smoothing Regularization Methods for Parametric Variational Inequality Problems $ 614,810
Prof CHEN Xiaojun NSFC/RGC Joint Research Scheme Sparse Optimization: Algorithms and Theories $ 914,294
Dr HE Daihai ECS Patterns of influenza transmission and the implications of vaccination $ 595,987
Dr HUANG James Jianhui GRF The large-population (LP) control problems for backward and forward-backward stochastic systems $ 604,270
Dr LI Xun GRF Optimal Controls of Mean-Field Regime-Switching Stochastic Systems with Financial Applications $ 692,894
Prof LIN Yanping GRF Theoretical and numerical Study of Non-monotone Traveling Waves for Time-Delayed Reaction Diffusion Equations $ 439,150
Dr LOU Yijun ECS Theory of asymptotically periodic systems and its applications to impulsive biological systems $ 553,870
Prof QI Liqun GRF Positive Semi-Definite Symmetric Tensors, Hankel Tensors, Toeplitz Tensors and M-Tensors: Theory and Algorithms $ 614,810
Dr QIAO Zhonghua GRF Error estimates for numerical solutions of epitaxy growth equations $ 409,815
Dr YIU Cedric Ka-fai GRF Optimization of beamformer configurations for localization and speech enhancement $ 692,894


Principal Investigator Funding Source Project Title Funding Awarded (RMB)
Dr LIU Catherine Chunling NSFC for Young Scholar 两样本稀疏不平衡观测的纵向数据中的检验问题 $ 300,000
Dr XU Zuoquan NSFC General Program 考虑一般约束条件下的消费投资决策模型研究 $ 602,000

Principal Investigator Funding Scheme^ Project Title Funding Awarded (HKD)
Prof CHEN Xiaojun GRF Second-Order Numerical Methods for Nonsmooth Optimization $ 868,303
Dr HUANG James Jianhui GRF Variational method to stochastic decentralized control and consistent synthesis of large-scale complex (LSC) system. $ 423,562
Dr LI Xun GRF Optimal Control and Stopping Problems for Stochastic Systems with Financial Applications $ 645,500
Dr LIN Yuanyuan ECS Statistical inference for relative error-based regression: estimation and model selection $ 557,302
Prof QI Liqun GRF Spectral Hypergraph Theory via Tensors $ 592,987
Dr QIAO Zhonghua ECS Adaptive numerical methods for the Boltzmann equation $ 1,000,800
Dr WANG Zhian ECS Mathematical Studies on the Attraction-repulsion Keller-Segel Model $ 710,223
Prof YANG Xiaoqi GRF A unified nonlinear augmented Lagrangian theory $ 500,000
Dr YUAN Haidong ECS Reachable sets for coherently controlled quantum systems $ 920,000
Dr ZHANG Guofeng GRF Analysis and Feedback Control of Quantum Linear Systems $ 645,500
Dr ZHAO Xingqiu GRF Structured Selection and Estimation in High-Dimensional Survival Models $ 762,412


Principal Investigator Funding Source Project Title Funding Awarded (RMB)
Dr LOU Yijun NSFC for Young Scholar 莱姆病传播动力学研究 $ 230,000
Dr ZHANG Guofeng NSFC General Program 网络化量子系统的混合LQG H无穷控制与采样控制 $ 790,000
Prof. ZHAO Xingqiu NSFC General Program 区间删失数据的半参数回归模型的有效估计方法 $ 500,000

Principal Investigator Funding Scheme^ Project Title Funding Awarded (HKD)
Prof CHEN Xiaojun GRF Regularized Minimization Problems in High Dimensions $ 700,000
Dr HUANG James Jianhui ECS Dynamic Optimization of Mean-field and Large-population Systems under Model Uncertainty: Maximum Principle Approach $ 774,372
Prof KWONG Man Kam GRF Nernst-Planck and Ermakov-Ray-Reid Systems in Nonlinear Physical Models $ 700,000
Dr LI Xun GRF Optimal Controls of Mean-Field Forward- Backward Systems with Financial Applications $ 500,000
Prof LIN Yanping GRF Numerical Analysis of Integro-Differential Maxwell Equations $ 700,000
Prof QI Liqun GRF Tensor Analysis: Spectral Radius, Spectral Minimum and H-Product $ 452,500
Dr QIAO Zhonghua GRF Numerical solution of a nonlinear fourth-order parabolic equation for epitaxial growth $ 490,800
Dr SZE Nung Sing ECS Quantum Error Correction in Quantum Information Science $ 1,000,833
Dr XU Zuoquan ECS Principal-Agent Problem under Probability Distortion $ 550,000
Prof YANG Xiaoqi GRF Generalized Penalty Function Theory and Methods $ 700,000
Prof. YIU Ka Fai Cedric GRF Integrated design of indoor beamforming systems $ 450,000
Prof. YIU Ka Fai Cedric ITF-UICP-MGJR Risk Management System for Low Latency Trading $ 2,088,940

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