University Calendar
The University | Officers of the University and Senior Management
Officers of the University
The Chief Executive the Honourable John LEE Ka-chiu 行政長官李家超, GBM; SBS; PDSM; PMSM
Chairman of Council
Dr LAM Tai-fai 林大輝, GBS; JP
Deputy Chairman of Council
Dr Lawrence LI Kwok-chang 李國祥, JP
Treasurer of the University
Ms Loretta FONG Wan-huen 方蘊萱
Prof. Jin-Guang TENG 滕錦光, BBS; BEng (Zhejiang); PhD (Syd.); MCAS; FHKEng; CorrFRSE; FHKIE; FIStructE; FIIFC; FASCE; JP
Deputy President and Provost
Prof. Wing-tak WONG 黃永德, BSc (H.K.); MPhil (H.K.); PhD (Cantab); ScD (Cantab); FRCS; CChem; CSci
Senior Management
The Senior Management sets the strategic vision and direction in our teaching, research and knowledge transfer endeavours in order to contribute to the social and economic well-being of the community, our nation and the world. For more information on our Senior Management, please visit the website: