Visit by Institute of Technology of Cambodia 13–16 December 2018
Prof. Albert Chan, Head of BRE Department and Dr. Jackie Yang,Postdoctoral Fellow of BRE warmly welcomed Dr.Sarin Chan and Dr.Kinnaleth Vongchanh from the Department of Industrial and Mechanical Engineering,Institute of Technology of Cambodia(ITC). The aim of their visit from 13 to 16 December 2018was to promote the research collaboration.
Dr.Sarin Chan and Dr.Kinnaleth Vongchanh secured a funding of US$62,111for the project titled‘Impact of Heat Stress to Labor Productivity in Garment and Construction Sectors’ from the Cambodia Climate Change Alliance. With first-hand research experiences in the award-winning heat stress-related studies,Prof. Albert Chan's research team was invited to provide technical support for this project.During the visit, Prof. Albert Chanand Dr. Jackie Yang shared their hands-on experiences of the execution of experiments and statistical analysis withDr. Chan and Dr.Vongchanh.The joint force is influential in promoting the welfare of workersin Cambodia.