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Professor Daniel W.M. Chan (陳煒明教授) is currently an Associate Professor in Construction Project Management, the Chairman of the Departmental Taught Postgraduate (TPg) Programme Committee and the Programme Leader for the Professional Doctor of International Real Estate and Construction (DIREC) at the Department of Building and Real Estate of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He was appointed as an Assistant Professor on 1 July 2003 and was promoted to Associate Professor until now. He obtained his BEng(Hons) degree in Civil and Structural Engineering and PhD degree in Construction Project Management from the Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Hong Kong. He is a Project Manager, Chartered Building Engineer (United Kingdom) and Registered Construction Manager (Hong Kong) by profession.
He served as the Programme Award Coordinator for "MSc/PgD in Construction and Real Estate" for 10 years between January 2007 and June 2016. Then he was appointed as the Associate Head of Department (Teaching) and the Chairman of the Departmental Learning and Teaching Committee (DLTC) for 3 years between July 2016 and June 2019. He served as the Chairman of Departmental Undergraduate Programme/Scheme Committee between July 2019 and June 2021, and the Deputy Programme Leader for the Professional Doctor of International Real Estate and Construction (DIREC) between July 2020 and October 2023. Then he was re-appointed as the Associate Head (Teaching) and the Chairman of the Departmental Learning and Teaching Committee (DLTC) between 1 July 2021 and 30 June 2023 for another 2 years. Moreover, he has been serving as the Programme Leader for the Professional Doctor of International Real Estate and Construction (DIREC) since 6 November 2023.
Professor Chan was the Programme Leader of the Winning Team for the programme of “MSc/PgD in Construction and Real Estate” selected for the BRE Departmental Award for Outstanding Achievement in Academic Programme Development 2010/11, and the Faculty Dean’s Award for Outstanding Achievement in Academic Programme Development 2015, in recognition of the outstanding achievement of academic staff members in programme development. He was also the Winner of the Departmental Award for Outstanding Teacher 2018-19 (Category: Individual Award) in recognition of his outstanding performance and achievement in teaching and learning related activities.
He was the Winner of the BRE Departmental Research Publication Awards at "Associate Professor" Level consecutively for three years (2010/11, 2011/12, 2012/13) in recognition of the outstanding achievement of academic staff members in the publication of high-quality peer-reviewed journal articles. He was the Winner of the "International Outstanding Researcher Award in Building and Real Estate" and "ISSN Golden Research Prize" for the ISSN International Research Awards 2020 organized by the International Society for Scientific Network (ISSN), India. He has co-authored 17 research monographs, 2 scholarly textbooks, 3 book chapters, 197 journal articles, 131 conference papers, 13 consultancy reports, together with another 10 journal articles accepted for publication up to 31 December 2024.
Meanwhile, he was an outstanding scholar ranked among top 2% of scientists in the world under the subject field of "Building and Construction" in a Stanford Impact Assessment Study 2021 (Single Year (2020) Impact Statistics: top 2% of the scientists worldwide: 146 out of 30,244 = top 0.5%; Career-long Impact Statistics: top 2% of the scientists worldwide: 279 out of 30,244 = top 0.9%) announced on 20 October 2021, in recognition of the reference value of personal outstanding achievements based on the standardized information on research paper citations, h-index, co-authorship adjusted hm-index, citations to papers in different authorship positions and a composite indicator (c-score) based on Scopus data provided by Elsevier (URL:
Similarly, he was an outstanding scholar ranked among top 2% of scientists in the world under the subject field of "Building and Construction" in a Stanford Impact Assessment Study 2022 (Single Year (2021) Impact Statistics: top 2% of the scientists worldwide: 151 out of 23,422 = top 0.64%; Career-long Impact Statistics: top 2% of the scientists worldwide: 238 out of 23,422 = top 1.02%) announced on 10 October 2022, in recognition of the reference value of personal outstanding achievements based on the standardized information on research paper citations, h-index, co-authorship adjusted hm-index, citations to papers in different authorship positions and a composite indicator (c-score) based on Scopus data provided by Elsevier (URL:
Similarly, he was an outstanding scholar ranked among top 2% of scientists in the world under the subject field of "Building and Construction" in a Stanford Impact Assessment Study 2023 (Single Year (2022) Impact Statistics: top 2% of the scientists worldwide: 142 out of 38,433 = top 0.37%; Career-long Impact Statistics: top 2% of the scientists worldwide: 251 out of 38,433 = top 0.65%) announced on 4 October 2023, in recognition of the reference value of personal outstanding achievements based on the standardized information on research paper citations, h-index, co-authorship adjusted hm-index, citations to papers in different authorship positions and a composite indicator (c-score) based on Scopus data provided by Elsevier (URL:
Similarly, he was an outstanding scholar ranked among top 2% of scientists in the world under the subject field of "Building and Construction" in a Stanford Impact Assessment Study 2024 (Single Year (2023) Impact Statistics: top 2% of the scientists worldwide: 154 out of 43,481 = top 0.35%; Career-long Impact Statistics: top 2% of the scientists worldwide: 236 out of 43,481 = top 0.54%) announced on 16 September 2024, in recognition of the reference value of personal outstanding achievements based on the standardized information on research paper citations, h-index, co-authorship adjusted hm-index, citations to papers in different authorship positions and a composite indicator (c-score) based on Scopus data provided by Elsevier (URL:
Professor Chan was the Chairman of the CPD Committee of the Hong Kong Institute of Project Management (HKIPM) from July 2013 to June 2017, and the Secretary of the Executive Council of HKIPM from July 2017 to June 2019. His research projects have won the Project Management Achievement Awards (Category: Research) organized by HKIPM and the Asia Pacific Federation of Project Management (APFPM) for many years. He served as one of the Associate Editors for Built Environment Project and Asset Management (BEPAM) between January 2014 and December 2022, and has been serving as one of the Deputy Editors since January 2023, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, United Kingdom; indexed and abstracted in the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) journal database of Clarivate - Web of Science [Impact Factor 2023: 1.9 at 50.0th percentile (Q3 = 91/181 journals) in Category of Engineering, Civil], and Scopus-indexed journal database of Elsevier [CiteScore 2023: 4.3 at 87th percentile (Q1 = 24/189 journals) in Category of Architecture], and CIB recognized journal, ISSN 2044-124X. He was nominated as one of the key members of the CIB Working Commission W122 (Public Private Partnership) at URL ( Moreover, he has been appointed as a Core Committee Member of the Research Centre for Design for Safety (RCDfS) hosted by the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) of PolyU since its grand inaugural opening on 27 June 2024.
His conference paper entitled “Potential for PPP in the Next Wave of Smart Infrastructure: In Smart Villages and Rural Infrastructure” co-authored by Nimesha S. Jayasena, Daniel W.M. Chan and Mohan M. Kumaraswamy was selected as the "Highly Commended Paper Award 2022" on 30 June 2022 from the CIB W122 Sessions on "Public Private Partnerships: Past, Present and Future" of the CIB World Building Congress 2022 (WBC 2022) on "Building Our Future: Informing Practice to Enhance the Lives of Current and Future Generations", 27-30 June 2022, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia. Public announcement available at URL:
He is also a Member of the Association for Project Management (MAPM), Hong Kong Institute of Construction Managers (MHKICM), American Society of Civil Engineers (MASCE), Australian Institute of Project Management (MAIPM), Chartered Association of Building Engineers (MCABE), and Australian Institute of Building (MAIB). Meanwhile, he was upgraded to a Fellow Member of the Hong Kong Institute of Project Management (FHKIPM) on 17 February 2025.
Education and Academic Qualifications
- Bachelor of Engineering, The University of Hong Kong
- Doctor of Philosophy, The University of Hong Kong
Professional Qualifications
- Registered Construction Manager (Hong Kong)
- Member of the Hong Kong Institute of Project Management
- Member of the Hong Kong Institute of Construction Managers
- Member of the Chartered Association of Building Engineers
- Member of the Australian Institute of Project Management
- Member of the Australian Institute of Building
- Member of the Association for Project Management
- Member of the American Society of Civil Engineers
- Incorporate Member of the Chartered Institute of Building
- Chartered Building Professional (Australia)
- Chartered Building Engineer (United Kingdom)
- Associate Member of the Australian Institute of Building