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Dr Jodith Leung’s winning 2014 Emerald / EFMD Outstanding Doctoral Research Awards

12 Feb 2014

Bravo!Dr JodithK. L. Leung, our former PhD student,was selected as the winner of 2014 Emerald/EFMD (European Foundations for Management and Development)Outstanding Doctoral Research Awards in the category of Knowledge  Management for  her  PhD thesis.


Under   Dr   Patrick   Fong’s exceptional supervision,Jodith successfully completed  her PhD  thesis,‘The  use  of story telling  as  transfer  of  knowledge’in2014.Winning this international award is a great reward to  them in  recognition  of their enduring research efforts.


Well done! Wish Jodith every success in her endeavours!
More about Dr Leung :

Dr  Jodith  K.L.  Leung completed her  BSc  (Hons)  with First Class Honours  in Information and Communication Management at Northumbria University, UK and her MSc  in  Information  and  Knowledge Management  at Lough borough  University,  UK.Following her UK study journey, Jodith returned to Hong Kong and obtained her PhD from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

Jodith  continues  her  research  in  the  same  institute  after  her  PhD  graduation.Her research  areas  include  knowledge  transfer,knowledge  management  in  cognition perspective, storytelling, research methods, smart home technology, and smart city.


Abstract of the Awarded Thesis:

Storytelling is a knowledge management approach that facilitates knowledge transfer. Few studies  of knowledge   transfer   and   storytelling   examine   stories   and   the knowledge  these  stories  carry.  To  fill  this  research  gap,  the  first  aim  of  the  current study–to develop a paradigm that reveals the knowledge carried by stories through a systemic analysis of their content–is established. As the recipient of knowledge,the  story  receiver  is  also  a  stakeholder  in  the  storytelling  process.  However,  the examination of the  knowledge gained by story receivers as an approach to understanding  knowledge  transfer  has  been  neglected  by  studies  of  storytelling.In this regard, the second aim of this study–to examine the holistic flow of storytelling,including the deliver and receiver sides, to discover means of using storytelling as an approach  to  knowledge  transfer  in organisations–is  arrived  at  based  on  this  gap.Both aims can facilitate the empirical discovery of the uses of stories and story telling that contribute to organisations.


The  empirical  implementation of this  study  is  divided  into  two  phases  to  respond to the research aims. To achieve the first aim, a modified narrative analysis is proposed and applied in Phase 1 empirical component. This modified narrative analysis uses aqualitative  deductive  approach  to  systematically  examine  the  knowledge  carried  by stories.  Narrative  theory  and  story  schema  theory  are  adopted  as  the  bases  for coding  themes.  Twenty-three  stories  were  collected  from  seven  semi-structured interviews,  six  of  which  were  selected for  analysis  according  to  certain  criteria. The interviewees  are  management  staff  of  construction  projects;  thus,  the  six  stories used  present  a  rich  context  related  to  construction  management  issues.  Managing activities in projects is similar to managing temporary organisations. The findings of this  phase  are  significant  to  managerial  issues  in  organisations.  To  achieve  the second aim, cognitive mapping is used as a medium in the Phase 2 to qualitatively study  the  knowledge  gained  by  individuals  after  they  listen  to  collected  stories.Cognitive maps were collected from members of construction project teams in story-listening workshops.


Phase 1 finds that the knowledge carried by stories is conceptual and contextual in nature  and  corresponds  to  the  literary  context  and  significant  causalities.  Phase  2offers  two  findings  on  the  collected  cognitive  maps:  First,  individuals  want  to understand stories in schematic and characterised patterns. Second, individuals can gain knowledge about experiences, the story context, the cognition of the storytellers,and story reflections.


The conceptual and contextual knowledge revealed from story content provides new dimensions  and  methods  for  investigating  story  knowledge.  This  finding  provides promising  recommendations  for  treating  conceptual  and  contextual  knowledge  as organisational  knowledge  assets.  The  effective  elicitation  of  contextual  knowledge resolves the theoretical issue of the stickiness of narrative knowledge. On the other hand,  the  effective  elicitation  of  conceptual  knowledge  suggests  that  an  enriched literary  context of  a  story  is  essential  for  knowledge  transfer.  The  findings  from phases  1  and  2  complete  a  holistic  study  of  storytelling  as  a  knowledge  transfer approach that includes both delivery and receive sides. These findings also confirm that stories and storytelling have significant impacts to knowledge creation context.




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