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Study of Plot Ratio and Building Height Restrictions for Kai Tak Development by 3D Spatial Analysis Technology

5 Jul 2016

Mr. Ho Hin Ming, MH, Chairman of the Housing and Infrastructure Committee of Kowloon City District Council

Prof. Geoffrey Shen shared the study’s findings with the public and the press in the press conference

S pecializing in town planning, Dr Stanley Yeung presented a range of 3D spatial analysis

Question & Answer Session

The research team received the certificate of appreciation from Mr. Franco Kwok, JP, District Officer, Kowloon City Home Affairs Department

Prof. Geoffrey Shen and his research team shared the findings in the recent press  conference  that a  minor  relaxation  of  plot  ratio  and building  height restrictions for Kai Tak Development had hardly any influence on the urban skyline, visual impact, wind ventilation, shadow and solar exposure as well as air temperature.Also, the highlight of their sharing was that in terms of domestic and  non-domesticuses,  the  additional  gross  floor  areaswere156,200 sq. meter and 119,900 sq. meter, respectively when compared with the Town Planning Board’s approved proposal.


In  2015,  the  Town  Planning  Board  approved  a  minor  relaxation  of  plotratio/building height restrictions for 21sities in 3 research areas of Kai Tak Development.Under Prof. Shen’s leadership, the research team made good use  of 3D spatial  analysis  technology to provide scientific  evidence on there laxation’s impact  and  possible   further   relaxations.This   3D  spatial analysis   technology   could   effectively   give   new   methodological   and theoretical  insights  for  facilitating  rational  discussions and  debates on changing land development density in the hyper-dense cities.


It  was  our great pleasure  that Mr.  Simon  Siu,  Chairman  of  the  Building Healthy  Kowloon  City  Association,Mr.  Franco  Kwok,  JP,  District  Officer  of Kowloon City Home Affairs Department and Mr. Ho Hin Ming, MH, Chairman of  the  Housing  and  Infrastructure Committee  of  Kowloon City  District Councilfully  supported  the  press  conference.According  to  Mr.  Siu,  the findings would be served as reference for the Development Bureau’s future development of Kai Tak District.


Media Coverage :


Research Team :

   Research Team Members
Prof. Geoffrey SHEN (Principal Investigator)
Chair Professor of Construction
Management in the Building and Real Estate
Department (BRE) of PolyU
Dr Stanley YEUNG(Co-Investigator)
Associate Professor in BRE
Town Planner (Social Science)
Dr Ivy WONG(Co-Investigator)
Research Assistant Professor in BRE
GP Surveyor
Dr Charles WONG(Co-Investigator)
Assistant Professor in the Department of Land Surveying
and Geo-Informatics (LSGI) of PolyU
Heat Island Effect
Dr Orianna GUO(Co-Investigator)
Scientific Officer in BRE
PhD Graduate from LSGI
GIS packages
DrJerry QIN
PhD Graduate from LSGI
GIS packages
7. Miss Merissa SUN
PhD Candidate in BRE
Land Use, GIS packages
Mr. Yuanzhen SONG
Bachelor and Master Major in Architect
Postgraduate student in BRE
Miss Karena PANG BSc from LSGI
Miss Vivian WONG BSc from LSGI

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