The subjects are delivered in the following order, with some flexibility to cater for overseas professors and experts who may be invited to deliver the subjects, together with the regular academic staff from the Department of Building and Real Estate :

Advanced Research Methods for Real Estate and Construction
- Strategic Project Management
- Digital Technologies for Construction Projects Real Estate Finance and Appraisal
- Real Estate Finance and Appraisal
- Urban and Regional Planning
- Topical issues in Real Estate
- International Study Visit 1** (Europe or North America)
- International Study Visit 2** (Asia Pacific)
- Professional Workshop in Construction
- Doctoral Thesis I #
- Doctoral Thesis II
Remarks :
** For the two international study visit subjects, students are required to pay for their own travel/accommodation costs, etc..
# Doctoral Thesis I: Students are required to pass this subject (i.e. 8 credits) before starting Doctoral Thesis II. The subject is an essential component in the programme, which assists students in developing a proposal for Doctoral Thesis II.