Eye on Energy Efficiency
We strive to maintain daily operations effectively, while saving energy every day. Energy efficiency brings a variety of benefits as it can reduce carbon emissions and lower our costs on a University and economy-wide level. Our Office’s efforts to improve energy efficiency are realised in every step of our work.

Monitoring and Checking
We carefully and constantly monitor our energy consumption by means of advanced platforms and systems, such as Building Management System, to keep track of demand-side energy management of departments and offices, and identify possibilities in developing more energy efficiency practices.

Continuous Energy Efficiency Enhancement
Focusing on energy management, we carry out works to enhance chiller plant efficiency. We have converted air-cooled chiller plants to water-cooled chiller plants at several campus buildings and have replaced conventional air-cooled chillers by oil-free air-cooled chillers at some buildings.

Smart Operation Scheme for Fan Coil Units
By enabling the non-auto restart function of the thermostat controller, all Fan Coil Units (FCU) will not be automatically switched on every morning of working days until the room occupant arrives and manually switch on the FCUs. While it contributes to energy saving, it brings no adverse impact to routine operations.

Appropriate Setting and Facilities
We strive to integrate energy-saving considerations and apply environmental technologies in both indoor and outdoor settings. Photocell sensors and occupancy sensors are in operation, and T-5 tubes are installed, as they are more energy-efficient than T-8 fluorescent tubes with conventional ballast. Reviews have been made to remove surplus and excessive lighting along the corridors. Energy-saving LED exit signs are applied.

Air Conditioning
We seize every opportunity to optimise the air-conditioning system. We perform regular checking and cleaning of the mechanical ventilation and air conditioning (MVAC) systems to ensure optimal performance. Digitised room thermostats are installed to help monitor room temperature.

Renewable Energy Use
We see the need to explore using alternative sources of energy. We have installed high-efficiency Copper Indium Gallium Diselenide (CIGS) thin-film solar cells on the rooftop of the covered walkway on the Podium to convert solar energy into electricity. Also, solar power systems have been installed at the rooftop of Lee Shau Kee Building and on the 18/F of Li Ka Shing Tower.